(a)   Whenever a tree permit is subject to a tree replacement obligation due to the cutting or destruction of a priority tree, the village arborist shall determine what the tree replacement obligation shall be, which obligation shall be based on the type of priority tree affected and subject to the following terms.
      (1)   Priority I trees.
         A.   If the affected priority I tree has a DBH of four and one-half inches or less, the village arborist may require the applicant to relocate such tree elsewhere on the parkway serving applicant's lot, parcel or tract.
         B.   If the affected priority I tree has a DBH in excess of four and one-half inches or the village arborist determines that relocation is not desirable or feasible, the village arborist may require the applicant to pay a tree replacement fee to the village for the installation of a replacement tree on any parkway or right-of-way in the village. The village manager shall establish a reasonable tree replacement fee on an annual basis, based on the village's cost per inch of a tree with a DBH of three inches. The required tree replacement fee shall then be calculated by multiplying the DBH inches of the priority tree that is removed times the tree replacement fee established by the village manager, except that the tree replacement fee is doubled if the removed priority tree is a heritage tree that has a DBH of eight inches or more.
(Ord. No. 2005-11-3131; Ord. No. 2009-11-3244)
      (2)   Priority II and III trees.
         A.   The village arborist may require the applicant to install a replacement tree(s) at a specific location on the applicant's lot, parcel or tract; provided, however, that no replacement tree(s) shall be installed within 25 feet of any existing tree.
         B.   If the applicant's lot, parcel or tract does not have a suitable location to install a replacement tree(s), the village arborist may require the applicant to pay a tree replacement fee to the village for installation upon the parkway within the same or adjacent block as the applicant's lot, parcel or tract. The village manager shall establish a reasonable tree replacement fee on an annual basis, based on the village's cost per inch of a tree with a DBH of three inches. The required tree replacement fee shall then be calculated by multiplying the DBH inches of the priority tree that is removed times the tree replacement fee established by the village manager, except that the tree replacement fee is doubled if the removed priority tree is a heritage tree that has a DBH of eight inches or more.
(Ord. No.2005-11-3131; Ord. No. 2009-11-3244)
      (3)   Waiver. If the village arborist determines that:
         A.   There is no suitable location for installing a replacement tree(s) on the applicant's lot, parcel or tract; and
         B.   The removal of the priority tree will enhance the conditions for other trees on such lot, parcel or tract, the village arborist may waive the requirement to provide for a replacement tree(s).
   (b)   Whenever the village arborist requires an applicant to install a replacement tree on the applicant's lot, parcel or tract as a condition of a tree permit, such replacement tree shall have a caliper of no less than three inches. The village arborist may prescribe the species of replacement tree, provided that such species is one of the species authorized for installation pursuant to the village's parkway tree program. In addition, an applicant shall be required to replace any replacement tree that does not survive the second anniversary of its installation. If a heritage tree is removed and replaced with a heritage tree(s), the replacement tree(s) must measure one caliper inch for each DBH inch of the removed heritage tree. If a heritage tree is removed and replaced with a tree(s) that is not a heritage tree(s), the replacement tree must measure two caliper inches for each DBH inch of the removed heritage tree.
(Ord. No. 2000-10-2092; Ord. No. 2009-11-3244)