(a)   Application. Any person proposing an alteration to or seeking a building, demolition, sign or other permit for, any structure, building, object or site having certified status shall submit an application for and obtain a certificate of appropriateness as a precondition to commencing such alteration or to obtaining such building, demolition, sign or other permit. The application for the certificate of appropriateness shall include at least the following information and specifications:
      (1)   Applicant's name;
      (2)   Owner's name, if different from applicant;
      (3)   Street address and legal description of the site;
      (4)   An overall site plan of the site, including front, side and rear elevation drawings in the case of alteration or partial demolition;
      (5)   Brief description of the structures, buildings and objects on the site and the structures, buildings and objects on site adjacent to and across from such original site;
      (6)   Detailed description of the proposed alteration or demolition, together with any architectural drawings, sketches and photographs indicating how and to what extent such alteration or demolition shall affect a landmark or historic district;
      (7)   Names and addresses of the owners of property adjacent to and across from the site;
      (8)   A list and photographs of significant architectural features in relation to the structures, buildings or objects on the site previously identified by the commission as being worthy of protection and preservation;
      (9)   Identification of any architect or developer involved in the alteration or demolition; and
      (10)   Whatever additional materials the commission requests. Complete application forms shall be filed with the village clerk, who shall forward such application to the commission and its secretary for action.
   (b)   Notice. Within 15 days after the filing of a complete application for a certificate of appropriateness, the commission shall schedule a public hearing to consider the application. Such hearing shall be scheduled not sooner than 20 nor more than 45 days after the complete application is filed. The secretary of the commission shall cause written notice by certified or registered mail to be sent to the applicant, the legal and, if applicable, beneficial owner or owners of the site, the occupants (either by name or to "occupants" of the site or sites in question), and the owner or owners of property adjacent to or across from the site, and shall also cause notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Glencoe. Such notice shall be given not less than 15 days prior to the scheduled hearing and shall set forth the nature of such hearing, the site involved, and the date, time and place of such hearing.
   (c)   Public hearing. At the public hearing, the commission shall afford all persons present an opportunity to be heard, to express their views, and to present evidence pertaining to the proposed alteration or demolition. The secretary of the commission shall record these proceedings. The commission may adjourn or continue such hearing without further public notice. Within 30 days after the close of such hearing, the commission shall review all information presented to it and shall either approve the certificate of appropriateness, approve the certificate of appropriateness with conditions, deny the certificate of appropriateness, or, in cases involving demolition, postpone the decision to approve or deny the certificate of appropriateness.
   (d)   Approval. If the application is approved without conditions, the commission shall issue the certificate of appropriateness permitting the building official to proceed with other required reviews and approvals.
   (e)   Approval with conditions. If the application is approved with conditions, the commission shall notify the applicant in writing and shall specify the conditions to be imposed and the reasons therefore in light of the criteria applicable to this article. If the applicant notifies the commission in writing that the conditions are acceptable, or if the applicant does not appeal the approval with conditions within the prescribed period of time, the commission shall issue the certificate of appropriateness, subject to the conditions.
   (f)   Denial. If the application is denied, the commission shall notify the applicant in writing and shall specify the particulars in which the application is inconsistent with the criteria applicable to this article.
   (g)   Postponement. In cases involving demolition where the commission decides to postpone action on an application for a certificate of appropriateness, the commission shall notify the applicant in writing. The period for postponement set forth by the commission shall not extend more than 12 months beyond the close of the public hearing. During the period set forth for postponement of the requested action, the commission shall explore alternatives to demolition. Such alternatives may include consultation with private civic groups, interested private citizens, and other public boards or agencies in an effort to find a means of preserving the certified landmark or the certified structure, building, object or site located within an established historic district. If no alternative has been accepted by the applicant upon expiration of the period for postponement, the commission shall, within 15 days after such expiration date, either approve, approve with conditions or deny the certificate of appropriateness.
   (h)   Validity. A certificate of appropriateness shall be invalid if the plans approved by the commission are changed, if any conditions of the certificate are not satisfied, or if any building permit issued for the approved work becomes invalid. A certificate of appropriateness shall remain valid for a period of one year.
(Ord. No. 90-32-1841; Ord. No. 2013-10-3340)