To the extent that any tax advantages or public funds are made available to maintain or encourage historic preservation, it is the intent of this chapter that only (i) certified landmarks, (ii) certified structures, buildings, objects, or sites within an historic district, and (iii) properties within a certified historic districts for which a declaration has been signed and recorded as provided in this chapter shall be eligible for such advantages or funds. Any structures, buildings, objects, or sites previously identified under this chapter as a "designated landmark" shall no longer be deemed a landmark under this chapter, except for such designated landmarks for which a construction permit had been issued as of March 21, 2013, but only with respect to exterior alterations that the commission had previously made a favorable determination through advisory review. The village manager or the manager's designee shall cooperate with the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (or any other department or officials providing or overseeing the granting of financial benefits in furtherance of historic preservation) to effect the intent of this chapter as set forth in this section 26A-40.
(Ord. No. 2013-10-2340)