Subject to the laws of the State of Illinois, the Glencoe village code and any other ordinances and resolutions of the village, the commission shall have and may exercise the authority and duties herein described:
   (a)   To conduct a survey of structures, buildings, sites, objects and areas in the village in order to identify those with architectural, historical, archaeological or cultural significance;
   (b)   To provide information and assistance relevant to the establishment of certified landmarks and historic districts;
   (c)   To assist persons in the preparation of an application for certification of landmarks and historic districts and the alteration or demolition of the same;
   (d)   To hold public hearings, review applications, make recommendations or decisions regarding the recognition of a structure, building, object and/or site as a certified landmark of a certified historic districts, the alteration or demolition of the same, the issuance of certificates of appropriateness for such actions (including certificates of appropriateness issued based on the economic hardship criteria in Section 26A-53 of this chapter);
   (e)   To keep a register of all structures, buildings, objects, sites and areas that have been certified as a landmark or an historic district, including all information required for the approval of each landmark or district;
   (f)   To determine an appropriate design of markers for certified landmarks and historic districts;
   (g)   To develop and maintain technical information relating to preservation, rehabilitation and restoration, and to provide assistance relating to such matters to architects, contractors, tradespersons, craftspersons, property owners and others;
   (h)   To inform and educate the village residents concerning the historic and architectural heritage of the village by publishing appropriate maps, newsletters, brochures and pamphlets, and by holding programs and seminars;
   (i)   To review, upon request of the board of trustees, the zoning board of appeals, the zoning commission or the plan commission, proposed zoning amendments, applications for special use permits, applications for zoning variations or applications for appearance review that affect proposed or actual certified landmarks and certified historic districts;
   (j)   To request technical advice and assistance from village staff members, and to retain specialists or consultants when expressly authorized by the board of trustees;
   (k)   To seek certified local government status for the village pursuant to the United States Department of Interior's standards so as to take advantage of financial and other assistance which may become available through that Department and other sources;
   (l)   To seek certification of the village's historic preservation ordinance with the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency and the United States Department of the Interior so as to qualify structures, buildings, objects or sites certified as landmarks pursuant to this chapter as an "historic building" under the Revenue Act, 35 ILCS 200/10-40 et seq. or as a "certified historic structure" under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, 26 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq. or under other legislation subsequently passed into law by the State of Illinois or the United States;
   (m)   To submit an annual written report to the board of trustees; and
   (n)   To perform such other functions as directed by the board of trustees, including, without limitation, regulatory, acquisitive, informational and incentive-oriented functions.
(Ord. No. 90-32-1841; Ord. No. 2013-10-3340)