(a)   Whenever any nuisance shall be found within the village contrary to the provisions of this code or any other ordinance of the village, the village manager is hereby authorized and directed to cause the same to be summarily abated, in such manner as he or she may direct. The costs and expenses of such abatement shall be charged against the owner of the property in questions; shall, where provided by state law or this code, be made in lien upon the property in question; shall be collected by suit or other appropriate procedure; and shall be in addition to any fine or penalty.
   (b)   The owner of the property in question or other person responsible for causing, permitting or maintaining any nuisance defined in § 24-38 of this code (other than building operation noise offenses) shall, upon conviction therefor, be subject to a fine as set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule for each such violation and for each day each such violation exists; provided, however, that the minimum fine hereinabove specified for any of the foregoing violations shall be increased as set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule for each violation of which any such person is convicted after the first violation in each calendar year.
(Ord. No. 99-11-2076; Ord. No. 2014-05-3357)
   (c)   The owner of the property in question or other person responsible for causing, permitting or maintaining any building operation noise offense as defined in § 24-38 of this code shall, upon conviction therefor, be subject to a fine as set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule for each such violation. Upon the occurrence of two or more such building operation noise violations at the same property within any one-year period, the village may notify the owner of the property that any further violations shall result in a suspension of work on such property; whereupon any further violation after such notice shall be subject to, as an alternative or additional remedy, issuance of a stop work order to the violator and the owner of the property in question, which stop work order shall remain in effect as to any building activity on such property for a period of two business days or until the noise has been abated to the satisfaction of the village, whichever shall occur later.
(Ord. No. 99-11-2076; Ord. No. 2016-04-3394)