The provisions of the International Fire Code, 2015 Edition, International Code Council, Inc. (“Fire Code”), are hereby adopted, subject to the additions, deletions and modifications hereinafter set forth. The additions, deletions and/or modifications to the Fire Code as applicable in the village are as follows:
Fire Code Section
Addition, Deletion, Modification
Fire Code Section
Addition, Deletion, Modification
Wherever the phrase “[name of jurisdiction]” or the word “jurisdiction” appears, they shall be deemed to refer to the Village of Glencoe, Illinois.
Wherever the phrase “fire code official” appears, it shall be deemed to refer to the village’s Director of Public Safety or his or her duly designated representative.
Add the following new Section 102.13:
102.13 Responsibility. Whenever in this code a duty or obligation is imposed upon the owner, occupant, or other responsible person, such duty or obligation shall be deemed to be separately imposed on each of those persons; however, the full satisfaction of the duty or obligation by any one of the persons shall be deemed to satisfy the same duty or obligation imposed on each of the others.
Add the following at the end of Section 104.9:
The Director of Public Safety and the Director of Public Works shall act as a committee to determine, specify, and issue, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, the regulations applicable under this code to any new materials, processes, or occupancies which may involve fire or other hazards to the public safety, in addition to those materials, processes, and occupancies that are already covered by this code.
Add the following new Section Fees. No permit fee shall be required provided that an applicant has obtained all permits and licenses otherwise applicable to the applicant and required by the Village and has paid in full the fees and charges applicable thereto.
Substitute the following for the second sentence of Section 105.3:
Such permission shall be deemed to be conditioned upon full and strict compliance with this code and with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, or codes of the Village or of any other governmental authority with jurisdiction. The Director of Public Safety may subject such permission to such other reasonable conditions as he or she may in his or her discretion prescribe, in order to further the health, safety, and welfare of the Village, its residents, and the general public. Such conditions shall not be construed as authority to violate, cancel, or set aside any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance, regulation, or code of the Village.
Substitute the following sections for the entirety of Section 108:
108.1 Request to appeal. Any person affected by any determination of the Director of Public Safety shall have the right to appeal of that determination. A request to appeal, in writing and stating the grounds upon which the appeal is based, must be filed with the Village Clerk not more than ten days after the person has received notice of the adverse determination by the Director of Public Safety, or the right to appeal shall be deemed to have been waived.
108.2 Hearing. The appeal shall be heard de novo and in open session by the Village Board or by a hearing officer designated by the Village Board. Such hearing shall be commenced within ten days after the filing of a request to appeal, provided that both the appellant and Director of Public Safety shall have received notice thereof at least 48 hours before such hearing commences. Both the appellant and the Director of Public Safety shall be entitled to present evidence relating to the appeal. If the appeal is heard by a hearing officer, the hearing officer shall submit recommended findings to the Board.
108.3 Decision. The Board, after reviewing the evidence, shall issue written findings along with its decision. If the appeal was heard by a hearing officer, the Board may adopt the hearing officer’s findings or make its own findings. The Board may modify or reverse the determination of the Director of Public Safety only if a quorum exists and only by a majority vote of the members present. The decision and findings of the Board shall be recorded in the form of a resolution, certified copies of which shall be furnished to the appellant and the Director of Public Safety. Both the appellant and the Director of Public Safety shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the Board.
Delete and substitute the following new Section 109.3.1:
109.3.1 Service of notices and orders. Any written notice of violation or order issued pursuant to this code shall be served upon the owner or the owner’s duly authorized agent, the occupant, or such other person responsible for the conditions in violation. Such notice or order shall be served either by delivering a copy of same to such person or persons by ordinary mail to the last known post office address, by delivering it in person, or by leaving it in the possession of any person in charge of the premises, or in case such person is not found upon the premises, by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place at the entrance door or avenue of access; and such procedure shall be deemed the equivalent of personal notice.
Substitute the following sentence for the first sentence in Section 109.3.3:
If the notice of violation or order is not complied with within the time specified, the Director of Public Safety shall request the Village Attorney to institute and prosecute any and all appropriate legal proceedings to restrain, correct, or abate such violation or such dangerous or hazardous conditions, to require or effect removal of dangerous or hazardous materials, to prevent or discontinue the unlawful use of the building or structure, or to otherwise enforce the provisions of this code or of any order or notice issued pursuant hereto, all in the manner provided by law.
Substitute the following for Section 109.4:
109.4 Penalty for violations. Any person who shall violate a provision of this Code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, construct, alter, or repair a building or structure in violation of an approved plan or directive of the Director of Public Safety, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this Code, shall be subject to a civil fine as set forth in the village’s Comprehensive Fee and Fine Schedule; provided, however, that the Director of Public Safety or the Director’s designee may elect to prosecute any such violation as a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $750, or by imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or both fine and imprisonment for each provision of this code violated; provided further that any such misdemeanor shall be punishable solely by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $750 with respect to any violation as to which service of summons is made by certified mail, return receipt requested, pursuant to Section 1-2-9.1 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/1-2-9.1. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. Notwithstanding any provision in this Code to the contrary, wherever any statute or public act of the General Assembly shall limit the amount of any fine or penalty, the fine or penalty imposed by this Code shall be maximum amount permitted by such statute or public act.
Substitute the following for Section 109.4.1:
109.4.1 Nuisance. Any act, conduct, condition, material, structure, or premises in violation of this code is hereby declared a public nuisance and may be abated in the manner provided by law.
Substitute the following definition for “Lot” in Section 202.0:
LOT. “Lot” shall have the same definition as provided by Subsection 8-302L of the Village of Glencoe Zoning Code, or any succeeding provision.
Add the following sentence at the end of Section 307.1.1:
Open burning shall at all times comply with Chapter 21, Article III, Division 1 of the Glencoe Village Code.
Substitute the following for Section 307.2:
307.2 Permit required. No person shall prepare, set, ignite, maintain, counsel, advise, order, or assist in the preparation, setting, ignition, or maintenance of any open fire without first having obtained a permit from the Director of Public Safety. Permits for open burning shall be issued only for the following purposes:
1.   Open burning of diseased trees as required by law;
2.   Open burning in conjunction with holiday or festive celebrations and other special occasions (hereinafter “a bonfire”);
3.   Open burning authorized by the Director of Public Safety for governmental purposes (including fire training);
4.   Open burning for recognized silvicultural or range or wildlife management practices;
5.   Open burning for the prevention or control of disease or pests; or
6.   Open burning for the warmth of outside workers.
Substitute the following for Section 307.2.1:
307.2.1 Permit exceptions. No permit shall be required for open fires that are constantly tended and used solely for the purpose of outdoor cooking, for highway safety flares, or for burning authorized by the EPA as provided in Section 403.4.2 below.
Add the following new Section 307.2.2:
307.2.2 Application for permit. Applications for a permit for open burning shall be submitted in writing at least ten days before the fire is proposed to be set and shall be in such form and contain such information as is required by the Director of Public Safety. Such application shall contain, at a minimum, information regarding the purpose of the proposed burning, the composition and quantity of the material to be burned, the date and time when such burning will take place, the duration of the burning, and the specific location of the burning site.
Add the following new Section 307.2.3:
307.2.3 Prohibited open burning. Any open burning that causes injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any person, or endangers the health, comfort, repose, safety, or welfare of the general public, or that causes or tends to cause injury or damage to property or business, is prohibited and is deemed to be hazardous, notwithstanding that any atmospheric conditions or local circumstances have contributed to such result. The Director of Public Safety shall order the extinguishment by the permit holder or by the Department of Public Safety of any open burning which is in violation of this section or which creates or adds to hazardous situation.
Add the following new Section 307.4.4:
307.4.4 Public safety officer. Bonfires or recreational fires shall be inspected and supervised by a member of the Department of Public Safety immediately prior to ignition and immediately following extinguishment. The member of the Department of Public Safety shall at all such times be in uniform and on-duty, and shall be a part of a special detail assigned to perform such services. The permit holder shall pay to the Village the actual costs of providing such services by the member of the Department of Public Safety.
Add the following new Section 308.1.9:
308.1.9 Candles. No person shall use or allow to be used any open flame or burning candle in connection with any public meeting or gathering for purposes of deliberation, entertainment, amusement, instruction, education, recreation, awaiting transportation or similar purpose in a place of public assembly or education such as a school, restaurant, eating establishment, cocktail lounge or bar, without first obtaining a permit from the Director of Public Safety; provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply to religious rites, services, or other religious practices within a church, temple, or other building or structure devoted primarily to religious worship.
Substitute the following for Section 310.2:
310.2 Prohibited areas. No person shall smoke or use any spark, flame or fire-producing device in any of the following areas:
1.   In any retail store where there are sold or stored dried goods, clothing, floor coverings, curtains, cloth or fabrics, upholstery or drapery material, bedding, paper or paper products, pyroxylin plastics, paints, oils, or any other similarly flammable material or products, or any place where such materials or products are stored or handled in connection with the sale or delivery of such items;
2.   In any place where moving picture films are processed, sold, used, or stored;
3.   In any public garage or any stable;
4.   In any place where volatile or flammable liquids are stored or handled, or hazardous processes exist;
5.   In any building or premises used for public assembly where the conditions and the use of the building or premises are such that, in the opinion of the Director of Public Safety, smoking would constitute a hazard to the life or property;
6.   In any theater, church, school, auditorium, or gymnasium;
7.   In any elevator used by the public;
8.   In any other location and/or at such time as smoking is prohibited by this code.
If the Director of Public Safety shall determine in his or her discretion that, based on the conditions and use of a portion of the premises or an adjacent room, smoking will not be dangerous or hazardous to life or property, the Director of Public Safety may, pursuant to a written order issued to the owner, occupant, or other person responsible for the premises, authorize such portion or room to be designated as a smoking area; provided that such designation may be limited by any reasonable conditions established by the Director of Public Safety for the purpose of protecting life, health, and property.
Add the following new Section 310.2.1:
310.2.1 Other prohibited areas. No person shall smoke or use any spark, flame, or fire-producing device while on a bed in any hotel, motel, dormitory, rooming house, lodging house, hospital, convalescent home, nursing home, or similar institutional residential use.
Add the following new Section 314.5:
314.5 Flammable apparel and toys. No person shall manufacture, give away, offer for sale, or sell within the Village any wearing apparel or any toy which is of a material that may be hazardous to any person wearing, using, or playing with such item by reason of the item’s high combustibility or flash-fire characteristics, or the tendency of such item to flame up when exposed to fire, flame, or heat. Any person knowing of the existence of any such merchandise within the Village shall immediately report the same to the Director of Public Safety.
Add the following to the end of Section 315.1:
All combustible rubbish, greasy, oily or paint-soaked rags, and other combustible materials of like character shall be stored in approved, self-closing metal containers having metal legs at least three inches high and securely braced. Such containers shall be kept safely clear of all combustible surroundings and their contents shall be removed daily. Oily or greasy clothing shall be stored only in such approved containers or in non-combustible and well ventilated closets.
Add the following new Section 315.2.5:
315.2.5 Storage approval. Approval shall be required for storage located in any structure or on any premises of more than 1,500 cubic feet gross volume of combustible empty packing cases, boxes, barrels, or similar containers or rubber tires, baled cotton, rubber, cork, or other similarly combustible materials.
Substitute the following for Section 315.3:
315.3 Inside storage. Storage in buildings and structures shall be neat, orderly, and compact, and shall not be less than 18" from any ceiling nor less than 12" from any sprinkler head if such area is equipped with automatic sprinklers. Storage shall be located so as to avoid obstructing egress from the building, blocking aisles, or substantially reducing the effectiveness of any fire protection system. When stock is dispensed directly from a shipping container and combustible material is used as protective packing, such packing material shall be removed immediately upon opening the container and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this code, or such container shall be kept closed at all times except when removing stock therefrom.
Add the following new Section 315.7:
315.7 Christmas trees. Christmas trees stored or displayed for sale shall be kept outside of buildings and at a distance of at least ten feet from any building; provided, however, that such trees may be stored closer than ten feet from a blank masonry wall of a building if permission is obtained from the owner of such wall. No Christmas trees may be stored or displayed within 35 feet of any gasoline pump. All Christmas trees shall be removed from the premises not later than December 31 of each year. For purposes of this section, “Christmas trees” shall refer to natural trees and combustible artificial trees.
Add the following new Section 612:
612.1 General. Fire and smoke dampers shall comply with the International Building Code. Where any building or structure contains fire or smoke dampers, the owner or his or her representative must provide the village’s Public Safety Department with drawings indicating the location of all dampers, and a listing of the manufacturer, model, and fusible link type and temperature for each damper.
Add the following sentence to the end of Section 903.2.
A fire hydrant must be located within 100 feet of the Fire Department connection, and Fire Department standpipe valves shall not be spaced greater than 120 feet apart.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. The fire area exceeds zero square feet.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. The fire area exceeds zero square feet.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. The fire area exceeds zero square feet.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. The fire area exceeds zero square feet.
Delete phrase “in excess of 1,000 square feet” and replace with phrase “in excess of zero square feet in area”.
In Paragraph 1, delete phrase “greater than 12,000 square feet (1115m2) in area” and replace with phrase “greater than zero square feet in area”.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. A Group F-l fire area exceeds 0 square feet.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 3:
3. The combined area of all Group F-l fire areas on all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds 0 square feet.
Delete phrase “in excess of 2,500 square feet in area (232m2)” and replace with phrase “in excess of zero square feet in area”.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. A Group M fire area exceeds zero square feet.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 3:
3. The combined area of all Group M fire areas on all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds zero square feet.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. A Group S-l fire area exceeds zero square feet.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 3:
3. The combined area of all Group S-l fire areas on all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds zero square feet (2230m2).
In paragraph 1, delete the phrase “exceeding 10,000 square feet (929m2)” and replace with phrase “exceeding zero square feet”.
In paragraph 2, delete the phrase “exceeding 12,000 square feet (1115m2)” and replace with phrase “exceeding zero square feet”.
In paragraph 4, delete the phrase “where the fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464m2)” and replace with phrase “where the fire area exceeds zero square feet”.
Substitute the following for Section 903.2.9.2:
903.2.9.2 Bulk storage of tires. Buildings and structures used for the storage of tires shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
Substitute the following for Paragraph 1:
1. Where the fire area of the enclosed parking garage exceeds zero square feet; or
Delete the phrase “where the fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464m2).”
Add the following new Section 903.2.13:
903.2.13 Automatic sprinkler systems. Every bowling establishment shall be equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system as defined by Section 902.1 in every room in which a bowling lane is located.
Add the following new Section 903.2.14:
903.2.14 Knox box and external fire alarm strobe light required. Any commercial or residential building that has an automatic sprinkler system must have a knox box for rapid entry and an external fire alarm strobe light.
Substitute the following for Section 907.6.4:
907.6.4 Addressable fire alarm control panels required. In addition to the requirements of NFPA 72, all newly-installed fire alarm control panels must be addressable panels that are not zoned, and any existing fire alarm control panels must be updated to addressable panels that are not zoned no later than the earliest to occur of the following events: (1) the performance of any work on the alarm system, (2) a change in the occupancy or tenancy of the premises, or (3) a change in use group of the premises.
Substitute the following for Section 907.6.6:
907.6.6 Monitoring. All fire alarms must be monitored by a UL-listed central station and a copy of the UL listing must be kept on file with the Department of Public Safety and must be submitted annually with the annual fire alarm inspection report.
Substitute the following for Section 5601.1.3:
5601.1.3 Fireworks prohibited. Except for a supervised public display of fireworks conducted in strict compliance with the provisions of this Article 33, no person shall manufacture, purchase, sell, offer for purchase or sale, loan, give away, deliver, store, possess, use, display, fire, discharge, or set off within the Village any fireworks, or any other article or substance of any explosive nature designed or intended to be used as fireworks.
Add the following new Section 5601.1.6:
5601.1.6 Overriding prohibition. No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale, loan, give away, deliver, store, possess, use, display, fire, discharge, or set off within the Village any explosives or blasting agents; except that this prohibition shall not apply to: (a) loaded shells for small arms, (b) the hand loading of small arms ammunition for personal use but not for sale, transportation, or giving away to any user or consumer, or (c) blasting operations conducted pursuant to a permit issued under this article.
Add the following new Section 5601.1.7:
5601.1.7 Additional regulations. The Director of Public Safety may, in his or her discretion, promulgate additional regulations to assure that the intent of this Article 33 is observed or to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the Village, its residents, and the general public.
Add the following sentence at the end of Section 5601.2.4.2:
Where the permittee is a governmental entity, the Director of Public Safety shall waive the bond required by this section.
Add the following defined term to Section 5602.1 in correct alphabetical order:
5601.1.3 Supervised public display of fireworks. 
(a)   A supervised public display of fireworks shall mean an exhibition consisting of the firing, igniting, or discharging of any fireworks, conducted for the benefit of one or more persons, which complies with the following:
   (i)   the exhibition is sponsored and funded solely by a governmental entity or a private not-for-profit or other corporation authorized to do business in the State of Illinois, and
   (ii)   the exhibition is supervised as provided in this Section, and
   (iii)   all aspects of the exhibition, including the site, have been approved.
(b)   Supervised shall mean that the public display of fireworks is inspected by a member of the Department of Public Safety immediately prior to ignition and immediately following the conclusion of the exhibition, that the exhibition and ignition are attended at all times by a member of the Department of Public Safety, and that the entity holding the permit has agreed to pay to the Village the actual costs of providing such services by the member of the Department of Public Safety. The member of the Department of Public Safety shall at all such times be in uniform and on duty and shall be a part of a special detail assigned to perform such services.
Substitute the following for Section 5608.1:
5608.1 General. No person shall manufacture, purchase, sell, offer to purchase or for sale, loan, give away, deliver, store, possess, use, display, fire, discharge or set off any fireworks except in full compliance with this code, the rules and regulations for the granting of permits and the terms and conditions of the permit issued for the supervised public display of fireworks.
Substitute the following for Section 5608.2:
5608.2 Permit for supervised public displays. No person shall conduct, prepare, assist, order, maintain, or participate in a supervised public display of fireworks without first having obtained a permit from the Director of Public Safety. The Director of Public Safety may issue rules and regulations for the granting of such permits, including a limitation on the number of permits to be granted in one year, and may impose terms or conditions on any permit as the Director of Public Safety may, in his or her discretion, deem necessary to protect property or to further the health, safety, or welfare of the Village, its residents, or any other person.
Add the following new Section 5608.3.1:
5608.3.1 Competent operator. Every supervised public display of fireworks shall be conducted and managed by an approved, competent operator whose qualifications and competence shall first be examined and approved by the Director of Public Safety. Such approved competent operator shall be present at the site during the public display of fireworks, and shall oversee the delivery, setup, ignition, display, cleanup, and disposal of all fireworks.
Add the following new Section 5701.1.1:
5701.1.1 Storage limitation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, the total aggregate capacity of tanks for the storage of Class I and Class II flammable liquids on any lot shall not exceed 10,000 gallons.
Substitute the following for Section 5704.2.9:
5704.2.9 Aboveground tanks. No person shall install on any single lot any aboveground storage tanks with a total aggregate capacity of more than 55 gallons with respect to all Class I and Class II flammable liquids, or more than 550 gallons with respect to all Class III flammable liquids, except as specifically permitted in Article 38 of this code.
Add the following at the end of Section 5704.2.11:
No person shall store more than 275 gallons of any Class I flammable liquid under any building.
Add the following paragraph at the end of Section 5704.3.3:
5704.3.3 Storage in buildings. If any Class I, Class II, or Class III flammable or combustible liquid is stored in a building, such storage shall be in a room or space with good ventilation and, except for paints, oils, varnishes, or similar mixtures stored for painting, maintenance, or similar purposes with respect to such premises, such liquids shall not be stored in any cellar, stairwell, basement, pit, or similar location. No person shall store more than five gallons of any Class I or Class II flammable liquid, except that which is in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, in or less than fifty feet from any residential building. Any building used for the storage of more than five gallons of a Class I or Class II flammable liquid shall be secured by an approved lock except when the liquid is being transferred to or from storage therein.
Add the following new Section 6101.1.1:
6101.1.1 Limitation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article 38, storage of liquefied petroleum gas shall be permitted only on a lot used for a residential occupancy, and shall be limited to not more than 1,000 U.S. gallons on a single lot.
Substitute the following for the first sentence in Section 6101.2:
No person shall install or locate a tank or container for the storage of liquid petroleum gas on any lot until a permit for such installation has been obtained from the Director of Public Safety and the Director of Public Works.
Delete Table 6104.3 and add the following new Section 6104.3:
6104.3 Container location. No person shall install a tank or container for liquefied petroleum gas with any part of such tank or container below the surface of the ground, or in a location less than 12½ feet from any lot line or less than 25 feet from any building. Where more than one tank or container for liquefied petroleum gas is located on any lot, there shall be a space of at least 3 feet between such tanks or containers. Where storage tanks or containers will be or are located in areas deemed by the Director of Public Safety to be heavily populated or congested, the siting provisions of this section may be modified by the Director of Public Safety pursuant to the fire safety analysis described in Section 3912 of NFiPA 58, listed in Appendix A.
Delete Section 6104.4.
Add the following new Section 6107.5:
6107.5 Foundations. In addition to any other requirement of this Article 36, tanks or containers for liquefied petroleum gas shall be installed on substantial foundations which shall provide, at a minimum, as follows:
(a)   Two or more Portland cement concrete footings at least 1 foot wide by 2 feet in depth and extending at least 6 inches beyond the ends of the saddle rests.
(b)   A gravel base of the same dimensions as set forth in (a) above may be used if the tank rests on a solid Portland cement concrete block of the same area 4 inches in thickness covering the entire area of such gravel base.
(c)   Use of hollow concrete blocks for support of such containers is prohibited.
Add the following new Section 6107.6:
6107.6 Protection of piping. In addition to all the other requirements of this Article 38, all piping or tubing connecting a storage container or tank for liquefied petroleum gas shall be protected against disturbance or damage as required by the Director of Public Safety in his or her discretion. If buried, such piping or tubing shall be placed at least 1 foot below the surface of the ground, or at a greater depth if deemed necessary by the Director of Public Safety.
Appendix B
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix C
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix D
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix F
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix H
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix I
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix J
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix K
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix L
Adopted by Reference.
Appendix M
Adopted by Reference.
(Ord. No. 2011-16-3297; Ord. No. 2014-05-3357; Ord. No. 2016-04-3394; Ord. No. 2017-6-3414)