These regulations are adopted for the following purposes:
A. To preserve, protect and provide for the public health, safety, and general welfare of the village (see subsections 11-3-4E1g; 11-3-6C and D3; 11-4-3A; 11-4-5A; 11-5-1F; and 11-5-4B1 and B6 of this title).
B. To guide the future growth and development of the village in accordance with the comprehensive plan (see subsections 11-3-4E2 and G; 11-3-5E; 11-5-1A1c, B3 and B7; 11-5-3A2b and A4; 11-5-9E1, F, G and H; and 11-5-12A of this title).
C. To provide for adequate light, air, and privacy, to secure safety from fire, flood, and other danger, and to prevent overcrowding of the land and undue concentration of population (see subsections 11-4-6B; 11-5-1B4, B6 and F; 11-5-3A12 and B1; 11-5-4A, B5 and B6; and 11-5-5A1 of this title).
D. To encourage the orderly and beneficial development of the village through appropriate growth management techniques assuring the timing and sequencing of development (see subsections 11-3-7C; 11-5-1B9; 11-5-3A; and 11-5-9B and H4 of this title).
E. To promote infill development in existing neighborhoods and nonresidential areas with adequate public facilities (see subsection 11-5-1B of this title).
F. To assure proper urban form and open space separation of urban areas, to protect environmentally critical areas and areas premature for urban development (see subsections 11-3-4J and section 11-5-11 of this title).
G. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the village and the value of buildings and improvements upon the land, and to minimize the conflicts among the uses of land and buildings (see subsections 11-5-9F and G of this title).
H. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, wastewater disposal, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities (see subsections 11-3-4E1b and G; 11-5-1A1c and B; 11-5-3A; and sections 11-5-5; 11-5-6; and 11-5-9 of this title).
I. To provide the most beneficial relationship between the uses of land and buildings and the circulation of traffic throughout the village, having particular regard to the avoidance of congestion in the streets and highways and pedestrian traffic movements appropriate to the various uses of land and buildings, and to provide for the proper location and width of streets and building lines (see subsections 11-1-5A; 11-5-1A1c; 11-5-2D2; 11-5-3A, B and C; and section 11-5-7 of this title).
J. To establish reasonable standards of design and procedures for subdivisions and resubdivisions in order to further the orderly layout and use of land, and to ensure proper legal descriptions and monumenting of subdivided land (see sections 11-1-5A and B; 11-3-1; 11-3-4A; 11-3-5A, B3 and D; 11-4-2; 11-5-1E; and 11-5-12A of this title).
K. To ensure that public facilities are available concurrent with development, the facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision, and that the village will be required to bear no more than its fair share of the cost of providing the facilities. The subdivider may be required to pay fees, furnish land, or establish mitigation measures to ensure that the development provides its fair share of capital facilities needs generated by the development (see sections 11-3-7A2; 11-5-1B; 11-5-2F; 11-5-3A1b and C; 11-5-4C; 11-5-9; and 11-5-10C of this title).
L. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds; to assure the adequacy of drainage facilities; to safeguard the water table; and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the village in order to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land (see subsections 11-3-4B; 11-5-1B6 and B9; 11-5-2E2 and G; 11-5-3A5d and B4; and section 11-5-4 of this title).
M. To preserve the natural beauty and topography of the village and to ensure appropriate development with regard to these natural features (see subsections 11-3-4B8; 11-5-1F; 11-5-2A and E2; 11-5-3A5 and B3; and 11-5-9F4 and F5 of this title).
N. To provide for open spaces through the most efficient design and layout of the land, including the use of average density in providing for minimum width and area of lots, while preserving the density of development as established in the village's comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance (see subsections 11-1-5A; 11-3-1D; 11-3-4J; and sections 11-5-9; and 11-5-11 of this title).