A. Required; Exemption: Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of each street throughout the entire subdivision. Sidewalks are not required for industrial subdivisions.
B. Sidewalk Modification Procedure: A petitioner may submit an alternate sidewalk plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the request for sidewalk modification, and submit its recommendation to the Village Board along with transmittal of the preliminary plat. Modifications from the sidewalk requirement may be granted in the following cases:
1. Where tracts of land are created having at least three hundred feet (300') of frontage which could be resubdivided into smaller lots at a future time.
2. Where the subdivision designer has submitted for review a proposed sidewalk plan that provides for more direct and safer movement of pedestrian traffic.
C. Sidewalk Construction Standards:
1. Sidewalk Locations:
a. The subdivider/developer shall be required, at no cost to the Village, to construct sidewalks along two (2) sides of every new or improved street.
b. No variation from this requirement shall be granted unless the Village Board of Trustees, having considered an advisory report from the Planning and Zoning Commission, determines that in the area in question, topographical conditions make the installation of sidewalks impractical.
2. Construction Requirements: Every sidewalk shall be constructed of brush finished concrete in accordance with the following requirements:
a. Every sidewalk shall be constructed to generally parallel the street and be placed to a thickness of at least four inches (4"), provided, however, that any sidewalk located across a point of ingress or egress for vehicles shall be placed to a thickness of at least six inches (6").
b. Control joints shall be grooved or saw cut to a depth of one- fourth (1/4) the thickness of sidewalk provided so that no individual slab shall be longer than six feet (6') nor less than four feet (4') on any one side.
c. Expansion joints of three-fourths inch (3/4") premolded joint filler shall be placed at the edge of driveway crossings, at both ends of the sidewalk, at the back of the curb when the sidewalk abuts. At intervals of not more than one hundred feet (100'), expansion joints of one-half inch (1/2") premolded joint filler shall be placed adjacent to all structures.
d. No sidewalk shall be constructed at a grade steeper than allowed by the Americans with disabilities act adopted by the U.S. department of justice, current edition.
e. The cross slope shall not exceed one and one-half percent (1.5%).
f. Curbs shall be cut and sidewalks ramped at all intersections and driveways so as to enhance the mobility of handicapped individuals and comply with the Americans with disabilities act.
g. All ramps at intersections and other hazardous vehicularways shall have a detectable warning texture per the Americans with disabilities act.
h. When a sidewalk intersects with the top of a storm sewer inlet cover, the inlet cover dimension perpendicular to the street shall be increased so that the edge of the cover which is parallel to and furthest away from the street, thereby incorporating the inlet cover into the sidewalk per the Americans with disabilities act. This provision shall not be required if the area between the sidewalk and curb is wide enough to allow an inlet cover independent of the sidewalk.
i. No trees, shrubs or bushes shall be planted between the sidewalk and the curb unless the sidewalk is ten feet (10') back of the curb. Decorative landscaping using plants and flowers in proximity to mailboxes is acceptable.
j. In residential areas, sidewalks shall be a minimum of five feet (5') in width.
k. The sidewalks preferred location is seven feet (7') behind the back of curb along streets and around the radii of cul-de-sacs and curves.
3. Delay Of Sidewalk Construction:
a. Because driveways in a new residential subdivision cannot be effectively located until lots are sold and developed thereby inhibiting the initial installation of sidewalks throughout the development, the subdivider/developer may require that individual owners install sidewalks in accordance with these provisions at the same time that the owners' driveway is constructed. No final building inspection will be considered complete until sidewalks and/or driveways are constructed and approved, and permit fee paid.
b. Failure of the owner to install sidewalks shall not release the subdivider/developer from the ultimate responsibility for installation of the sidewalks. All sidewalks must be completed by the subdivider/developer (if not installed at the time of street construction) within two (2) years of the final plat approval. Sufficient funds shall be retained from the developer to cover the cost of sidewalk construction when not completed with other subdivision improvements.
4. Commercial Sidewalks: In commercial and other nonresidential areas, sidewalks shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in width and additional widths may be required based on anticipated use. Sidewalks shall be located as far as practical from the traffic lanes, usually abutting the right of way line.
D. Sidewalk ADA Accessibility Requirements: Sidewalks along the accessible route shall be constructed in accordance with the Illinois department of transportation bureau of local roads and street section 31-2.02 and the public rights of way accessibility guidelines (PRWAG). Where practical, these standards should also be used for other sidewalks built as part of the project which are not on the accessible route in order to provide for future changes in accessible routes. Special attention is directed toward the following items:
1. Width: The normal width of sidewalk constructed as part of a roadway project is five feet (5') with a buffer area between the curb and sidewalk. If no buffer area is provided, the sidewalk shall be six feet (6') wide to accommodate any appurtenances that may be included in the sidewalk. However, because of restrictions such as poles, right of way, etc., this width at times may be reduced; but the minimum unrestricted width at any point along the accessible route shall be four feet (4'), exclusive of the width of the curb. If a sidewalk width less than five feet (5') is used for some distances, passing spaces of at least five feet by five feet (5' x 5') shall be provided at reasonable intervals not to exceed two hundred feet (200').
2. Longitudinal Slope: The longitudinal slope of the sidewalk on an accessible route that is within a street or highway right-of- way shall not exceed the general grade established for the adjacent street or highway. Where the accessible route is not contained within a street or highway right-of-way, the grade shall not exceed 5.00 percent. Any sidewalk on an accessible route that is not within a street or highway right-of-way with slopes greater than 5.00 percent shall be considered a ramp and shall be designed as a ramp. A sidewalk complying with these ramp standards shall have a maximum slope of 8.33 percent with a maximum rise for any sidewalk of thirty inches (30").
3. Cross Slope: The perpendicular slope of the sidewalk on an accessible route shall be less than or equal to 2.00 percent. Where driveways or alleys intersect with sidewalks, the design priority shall be given to the sidewalk and not the driveway or alley. This may also require ramping the sidewalk down to the driveway. Such ramps shall be less than or equal to 8.33 percent longitudinal slope.
4. Protruding Objects: Objects such as signs shall not protrude more than four inches (4") into the walking area when the headroom below the object is less than eighty four inches (84"). At no time may these protruding objects reduce the clear width of the accessible route below forty eight inches (48").
5. Drainage Structures: Drainage structures such as manholes or inlet grates should not normally be placed within the walking area on an accessible route. However, at times, ground topography is such that it is unavoidable. When drainage structures must be placed in the walking area, they shall have spaces no greater than one-half inch (1/2") in one direction. If the grating has an elongated opening, it shall be placed so that the long dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel. (Ord. 2015-18, 4-28-2015)