A.   General Requirements:
      1.   An adequate supply of potable water shall be provided to every platted lot in accordance with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency regulations. If a public water main is not accessible, the developer shall take necessary action to extend water mains for the purpose of providing a water supply system capable of providing for domestic water use and fire protection. (Ord. 2015-18, 4-28-2015)
      2.   When a public water main is accessible, the developer shall install adequate water facilities (including fire hydrants) subject to the specifications of the Public Works Director or designee. All water mains shall be at least eight inches (8") in diameter. In certain instances, the Public Works Director or designee may require water mains to exceed eight inches (8") in diameter. In these cases, the Village will pay no cost for water mains up to twelve inches (12") in size. Should a water main larger than twelve inches (12") be required, the difference in material cost only will be paid for by the Village. The difference in material costs between an eight inch (8") main and the size required by the Public Works Director or designee will be paid for by the Village.
      3.   Water main extensions shall be approved by the Public Works Director or designee. (Ord. 2015-18, 4-28-2015; amd. Ord. 2018-07, 4-24-2018)
      4.   The location of all fire hydrants and all water supply improvements shall be shown on the preliminary plat, and the cost of installing same shall be borne by the developer and included in the subdivision improvement agreement and security to be furnished by the developer.
   B.   Design Standards:
      1.   Water Plans: All water plans must be in conformance with "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois" (latest edition) (referenced as standard specifications, hereafter). If there is a conflict between the specifications and these regulations, the more stringent provision shall apply. (Ord. 2015-18, 4-28-2015)
      2.   Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants shall be required for all subdivisions. Fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with section 45 of the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois", latest edition. Fire hydrants shall be located no more than one thousand feet (1,000') apart, within four hundred feet (400') of every lot, and shall be approved by the Public Works Director or designee and the Chief of the Fire Protection District in accordance with the State Fire Marshal's standards. To eliminate future street openings, all underground utilities for fire hydrants, together with the fire hydrants themselves, and all other supply improvements shall be installed before any final paving of a street shown on the subdivision plat. (Ord. 2015-18, 4-28-2015; amd. Ord. 2018-07, 4-24-2018)
      3.   Water Main Pipe: Water main pipe shall be SDR21PVC or Class 350 ductile iron bell and spigot joints conforming to ASTM D3139 except at hydrants and fittings.
      4.   Tapping Sleeves: Tapping sleeves shall be one of the following: Mueller style H-615 for cast iron pipe or ductile iron pipe; Mueller style H-612, ROMAC style SST or Ford style FAST for PVC pipe. All tapping sleeves shall include either a ductile iron or stainless steel retaining flange.
      5.   Tapping Valves: Tapping valves shall be flanged by mechanical joint outlets with resilient seat wedge shutoff design. The retainer gland on the mechanical joint outlet shall be a megalug series 2000PV.
      6.   Granular Base Required: Select granular back (CA-6) crushed stone shall be installed for the full depth over all water mains that cross area to be paved.
      7.   Crossings Of Water Mains: Crossings of water mains shall be constructed in accordance with section 41-2.01 of the standard specifications.
      8.   Thrust Blocking: Thrust blocking shall be constructed in accordance with section 41-2.09 of the standard specifications.
      9.   Disinfection: Chlorine shall be used for disinfection in accordance with the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction in Illinois.
      10.   Hydrostatic Air Testing: Hydrostatic air testing of all new water mains shall be performed in accordance with the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction in Illinois. The contractor is required to provide all materials and manpower necessary for testing. The contractor shall notify the Village Public Works Department when the testing takes place so that a Village representative can be present.
      11.   Bacteriological Water Sampling: Bacteriological water sampling of all new water mains shall be performed by a representative of the Village Public Works Department prior to acceptance of the water lines by the Village.
      12.   Turning On Water Mains: The Village Public Works Department shall be responsible for turning on the new water main extension.
      13.   Water Connections: Water connections between buildings and the Village water meter shall be as approved by the Illinois State Plumbing Code at one hundred sixty (160) psi or above.
      14.   Additional Requirements: The subdivider shall comply with all additional standard village requirements for the installation of water mains.
      15.   Water Mains Near Dams: Water mains shall not be constructed in dam embankments or within a distance of one dam height from the toe of the dam.
   C.   Minimum Standards For Design:
      1.   Preliminary Review:
         a.   Two (2) complete sets of design drawings shall be submitted or an electronic version shall be provided to the village for preliminary review. The design drawings shall provide the following:
            (1)   Drawings shall show all water mains and appurtenances (as applicable).
            (2)   The drawing will have a north arrow and the drawing scale shall be indicated.
            (3)   The acceptable drawing scales are one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') or one inch equals fifty feet (1" = 50').
            (4)   The name of the subdivision as well as the name and address of the developer and engineer will be shown on the drawings.
            (5)   Site information will be shown when dictated by site/pipe route topography which will allow adequate assessment of the main being installed.
            (6)   Drawing will show the location, size and type of existing utilities and structures (water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, culverts, drainage structures, gas and power lines) in order that the adequacies of horizontal clearances can be verified.
            (7)   Drawings will also illustrate the layout, type and size of proposed utilities and structures (water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, culverts, drainage structures, gas and power lines) in order that the adequacies of horizontal clearances can be verified.
         b.   The minimum specific requirements for items shown on the water and sewer drawing are as follows:
            (1)   Right of way width and centerline of road.
            (2)   Back of curb with dimensions.
            (3)   Dedicated, exclusive or drainage and utility easements.
            (4)   Property lines.
            (5)   Length, type and pressure rating of water main and class of sewer main must be shown.
            (6)   Location and dimension to main within easement and relative to back of curb and right of way.
            (7)   Depth of cover over main.
            (8)   Show all main horizontal and vertical deflection points. A deflection point is a change in horizontal or vertical alignment other than the normal minor alignment change associated with a "straight" pipe.
            (9)   Valves, bends and tees are to be labeled as to type, station and bend direction.
            (10)   Show all blowoffs, fire hydrants and other appurtenances along with method of restraint.
            (11)   The limits and type of restraint for main prior to and following fittings (such as thrust blocks or restrained joint pipe) are to be boldly shown along water mains.
            (12)   All utility crossings over or under the new sanitary sewer line or water main are to be shown and noted in order for the adequacies of clearances provided to be verified.
            (13)   Location and dimension of all utility crossings requiring casing pipes shall be labeled.
            (14)   No service lines or fire services shall be shown on the drawings.
            (15)   The Illinois standard details for water main construction shall apply.
      2.   Final Review/Approval: Two (2) sets of the final plans signed and sealed by the project engineer shall be provided for approval. The final plans shall provide the previously indicated information and incorporate any comments provided by the village following the review of the preliminary plans. The final plans shall also be provided in electronic format for use by the village.
   D.   Minimum As Built Record Drawing Requirements:
      1.   As built information will be provided to the engineer of record who will prepare or have prepared record drawings based on as built information to be submitted to the village of Glen Carbon at the conclusion of the project.
      2.   Each sheet of as built drawings shall be signed and sealed by the engineer. The drawing shall be signed and sealed and contain the following statement: "I hereby certify that the as-built location information of the water and sewer facilities shown on these drawings are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as surveyed under my direction.". The drawing shall include the engineer's name, business name, license number, address and telephone number.
      3.   As builts will contain the information on the design drawings, plus the following additional requirements:
         a.   As builts are to document changes between the design and construction. All information that is incorrect due to changes during construction will be corrected. Incorrect or no longer relevant information will be erased or struck through.
         b.   Any water and sewer facilities constructed in a horizontal or vertical location materially different than the design location will have their design location struck through and will be redrafted at the construction location.
         c.   Design drawing dimensioning to water and sewer facilities will be corrected as necessary.
   E.   Minimum GIS Information Requirements For Water, Sewer, And Storm Drainage:
      1.   During installation of the water distribution and sewer collection system as part of the development, actual point coordinate locations (X, Y, and Z) must be captured and provided to the village.
      2.   Coordinates will be provided at the top and center for the following facilities:
         a.   Water mains and force mains at deflection points and every two hundred feet (200') along straight runs.
         b.   The center of each fitting, valve, blowoff and hydrant.
         c.   The location of each connection to existing facilities.
         d.   The corners (vertices) of all easements being granted to the company as a part of the project.
         e.   The location of each sanitary sewer manhole.
         f.   The location of each storm sewer inlet and outlet to surface drainage with the size of each pipeline shown.
         g.   Other locations designated by the village.
      3.   As used in this document, the term "coordinate" or "coordinates" mean northing, easting and elevation values in the Illinois state plan coordinate system. Coordinates shall be accurate to the subfoot and shown to precision of the subfoot. To support checking of the coordinates, the company may request the submittal of a report that addresses the following:
         a.   Identify the coordinate datum and projection.
         b.   Identify control points used to establish the project coordinates. Provide full backup information regarding the source of the control point coordinate data and their coordinates. If the source control point coordinate datum/projection differs from the project coordinate datum/projection, then provide coordinates for the control points in both the source datum/projection and in the project datum/projection. Indicate the method and/or software/version utilized to make the conversion.
         c.   Describe the method used to establish the project coordinates.
         d.   Indicate the estimated accuracy of the project coordinates. (Ord. 2015-18, 4-28-2015)