NC Neighborhood Commercial District
1161.01   Purpose.
1161.02   Permitted uses.
1161.03   Conditional uses.
1161.04   Development standards.
1161.01 PURPOSE.
   The NC Neighborhood Commercial District provides an area for small-scale businesses, that primarily service the immediate neighborhoods, and do not normally attract a city-wide clientele. In order to minimize the impact of traffic on adjacent neighborhoods, a limit on the size of useable floor space has been imposed.
(Ord. 2001-35. Passed 7-17-01.)
   In the NC Neighborhood Commercial District, no buildings, structures, lots, or parcels of land shall be used for any purpose except for the following:
   (a)   Churches and places of worship.
   (b)   Public libraries, municipal buildings, and other community facilities.
   (c)   Retail stores, including:
      (1)   Household appliances sales and service.
      (2)   Furniture stores.
      (3)   Clothing stores.
      (4)   Shoe stores.
      (5)   Variety stores.
      (6)   Discount stores.
      (7)   Hardware stores.
      (8)   Paint and wallpaper stores.
      (9)   Accessory shops.
   (d)   Specialty stores and service, including:
      (1)   Antique shops.
      (2)   Gift shops.
      (3)   Stationery stores.
      (4)   Magazine and book stores, not including adult bookstores.
      (5)   Video rental and sales, not including adult video stores.
      (6)   Hair cutting, tanning, or nail salons.
      (7)   Laundromats.
      (8)   Dry cleaning services.
      (9)   Tailors and shoe repair shops.
   (e)   Food, beverage, and drug places, including:
      (1)   Pharmacies.
      (2)   Grocery stores.
      (3)   Specialty food stores.
      (4)   Bakeries in conjunction with retail sales.
      (5)   Restaurants without drive-in and drive-through services.
      (6)   Tea rooms.
   (f)   Office uses, including:
      (1)   Engineering and architectural services.
      (2)   Banks and other financial services.
      (3)   Doctors, dentists, chiropractors, and orthodontic offices.
      (4)   Insurance agents, brokers, and services.
      (5)   Accounting, auditing, and other bookkeeping services.
      (6)   Non-profit offices and service centers.
      (7)   Real estate and associated services.
      (8)   Quasi-public or public facilities, such as electric, cable, gas, phone service, and maintenance offices with no heavy equipment stored on site, unless stored indoors.
   (g)   Accessory structures ordinarily incidental to the permitted uses, except for drive-in and drive-through facilities.
      (Ord. 2001-35. Passed 7-17-01.)
   The following uses shall be allowed in the Neighborhood Commercial District in accordance with procedures described in Chapter 1145.
   (a)   Child day care.
   (b)   Residential as a secondary use to a primary building that has a business storefront, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   The objective of this use is to encourage redevelopment and maintenance of the older building stock in Gallipolis. Although the applicant will not be prohibited from submitting plans for new buildings for which the applicant would like to seek a permit for this conditional use, the applicant shall be aware that the City shall show preference to those requests that meet the overall objective of this conditional use.
      (2)   The applicant shall provide a plan for safe pedestrian access for residents of the intended building and patrons of the businesses of the same building. A reduction in the number of apartments or limitations on the type of business permitted in the building may be imposed to create a safer environment for both uses.
      (3)   The intended business use of the building may be restricted in order to minimize health hazards and noise levels, even if the use is permitted in the district.
   (c)   Drive-ins and drive-throughs as an accessory use.
   (d)   Other residential dwellings, except for mobile homes.
      (Ord. 2001-35. Passed 7-17-01.)
   The following development standards are required for arranging and developing land and buildings in the Neighborhood Commercial District.
   (a)   Minimum Yard and Lot Requirements:
      (1)   Minimum lot area: None.
      (2)   Minimum lot area per dwelling unit: Three thousand square feet (3,600 s.f.).
      (3)   Minimum lot width: None.
      (4)   Minimum front or street side yard depth: None.
      (5)   Minimum side yard: None.
      (6)   Maximum lot coverage of buildings only: Sixty percent (60%).
      (7)   Minimum rear yard depth: None.
      (8)   Maximum size for a single business: Seven thousand five hundred square feet (7,500 s.f.) of usable floor space.
   (b)   Building Height Regulations: No principal structure shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five feet (45') in height above ground level and no accessory structure shall exceed one (1) story or fifteen feet (15') in height, except as provided in Section 1181.10 .
   (c)   Site Development Requirements:
      (1)   Applicable sections of the sign, parking, and subdivision regulations must be met for all permitted and conditional uses.
      (2)   The site shall be designed to minimize conflict points between pedestrian and vehicular movement.
      (3)   Outdoor trash containers shall be located and screened to conceal them from view.
      (4)   When a Neighborhood Commercial District use abuts R-1, R-2, R-3, or R-4 Residential uses, the applicant shall provide plans to create a better transition between the two (2) uses. Acceptable plans shall include a combination of landscape barriers, increased yards, and fencing.
         (Ord. 2001-35. Passed 7-17-01.)