General Provisions
150.001 Swimming pools
150.002 Moving buildings
Building Code Regulations
150.015 Building code adopted
150.016 Amendments to adopted codes
150.017 Fire limits defined
Plumbing Code Regulations
150.030 Plumbing code adopted
150.031 Amendments to adopted code
150.032 Plumber’s license; bond and insurance
Electric Code Regulations
150.045 Electric code adopted
150.046 Electricians’ license; bond and insurance
Mechanical Code, Fuel Gas Code and Regulations
150.060 Mechanical code and fuel gas code adopted
150.061 Amendments to adopted codes
150.062 Mechanical license; bond and insurance
Fire Code, Life Safety Code and Regulations
150.075 Fire code and life safety code adopted
150.076 Modifications
150.077 New materials, processes or occupancies; permits
150.078 Appeals
150.999 Penalty