General Provisions
150.001 Swimming pools
150.002 Moving buildings
Building Code Regulations
150.015 Building code adopted
150.016 Amendments to adopted codes
150.017 Fire limits defined
Plumbing Code Regulations
150.030 Plumbing code adopted
150.031 Amendments to adopted code
150.032 Plumber’s license; bond and insurance
Electric Code Regulations
150.045 Electric code adopted
150.046 Electricians’ license; bond and insurance
Mechanical Code, Fuel Gas Code and Regulations
150.060 Mechanical code and fuel gas code adopted
150.061 Amendments to adopted codes
150.062 Mechanical license; bond and insurance
Fire Code, Life Safety Code and Regulations
150.075 Fire code and life safety code adopted
150.076 Modifications
150.077 New materials, processes or occupancies; permits
150.078 Appeals
150.999 Penalty
(A) Permit required; fee. No person shall erect, construct or install a swimming pool within the town limits, whether on public or private property, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Town Clerk-Treasurer, accompanied by a permit fee as established by the Town Board by motion or resolution.
(Prior Code, § 9-6-1)
(B) Protective barriers required.
(1) Plans and specifications for barrier. An applicant for a swimming pool permit shall also submit to the Town Clerk-Treasurer plans and specifications for suitable effective barriers for preventing small children and other unauthorized persons from entering the swimming pool area, including, but not limited to, any fence, wall or structure not less than 48 inches in height.
(2) Pool enclosure required. No person shall construct, install, erect, locate or maintain any swimming pool within the town limits unless the pool is in an area completely enclosed or protected by a suitable effective barrier.
(Prior Code, § 9-6-2)
(C) Maintenance and operation, compliance with state regulations. Any person owning or operating a swimming pool shall not violate any ordinary rules of safety, sanitation or conservation of the state concerning the maintenance and operation of the pool.
(Prior Code, § 9-6-3)
Penalty, see § 150.999
(A) Permit and fee requirements.
(1) Permit required. It is unlawful for any person to move any house or building in, along, across or over any street or alley within the town limits without first having obtained a permit from the Board of Trustees.
(2) Application and fee; issuance. The Board of Trustees shall issue the permit upon approval of the proposed move and proper application of the person and for a fee to be set by motion or resolution.
(3) Duration of permit. The permits are good for a five-day period from date of issue.
(Prior Code, § 9-7-1)
(B) Protection of streets and sidewalks. Any person moving such house or building shall plank all street crossings and sidewalks to prevent damage to the streets and sidewalks or protect them as required by the town.
(Prior Code, § 9-7-2)
Penalty, see § 150.999