Users desiring to discontinue the use of water shall notify the city in writing. Failure to do so will result in that user retaining the responsibility to pay for the water, sewer and solid waste usage. Where service is discontinued, the PWD will shut off service at the curb stop and provide a final reading of both the inside and outside meters. However, where service remains available to a premises whether in use or not, the minimum water and sewer charge will be collected. In every case where the water is shut off pursuant to notice or for cause, it shall not be turned on again except by the PWD, and only after a reconnection fee is paid by the user for such service, together with all service charges, penalties and fees that are due.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)
So the city can obtain a final meter reading for prior tenants and starting meter readings for new tenants, the owner is obligated to give the city a minimum of a two working day written notice before a new tenant occupies the premises. The owner also is obligated to inform the city the date when a tenant in whose name the service is billed will vacate a premises. The city is not responsible to keep track of tenants who may "skip-out" on an owner. In the case where water service has been shut off due to nonpayment of service, the water service will not be turned on until the past-due bills for water, sewer and solid waste, penalties, red tag fee, the current bill and the reconnection fee are paid by either the tenant or the owner.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)
The City Administrator, or person designated by him or her, is authorized to terminate or refuse to commence water service to a user at one location for the failure of the user to pay for water, sewer and solid waste charges for services provided to such user at a previous location.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)
The provisions of the Illinois Water Well Construction Code, ILCS Ch. 415, Act 30, §§ 1 et seq., and the rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Public Health of the state pursuant to such code, are hereby adopted by the city and incorporated in this subchapter by reference.
(Ord. 1137, passed 8-7-00)
No new noncommunity, semi-private or private water system well shall be constructed or installed, nor shall any existing water well system be modified or expanded, in the city until the person seeking to construct or install such water system well has obtained a permit from the state or its designee, the County Health Department, pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Water Well Construction Code, ILCS Ch. 415, Act 30, §§ 1 et seq., and a permit from the city. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the issuance of a permit for the construction or installation of a water well system for the purpose of irrigation. No permit shall be required for water well systems constructed or installed prior to the effective date of this subchapter.
(Ord. 1137, passed 8-7-00) Penalty, see § 10.99