(A) Existing water lines outside of the corporate limits of the city.
(1) If there is an existing agreement that allows property owners outside of the city to connect to the water lines connected to the city's water system the agreement shall be followed.
(2) If there is no prior agreement or City Council action allowing property owners outside of the city to connect to the water lines, no property outside city limits shall be allowed to connect to the city water main without an agreement to annex into the city should at any time in the future the property become contiguous to the city.
(3) A water service line can only service one property and cannot run across one property to another property.
(4) Within one year of the passage of this section, all water lines that exist outside of the city and that are not owned and maintained by the city will have installed a backflow prevention device per the cross-connection control section of this chapter. As determined by the PWD, the backflow prevention device shall be located as near as possible to the city border. The city, at its discretion, may, at any time it desires, install a stop valve on the city side of the backflow prevention device, such stop valve being within the city limits. Should the owner of a water line outside of the city limits fail to comply with this division, the city will install such a backflow prevention device and charge the owner or owners for all material, labor and equipment used to install the device.
(B) Any future extensions of the city water main system outside of the city limits is prohibited unless it is part of an annexation agreement or as agreed to by City Council action.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)
(A) Prohibitions.
(1) Except for such uses or methods in existence before the effective date of this section, the use of, or attempted use of, groundwater from within a defined area of concern within the corporate limits of the city, as a potable water supply, by the installation or drilling of wells or by any other method, is hereby prohibited. This prohibition does not include or apply to public water supply wells of the city already in place.
(2) Except for wells used for environmental monitoring purposes, the use of, or attempted use of, groundwater for any purpose from within a defined area of special concern within the corporate limits of the city, by the installation or drilling of wells or by any other method, is hereby prohibited.
(B) Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of up to $250 for each violation. Each prohibited well or other method employed and each day of use thereof in violation of the prohibitions in this section is deemed a separate violation.
(C) Definitions.
(1) AREA OF CONCERN. The area so platted on Exhibit A, which Exhibit is approved as an integral part of Ordinance No. 1325, passed October 16, 2006. At the date of first adoption hereof, the defined AREA OF CONCERN is all of that area within the city shown within the red lines but not within the Area of Special Concern on Exhibit A, consisting of the indicated property generally downgradient of the drives incorporated "source area" for which a demonstration of compliance with Tier 3 Remediation Objectives has not been made. The AREA OF CONCERN may be verbally described as indicated on Exhibit A.
(2) AREA OF SPECIAL CONCERN. The area so platted on Exhibit A, which Exhibit is approved as an integral part of Ordinance No. 1325, passed October 16, 2006. At the date of first adoption hereof, the defined AREA OF SPECIAL CONCERN is enclosed by the area of concern shown on Exhibit A, consisting of the property within the yellow lines on Exhibit A with such proximity to the drives, incorporated "source area" as to make prohibition of all water extraction a reasonable precaution for the protection of public health and safety. The AREA OF SPECIAL CONCERN may be verbally described as indicated on Exhibit A.
(3) PERSON. Any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, limited liability company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, or any other legal entity, or their legal representatives, agents or assigns.
(4) POTABLE WATER. Any water used for human or domestic consumption, including, but not limited to, water used for drinking, bathing, swimming, washing dishes, or preparing foods.
(D) Memorandum of understanding. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ("Illinois EPA") in which the city assumes responsibility for tracking all sites that have received no further remediation determinations from the Illinois EPA, notifying the Illinois EPA of changes to this section, and taking certain precautions when siting new public potable water supply wells.
(Ord. 1325, passed 10-16-06)
(A) In all cases the tapping of the main and putting in of the service pipes and all extensions, alterations or repair of any service pipe or fixture between the main and the meter shall be done by the city or a contractor authorized by the PWD at the expense of the applicant or owner of the premises. Piping, fixtures and appurtenances between the meter and the water main found in improper condition shall be repaired, if deemed necessary by the PWD, at the expense of the owner of the premises. In installing a water service the PWD, or person authorized by him or her, will tap the main, inserting a stop valve that shall be known as the corporation valve and shall lay the service pipe from the main to the meter, which shall, if possible, be placed in the basement. The service pipe shall be laid in the trench sufficiently weaving to allow not less than one foot extra length in its entire length. A curb stop valve shall be furnished and installed for each service at a location as near the property line, but on city property, as possible. A cast iron service box shall be furnished and installed over the curb stop valve where normally exposed to vehicular traffic and held in a truly vertical position until sufficient backfill has been placed to insure permanent vertical alignment of the box. The top of the box shall be adjusted and set flush with the established ground surface grade.
(B) Upon application of the owners of abutting and adjacent properties, or for others on their behalf, of permits to tap into and connect to water main extensions in the city, a fee, in addition to all other charges and fees for installing said service and connection, shall be charged to and be required to be paid by each said applicant for the privilege of connecting with and tapping such water main extensions. These fees shall be established by ordinance and reviewed annually.
(C) This section shall establish special improvement fees that may be required in certain areas of the city that require the extension of a new water main to provide service and which the City Council desires to recapture a portion of the expense for such water main extension from those adjacent property owners who will benefit from the same. Such special improvement fee shall be in addition to the normal tap fee and other charges and shall be set on a case-by-case basis as approved by the City Council.
(D) The city shall only be responsible for costs and expenses for maintenance and repair of any water main line to the property line of the owner or user. The city shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses for maintenance or repair of a water line located on property owned by the user or owner.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99; Am. Ord. 1137, passed 8-7-00)
(A) All service pipes having a diameter of two inches or less shall be copper service pipe unless approval is given in the water service application. Service pipes having a diameter of exceeding two inches shall be those approved in Table A, Appendix A, Section 890 of the December 1993 edition of the Illinois Plumbing Code, or current revision of the Illinois Plumbing Code.
(B) Each separate piece of property, lot or building being furnished water shall have at least one service pipe running from the water main to such piece of property, lot or building.
(C) All copper service pipe shall conform to requirements for copper service type as defined in the current edition of the "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois," published by the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, the Illinois Municipal League and others.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)
In putting down and repairing pipes, the streets or alleys shall be opened in the manner that will occasion the least inconvenience to the public and admit the uninterrupted passage of water along the gutter of the street. No excavation in any street or other public place shall be left open overnight except by the permission of the PWD, and every precaution shall be taken to insure public safety. The streets and pavement shall be restored in as good of condition as it was in previous to making the excavation, and all dirt and rubbish shall be immediately removed after the completion of the work at the expense of the user.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)