General Provisions
51.001 Contract with water system for water supply
51.002 Liability of owners for service
51.003 Injuring or interfering with water appliances
51.004 Taking water to supply boilers and the like
51.005 Claims against city for breakage of fixtures causing interruption of supply
51.006 Sprinkling of lawns during fire alarm prohibited
51.007 Water connections outside city limits
51.008 Use of groundwater as a potable water supply prohibited
Connections and Specifications
51.020 Water connection service; permittee
51.021 Service pipe specifications
51.022 Laying, repairing service pipes
51.023 Size and location of taps
51.024 Pipes on outlet side
51.025 Water meters furnished by city; placement of meters
51.026 Expense, maintenance of meters
51.027 Supervision; reading, testing, and installation of meters and OSRs
51.028 Special exception - second water meter
Cross-Connection Control
51.040 Cross-connection control
51.041 General policy
51.042 Definitions
51.043 Water system
51.044 Cross-connection prohibited
51.045 Survey and investigations
51.046 Where protection is required
51.047 Type of protection required
51.048 Backflow prevention devices
51.049 Inspection and maintenance
51.050 Booster pumps
51.051 Violations
Rates, Charges and Procedures
51.065 Establishment of rates and charges
51.066 Applications for service connections; deposit
51.067 Payment of billing; procedure; delinquency
51.068 Discontinuance of use; notification; fee for turning on supply
51.069 Tenant and owners
51.070 Authority to terminate water service
Water Wells
51.075 Adoption of state standards
51.076 State and city permit required; exceptions
51.077 Application for permit
51.078 Issuance of permit
51.079 Permit fee
51.080 Enforcement
51.085 Collection of moneys
51.086 Receipt of revenue; deposit; accounts to be kept
51.087 Collection agents
51.088 Violations
51.089 Payment date
The provisions of this chapter shall be considered a part of the contract with every person, entity or corporation who is supplied with water through the water system of the city, and every such person, entity or corporation by taking water shall be considered as expressing his or her consent to be bound thereby.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)
A copy of this chapter, properly certified by the City Clerk, shall be filed in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds and shall be deemed notice to all owners of real estate of their liability for service supplied to any user of the service of the waterworks system of the city on their properties.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99)
All persons are strictly prohibited from turning on the water into any service pipe from the curb valve or when a meter is not in place, except by permission of the Public Works Director or his or her designee (hereinafter PWD). No person shall in any way obstruct the access to any hydrant or water valve connected with any water pipe in the city by means of lumber, brick building material or other articles, thing or hindrance whatsoever. No person, except the PWD or Fire Chief shall take water from any fire hydrant or other public water connection, except for fire purposes or for the use of the Fire Department in case of fire, or in any way take or use water for private use which is furnished by the waterworks, except from a public fountain, unless such person shall receive permission from the PWD. Private fire hydrants shall not be used for any other purpose than the extinguishing of fires. No person shall deface, mark or in any way injure or meddle with fire hydrants, valves or other appurtenances of the city water system or attempt to operate them without authority. No person, without authority, shall hitch or attach any hose, animal or any other object to a fire hydrant.
(Ord. 1122, passed 12-20-99) Penalty, see § 10.99