That all of the powers granted by Chapter 276 of the General and Special Laws of the Fortieth Legislature, known as Senate Bill No. 271 on page 415, relating to the establishment of building lines in cities and providing for an assessment therefor, be adopted and made a part of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth.
That in addition to the powers provided by the above and foregoing section, the City of Fort Worth shall have the further power for the purpose of promoting the public health[,] safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare, acting through its governing authorities, under the police power, to provide by suitable ordinance building lines on any street or any block of any street and to require their observance by suitable penalties.
The City of Fort Worth shall have and exercise all of the powers conferred upon cities having a population of over five thousand (5,000) inhabitants and all “home rule” cities that have been conferred upon such cities by the Constitution, laws, and statutes of this state or which may hereafter be enacted by the legislature or other law-making body of this state.
(a) The City of Fort Worth shall have power to construct or to acquire by purchase or condemnation and thereafter improve, repair, maintain, extend and operate as a public utility, one or more systems of [for] the distribution of natural gas, water, sewer, electric and steam heat utility companies and public service companies such as cable television, taxicabs, transportation and transit companies and all public utilities of every kind, together with all appurtenances of every nature within or without the city necessary or convenient to the operation thereof.
(b) For the purpose of carrying out the provisions hereof, complete power authority and discretion is vested in the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. The Council, consistent with the provisions hereof, may fix all details attendant upon the construction or acquisition and financing of said system or systems, and to that end may authorize the execution of such contracts, agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, releases, franchises, obligations and other instruments, as it may consider necessary, and may fix all details thereof not herein specifically provided and required. The provisions hereof shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes of this section. The powers granted in this section shall be cumulative and in addition to all other powers now possessed by said city, and shall not be considered as in substitution of any other methods of procedure now available to, or which may hereafter be available to the city. This section shall in itself be complete and independent authority for the construction or acquisition of and payment for the utilities herein authorized to be constructed, and the City authorities, in carrying out the provisions hereof, shall not be subject to the restrictions and limitations contained elsewhere in this Charter, and particularly shall not be subject to the provisions of Chapter 22 or Section 2 of Chapter 26 of said Charter.