(a) Purpose and intent. It is the purpose of the zero lot line/cluster (“R1”) district to provide a specific zone for the development of one-family and two-family dwelling units where such dwelling units are developed on smaller lot areas and zero yards, including such uses accessory thereto. It is also for the purpose of providing for the development of one-family homes on unique patterned lots clustered around a common access road or cul-de-sac.
(b) Uses. In the zero lot line/cluster (“R1”) district, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, altered or enlarged, nor shall a certificate of occupancy be issued, except in accordance with the use tables in Chapter 4, Articles 6 and 8 and the supplemental use standards of Chapter 5. The following housing types shall be permitted:
(1) Detached zero lot line units;
(2) Attached zero lot line units; and
(3) Cluster housing units.
(c) Property development standards. The minimum dimension of lots and yards and the height of buildings in the zero lot line/cluster (“R1”) district shall be as shown in the tables on the following pages. See division (d)(5) of this section.
(d) Other development standards. Development in the zero lot line/cluster (“R1”) district may be subject to a variety of general development standards in Chapter 6, and the following provisions.
(1) Signs. On-premises signs subject to the following:
a. An unilluminated nameplate bearing the family name of the occupants residing in the residence not to exceed one square foot in area.
b. An unilluminated sign for those uses permitted that are not residential. The sign shall not exceed 30 square feet in area, shall be no higher than six feet above grade, and shall be placed a minimum of ten feet behind the property line. Such sign shall not be placed within 20 feet of drives providing ingress and egress to the property.
(2) Parking. Two spaces per dwelling unit, located behind the front building line, except for limited local streets, where four spaces shall be required, located behind the front building line (see Section 403.D of the subdivision regulations). For nonresidential uses, see Chapter 6 Development Standards, Article 2 Off-Street Parking and Loading.
(3) Landscaping and buffers. Nonresidential uses may require landscaping or buffers. See Chapter 6, Article 3.
(4) Access through residential districts. See § 6.500 Access Through Residential Districts. (A driveway or walk on private property in a one- or two-family district shall not provide access for uses in the “CR” District through the “K” District.)
(5) Residential design standards. A site plan for residential development is required.
a. Zero lot line dwellings.
1. Platting required. All blocks using the zero yard concept shall be platted or replatted to provide a zero-foot setback and a ten-foot access easement per lot.
2. Pattern of yards. The first dwelling unit constructed on a lot within a block shall set the zero lot line pattern of yards for the remaining lots within the block.
3. Corner lot setback. Depending on the zero lot line pattern, the last corner lot may have a setback adjacent to the street a ten-foot setback on the interior side to maintain the pattern.
b. Cluster housing in the “R1” district.
1. General. Under this provision, clustering of residential units may be permitted where such units cluster around a common access road or feed from a loop or cul-de-sac and provided that such development shall conform to the following regulations regarding buildings and structures.
2. Plat required. Such properties shall be platted showing the following, if applicable:
i. Public streets.
ii. Private streets and private access.
iii. Private open space and open space easements.
iv. Utility easements.
v. Public parks.
vi. Pedestrian walkways and bicycle trails.
vii. Lot, block and addition name.
viii. The building setback lines for each lot. Setback lines may be shown on each lot, described in margin comments or described by common detail. In the alternative, the setback lines may be described in a development plan submitted pursuant to division (d)(5)b.vi. below.
3. Open space.
i. The open space, exclusive of paved areas, parking spaces and patios, must be not less than 15 percent of the total lot area.
ii. Provisions, such as a homeowner’s association, shall be instituted to provide maintenance for all common open space.
4. One building per lot. No more than one residential building may be located on any lot.
5. Building separation. A ten-foot setback shall be required between all buildings.
6. Development plan.
i. Unless setbacks are shown or described on the plat, a development plan must be submitted showing the proposed setbacks on each lot.
ii. Adjustments in the development plan that change the setbacks from one lot to another will not be accepted without a written release from all property owners involved in the adjustment. When amendments are accepted, the original development plan must be withdrawn in its entirety.
iii. A development plan shall be reviewed as a site plan under the requirements of § 6.506, unified residential development.
(6) Reconstruction of nonconforming accessory buildings. A nonconforming accessory building that is damaged by fire, the elements, or other cause beyond the control of the owner may be repaired or reconstructed in the same rear and side yard setbacks provided the construction is limited to the identical footprint (replacement of the foundation is allowed); the building is the same design, height and roof pitch (use of different material is allowed) and the owner or an agent obtains a building permit to repair the structure within six months after the damage date. The owner shall have the burden of proof to establish the damage date.
(7) Garage/carport. No more than one garage and one carport or porte cochere shall be allowed per residential unit on a single residential lot, unless the additional garages or porte cocheres are an integral part of the main residential structure with the same roofline and driveway as the residential structure.
“R1” District, One-Family Detached Units
“R1” District, One-Family Detached Units
| |
Lot area | 3,000 square feet minimum per unit |
Lot width | 30 feet minimum at building line |
Front yard* | 0 feet minimum |
Side yard* | 3 feet minimum; fire and building codes apply
Rear yard | 5 feet minimum |
Height | 35 feet maximum (see § 6.100, Height) |
| |
No front yard entry driveway or parking | |
** May be subject to projected front yard (§ 6.101(f)) | |
(2) Fences – two feet high in public open space easement, eight feet high behind front yard. (See § § 5.305 Fences for fence requirements for fences allowed for residential dwellings.)
(3) Facade – materials and appearance under § 6.507.

Picture 4.21
“R1” District, Detached Zero Lot Line Units
“R1” District, Detached Zero Lot Line Units
| |
Lot area | 2,500 square feet minimum per unit |
Lot width | 25 feet minimum at building line |
Units per acre | Maximum number of 13 units per acre on average, unless located in a “C” or “D” district where authorized density shall apply. |
Front yard* | 0 feet minimum, garage setback 18 feet if required parking is in front yard |
Rear yard | 5 feet minimum |
Side yard* | One side 10 feet minimum, the other parallel side 0 feet (§ 6.503) |
Interior lot | 10 feet minimum adjacent to side street, interior lot line subject to § 6.503
Corner lot** | |
Height | 35 feet maximum (see § 6.100) |
| |
* See § 6.101(d), Yards for front yard setback requirements. | |
** May be subject to projected front yard (§ 6.101(f)) | |
(2) Fences – two feet high in public open space easement, eight feet high behind front yard. (See § 5.305 Fences for fence requirements for fences allowed for residential dwellings.)

Picture 4.22
“R1” District, Attached Zero Lot Line Units
“R1” District, Attached Zero Lot Line Units
| |
Lot area | 2,500 square feet minimum per unit |
Lot width | 25 feet minimum at building line |
Units per acre | Maximum number of 13 units per acre on average, unless located in a “C” or “D” district where authorized density shall apply. |
Front yard* | 0 feet minimum, garage setback 18 feet if required parking is in front yard |
Rear yard | 5 feet minimum |
Side yard* | One side 5 feet minimum, the other parallel side 0 feet (§ 6.503) |
Interior lot | 10 feet minimum adjacent to side street |
Corner lot** | |
Height | 35 feet maximum (see § 6.100, Height) |
| |
* See § 6.101(d), Yards for front yard setback requirements. | |
** May be subject to projected front yard (§ 6.101(f)). | |
(2) Fences – two feet high in public open space easement, eight feet high behind front yard. (See § 5.305 Fences for fence requirements for fences allowed for residential dwellings.)
(3) Facade – materials and appearance under § 6.507.

Picture 4.23
“R1” District, Cluster Housing Units
“R1” District, Cluster Housing Units
| |
Open space | 15% minimum (see § 6.504) |
Units per acre | Maximum 15 units per acre on average, unless located in a “C” or “D” district where authorized density shall apply |
Front yard* | |
Interior lot | 5 feet minimum adjacent to street |
Corner lot** | 10 feet minimum adjacent to both streets |
Rear yard | 5 feet minimum |
Side yard* | |
Interior lot | 5 feet minimum adjacent to street |
Corner lot** | 10 feet minimum adjacent to both streets |
Height | 35 feet maximum (see § 6.100, Height) |
Bldg. separation | 10 feet minimum |
Notes: | |
* See § 6.101(d), Yards for front yard setback requirements. | |
** May be subject to projected front yard (§ 6.101(f)) | |
(2) Fences – two feet high in public open space easement, eight feet high behind front yard. (See § 5.305 Fences for fence requirements for fences allowed for residential dwellings.)
(3) Facade – materials and appearance under § 6.507 .

Picture 4.24
(Ord. 20159-04-2012, § 1 (Exh. A), passed 4-3-2012; Ord. 21672-03-2015, § 1, passed 3-3-2015, eff. 3-19-2015)