§ 31.01 MAYOR.
   The Mayor shall attend and preside over all meetings of the Town Council. The power and duties of the Mayor shall be such as are conferred upon him by the Town Council pursuant to law. The Mayor shall be the official head of the town for the purpose of civil service process and for all ceremonial purposes.
(‘76 Code § 2-2001) (Ord. passed 3-3-08)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see G.S. § 160A-67
   (A)   The Clerk shall be appointed, suspended or removed by and serve at the direction of the Town Manager. The Clerk shall:
      (1)   Give notice of meetings of the Town Council;
      (2)   Keep an ordinance book as provided in § 30.23 hereof;
      (3)   Perform other duties as the Town Council or Town Manager may from time to time require.
   (B)   The Treasurer (which may also be styled “Finance Officer”) shall be appointed, suspended or removed by and serve at the direction of the Town Manager. The Treasurer shall:
      (1)   Keep or cause to be kept in a safe place all the monies, records, and accounts;
      (2)   Disburse funds for the various purposes of the town only when an appropriation has been made in the annual budget and disbursement is authorized by the Town Council;
      (3)   Keep true, accurate and just books of accounts and the dealings and transactions of the town, which books shall show at all times the true condition of the town, its resources and liabilities and the disposition and use of the monies coming under the control of the town;
      (4)   Perform other duties as are imposed upon finance officers pursuant to applicable law, or as the Town Manager may from time to time require.
('76 Code, § 2-2002) (Ord. passed 7-7-14; Am. Ord. passed 10-3-16)
Statutory reference:
   Duties of the Clerk, see G.S. § 160A-171
   Duties of the Finance Officer, see G.S. § 159-25
   Pre-audit of disbursements, see G.S. § 159-28
Editor’s note:
   Any instances of Clerk-Treasurer will now read as Town Clerk due to separation of positions.
   All officers and employees shall receive compensation as from time to time may be prescribed by the Town Council.
('76 Code, § 2-2003)
Statutory reference:
   Compensation of personnel, see G.S. § 160A-162
   The Clerk and other officers or employees required by the Town Council shall, before entering upon their duties, post bond in amounts specified by the Town Council. All bond premiums shall be paid from town funds. Provided, that when two offices are combined, the office of Clerk and Treasurer, only one bond shall be required.
('76 Code, § 2-2004)