International Property Maintenance Code
1480.01   2018 edition adopted; file copies.
1480.02   Amendments.
1480.03   Conflict of laws.
1480.99   Penalty.
   State Housing Code - see M.C.L.A. 125.401 et seq.
   Municipal Housing Act - see M.C.L.A. 125.651 et seq.
   Enactment of Housing Code - see CHTR. Ch. II, § 2(4)
   Littering - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 648
   Dutch elm disease - see P. & Z. 1232.05
   Garbage and rubbish containers - see P. & Z. 1268.27
   Demolition and removal of structures as a nuisance - see B. & H. 1460.14