It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle or other vehicle along the side of any street which has been posted with signs prohibiting parking on that side.
('75 Code, § 29.12) (Ord. 155, passed 10-28-48) Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle or other vehicle on any street in the city for a period of more than 48 hours continuously.
('75 Code, § 29.14) (Ord. 155, passed 10-28-48) Penalty, see § 70.99
The Board of Public Works and Safety of the city shall have the power to restrict parking along one side of any street 28 feet or less in width from curb to curb, and to cause to be posted thereon signs prohibiting parking. These signs shall be posted not less than one sign to each 100 feet if the street in the area thereby restricted.
('75 Code, § 29.19) (Ord. 155, passed 10-28-48)
The driver of any commercial vehicle, including a truck or tractor with a registered gross weight in excess of 7,000 pounds, or any semi-tractor trailer, or trailer is prohibited from parking the vehicle upon a public street in a residential district in the city, except in an emergency or temporarily during those times as the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded.
('75 Code, § 27.03) (Ord. PO-68-2, passed 8-7-68) Penalty, see § 70.99
Driving commercial vehicles prohibited on certain streets; exceptions, see § 71.01
Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of §§ 72.01 through 72.10, upon the determination of any police officer of the City Police Department that the vehicle impedes the orderly flow of traffic or constitutes a traffic hazard or a public nuisance, the officer shall have the authority to tow away the vehicle.
It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle or other vehicle along the side of any street so that the vehicle faces oncoming traffic from the nearest lane of travel.
(Ord. CO-86-11, passed 9-8-86) Penalty, see § 70.99