No license shall be issued to:
A. A person who is not a resident of the village.
B. A person who is not of good character and reputation in the community in which he resides.
C. A person who is not a citizen of the United States.
D. A person who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of the state of Illinois.
E. A person who has been convicted of being the keeper or is keeping, a house of ill fame.
F. A person who has been convicted of pandering or other crime or misdemeanor opposed to decency or morality.
G. A person whose license, issued under this chapter, has been revoked for cause.
H. A person who, at the time of application for renewal of any license issued hereunder, would not be eligible for such license upon a first application.
I. A copartnership, unless all the members of such copartnership, shall be qualified to obtain a license.
J. A corporation, if any officer, manager or director thereof, or any stockholder or stockholders owning in the aggregate more than five percent (5%) of the stock of such corporation, would not be eligible to receive a license hereunder for any reason other than citizenship and residence within the political subdivision.
K. A person whose place of business is conducted by a manager or agent, unless said manager or agent possesses the same qualifications required of the licensee.
L. A person who has been convicted of a violation of any federal or state law concerning the manufacture, possession or sale of alcoholic liquor subsequent to the passage of this chapter, or shall have forfeited his bond to appear in court in answer to charges for any such violation.
M. A person who does not own the premises for which a license is sought, or does not have a lease thereon for the full period for which the license is to be issued. (Village code § 7-4)
N. Any law enforcing public official, including members of local liquor control commissions, any mayor or member of the city council or commission, any president of the village board of trustees, any member of a village board of trustees, or any president or member of a county board, and no such official shall be interested directly in the manufacture, sale or distribution of alcoholic liquor, except that a license may be granted to such official in relation to premises that are not located within the territory subject to the jurisdiction of that official if the issuance of such license is approved by the state liquor control commission and except that a license may be granted, in a city or village with a population of fifty thousand (50,000) or less, to any alderman, member of a city council or member of a village board of trustees in relation to premises that are located within the territory subject to the jurisdiction of that official if: 1) the sale of alcoholic liquor pursuant to the license is incidental to the selling of food; 2) the issuance of the license is approved by the state commission; 3) the issuance of the license is in accordance with all applicable local ordinances in effect where the premises are located; and 4) the official granted a license does not vote on alcoholic liquor issues pending before the board or council to which the license holder is elected. (Village code § 7-4; amd. 2004 Code)
A. Class A: This license shall authorize the sale of alcoholic liquor mixed or prepared and consumed at a dispensing station (bar) in a restaurant and also by employees thereof and taken by the employee to tables in such establishment occupied by patrons for consumption in connection with, and as part of, the meals sold to them by such business. As a condition of such class A license, a licensee shall derive not more than fifty percent (50%) of its gross sales per annum from the sale of alcoholic liquor, and shall be required to keep financial records evidencing compliance with such condition, which financial records shall be available for inspection and review from time to time by the local liquor control commissioner and for the purpose of the renewal of such license.
B. Class A1: This license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor at one dispensing station (bar) for consumption only on the premises specified.
C. Class A2: This license shall authorize the sale of alcoholic liquor mixed or prepared at a service bar in a restaurant by employees thereof and taken by the employee to tables in such establishment occupied by patrons for consumption in connection with, and as part of, the meals sold to them by such business. As a condition of such class A2 license, a licensee shall derive not more than fifty percent (50%) of its gross sales per annum from the sale of alcoholic liquor, and shall be required to keep financial records evidencing compliance with such condition, which financial records shall be available for inspection and review from time to time by the local liquor control commissioner and for the purpose of the renewal of such license.
D. Class A3: This license shall authorize the retail sale of wine and beer only, in a restaurant and taken by an employee thereof to tables in such establishment occupied by patrons for consumption in connection with, and as part of, the meals sold to them by such business.
E. Class A4: This license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises in private clubs, organized as a not for profit under the laws of the state of Illinois.
F. Class A5: This license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises owned or occupied by any of the following entities organized under the general not for profit act of the state of Illinois and not for pecuniary profit: a hospital, nursing, convalescent, or retirement home organized solely for the promotion of a common humanitarian object other than the sale or consumption of alcoholic liquors; or any nationally recognized veterans' organization, membership in which is comprised of persons who have served in the military services of the United States.
G. Class A6: This license shall only authorize the sale of wine for consumption on the premises or in bottles or other packages for consumption not on the premises, but such sales shall be limited to members of a group assembled on the premises for the purpose of attending a cooking class or wine class offered by a cooking school, or in connection with an event catered by a cooking school. For purposes of this subsection, the term "cooking school" shall be defined as a business which provides culinary instruction, both demonstration style and hands on, to persons of all levels of cooking experience.
H. Class A7 Brewpub License: This license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor including beer manufactured on premises for consumption on and off the licensed premises and to store beer on the premises, provided, however, that such licensee shall not sell for off premises consumption more than one hundred fifty-five thousand (155,000) gallons of manufactured beer per year. The holder of a class A7 license shall at all times maintain a valid state of Illinois brewpub license or craft brew license as required and authorized under section 5-1 of the Illinois liquor control act 1 , as amended.
I. Class A8: This license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor at one dispensing station (bar) for consumption only on the premises specified. This license shall also authorize the carry in of alcoholic liquor to the licensed premises for periodic events not open to the general public or in a section of the premises that is not open generally to the public except to those people attending the event (including, but not limited to, exhibitions, classes, workshops, lectures and similar events).
J. Class B1: This license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors (packaged products) for consumption not on the premises where sold.
K. Class B2: This license shall authorize the retail sale of wine only, in bottles or other packages for consumption not on the premises where sold, except in connection with winetasting events conducted on said premises.
L. Class C (BYOB): This license shall authorize the consumption of beer or wine only, brought onto the premises of a restaurant by a patron for their personal consumption while being served a meal in said establishment, subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
1. Only beer and wine are allowed to be consumed on the licensed premises.
2. The license holder is only allowed to provide glasses and ice for the patrons.
3. The license holder, its agents and/or employees are prohibited from opening, serving, pouring, storing and/or disposing of any alcoholic liquor for its patrons.
4. Patrons are prohibited from taking any opened alcoholic liquor from the premises. Any opened and unconsumed alcoholic liquor must be disposed of by the patron prior to exiting the premises, in a proper drain and trash receptacle which is to be made available to the patron by the establishment, and which shall be emptied by the establishment at the close of each business day.
M. Supplemental Patio (Beer Garden) License: The local liquor control commissioner may issue to holders of a class A, A1, A2, A3, A7 or C license, a supplemental patio license, which license shall permit the sale and/or consumption of alcoholic liquor in a patio area contiguous and adjacent to the licensed premises. The following conditions and restrictions shall apply to the issuance and validity of a supplemental patio license:
1. Alcoholic liquor may only be served or consumed in the patio area between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) A.M. and twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight on any day of the week.
2. Acoustic and amplified live entertainment shall be permitted on the patio area (beer gardens but not sidewalk cafes) of the licensed premises (no more than one (1) time per calendar month for amplified live entertainment), subject to the premises being issued an Entertainment License by the Village Council, in accordance with Section 3-3-12 of this Chapter 3.
3. The patio area shall be paved, screened and separated from the adjacent private or public property by a solid wood fence or appropriate structure or barrier acceptable to the village and not less than five feet (5') in height, and which shall be maintained in good and attractive condition.
4. Entrance to and exit from the patio area shall be through the licensed premises.
5. Permitted live entertainment on the patios of liquor licensed establishments shall cease at 9:00 p.m. on each permitted day.
N. Supplemental Sidewalk Cafe License: The local liquor control commissioner may issue to holders of a class A, A2, A3, or C license, a supplemental sidewalk cafe license, which shall permit the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor in an outdoor dining area on public sidewalks/bumpouts contiguous and adjacent to the licensed premises, where such use is permitted by the zoning ordinance of the Village. The service of food for consumption must constitute at least fifty percent (50%) of the gross business activity under the restaurant license. The following conditions and restrictions shall apply to the issuance and continued validity of a supplemental sidewalk cafe license:
1. Alcoholic liquor may only be served or consumed in the sidewalk cafe between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) A.M. and twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight on any day of the week.
2. No live entertainment or live music shall be permitted in the sidewalk cafe area.
3. The outdoor dining area shall conform to the provisions set forth in title 4, chapter 3, article A of this Code.
O. Class O (Off Site Caterer) License: This license shall authorize the sale and service of alcoholic liquor for consumption not on the licensed premises as an incidental part of food service, as part of a private function or event, where prepared meals and alcoholic liquor are sold as part of an agreed upon package price.
P. Special Use Permit License: A special use permit liquor license shall allow a holder of a Village of Forest Park retail local liquor license to transfer a portion of its alcoholic liquor inventory from its licensed retail premises to a designated site in the Village for sale and consumption at a special event. A special use permit liquor license must be obtained for each special event location, and each special event shall not exceed a period of two (2) consecutive days.
1. Each application or request by a retail liquor licensee for a special use permit liquor license shall specify the person or persons responsible for the custody and sale of alcoholic liquor, the dates and hours of service, and the character of the special event to which the permit applies. Each application or request for a special use permit liquor license shall include a certificate of dramshop insurance, required by State law, naming the Village of Forest Park as an additional insured and setting forth the exact location of the special event.
2. A special use permit liquor license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor by the specified retail liquor licensee for consumption on the premises of the special event or within an area specifically designated in the special use permit liquor license request or application.
3. A special use permit liquor license shall be issued by the Village of Forest Park Local Liquor Control Commissioner.
4. An applicant for a special use permit liquor license shall also apply for and be issued a State of Illinois special use permit liquor license issued by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission for the location and dates of the special event.
5. No special use permit liquor license shall be issued to any person, partnership, corporation or club that does not first satisfy all requirements for issuance of a Village of Forest Park retail local liquor license as provided in Section 3-3-4
of this Chapter.
6. The Local Liquor Control Commissioner may, in his/her discretion, limit the hours of the sale or delivery of alcoholic liquor at the special event. (Ord. O-34-14, 10-27-2014; amd. Ord. O-22-15, 9-14-2015; Ord. O-26-16, 10-24-2016; Ord. O-34-19, 11-12-2019; Ord. O-13-21, 6-28-2021; Ord. O-36-21, 10-12-2021; Ord. O-32-22, 8-8-2022)
1 | 1. 235 ILCS 5/5-1. |
Annual Fees
Number Of Licenses
Annual Fees
Number Of Licenses
A | $2,000.00 | 17 |
A1 | 2,000.00 | 12 |
A2 | 1,775.00 | 4 |
A3 | 1,450.00 | 3 |
A4 | 275.00 | 0 |
A5 | 275.00 | 1 |
A6 | 1,325.00 | 0 |
A7 | 2,000.00 | 1 |
A8 | 2,000.00 | 2 |
B1 | 2,000.00 | 7 |
B2 | 1,450.00 | 0 |
C (BYOB) | 555.00 | 1 |
O | 1,100.00 | 1 |
Special Use Permit | 55.00 per day | No limit |
Additional fees: | |||
Supplemental patio license | $165.00 per approved license | ||
Supplemental sidewalk café license | $165.00 per approved license | ||
Extra bar(s) on premises | $165.00 per each additional public bar exceeding 1 |
Reduction in the Number of Licenses: Whenever a license previously issued under this chapter, except a special event license or a special use permit license, is revoked, surrendered, not renewed or otherwise terminated by dormancy, the maximum number of licenses in that class of the license which is revoked, surrendered, not renewed or otherwise terminated by dormancy as set forth in this section shall be automatically and immediately reduced accordingly by one and this subsection shall be deemed to be amended in conformance with such reduction. No additional license for any class shall be issued unless by affirmative action of the Village Council. The Village Clerk shall codify the appropriate maximum number of licenses for each license class whenever a number is reduced or increased as herein provided.
(Ord. O-34-14, 10-27-2014; amd. Ord. O-22-15, 9-14-2015; Ord. O-23-15, 9-14-2015; Ord. O-23-16, 9-12-2016; Ord. O-24-16, 9-12-2016; Ord. O-26-16, 10-24-2016; Ord. O-01-17, 1-9-2017; Ord. O-05-17, 2-27-2017; Ord. O-28-17, 11-13-2017; Ord. O-13-18, 4-23-2018; Ord. O-03-19, 2-25-2019; Ord. O-34-19, 11-12-2019; Ord. O-08-20, 2-10-2020; Ord. O-27-20, 8-24-2020; Ord. O-11-21, 6-14-2021; Ord. O-13-21, 6-28-2021; Ord. O-20-21, 7-12-2021; Ord. O-31-21, 9-13-2021; Ord. O-35-21, 10-12-2021; O-38-21, 10-25-2021; Ord. O-39-21, 11-8-2021; Ord. O-40-21, 11-22-2021; Ord. O-09-22, 2-28-2022; Ord. O-11-22; 3-14-2022; Ord. O-26-22, 6-27-2022; Ord. O-41-22, 11-14-2022; Ord. O-02-23, 1-9-2023; Ord. O-52-23, 11-13-2023; Ord. O-04-24, 1-22-2024; Ord. O-21-24, 6-10-2024; Ord. O-34-24, 10-28-2024)