§ 90.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Improper display. Except for signs within the scope of §§ 90.11, 90.14 and 90.16 any person, firm, or organization erecting or displaying signs or causing signs to be erected or display or failing to remove or repair any sign found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter within five days after receiving written notice of said violation shall be subject to a fine of not more than $100. Receipt of such written notice together with a copy of an applicable section of this chapter shall serve to put the recipient on notice with respect to the requirement of this chapter and shall obviate the need for additional notice of the same or similar sign. Each day's violation shall be a separate offense.
   (B)   Violation. With respect to signs within the scope of §§ 90.11, 90.14 and 90.16 any person, firm, or organization erecting or displaying any sign found to be in violation of these provisions shall be subject to a fine of not more than $100.
   (C)   Signs in public right-of-way. Other than signs in compliance with § 90.11 the City Manager shall cause the removal of signs located in public rights-of-way without prior notice to the violator. The cost of the removal shall be charged to the violator in addition to other penalties imposed by this section.
   (D)   Failure to remove or alter. If the owner or occupant fails to remove or alter a sign found by the city not to comply with the standards herein set forth within five days after such notice from the City Manager, the City Manager may have such sign moved or altered at the expense of the owner or occupant of the property.
   (E)   Failure to obtain permits. Failure to obtain permits before starting work. Any person who shall commence any installation of a sign for which a permit is required by this chapter without first having obtained a permit therefore shall, if legally authorized and subsequently allowed to obtain a permit, pay double permit fee.
   (F)   No refunds will be made if the amount claimed equals $5 or less. The foregoing not withstanding, the city manager is granted the discretionary authority to order a refund, including but not limited to an amount of $5 or less, where deemed to be reasonable and appropriate.
(Ord. 24-1990, passed 9-17-90; Am. Ord. 22-1996, passed 10-7-96; Am. Ord. 16-2002, passed 10-7-02; Am. Ord. 03-2006, passed 3-6-06)