§ 90.34 VARIANCE.
   In the case of special circumstances or conditions where the strict application of the requirements of this chapter would deprive a property owner of a reasonable right to have signage, the Planning Commission shall have the power to vary or adapt the requirements of this chapter. In granting a variance the Planning Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to ensure conformity with the surrounding neighborhood. A variance may only be granted if the Commission finds the following:
   (A)   Special circumstances and conditions. There are special circumstances or conditions, fully documented in the findings, that are peculiar to the land and/or building and do not generally apply to land and buildings in the surrounding neighborhood.
   (B)   Minimum variance. The variance granted by the Planning Commission shall be the minimum variance needed to accomplish the purpose.
   (C)   Absence of detriment. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the chapter, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.
   (D)   Not of a general nature. The condition or situation of the specific piece of property is not so general as to make reasonably practical the formulation of a general regulation for the condition or situation.
   (E)   Action of applicants. That the special conditions or circumstances did not result from the actions of the applicant.
(Ord. 24-1990, passed 9-17-90; Am. Ord. 22-1996, passed 10-7-96; Am. Ord. 16-2002, passed 10-7-02)