A.    .  shall be made on forms provided by the . The filing the must be the owner or a having an interest in the land to be included in the . If the is to include a territory with more than one ownership, the must be submitted jointly and be signed by all of the owners or having an interest in each of the separately owned properties to be included.
   The shall be accompanied by the following:
      1.   One copy of the narrative on eight and one-half by 11 inch sheets; and
      2.   Six sets of full-scaled black line drawings of the tentative and any other graphic(s), with a sheet size not to exceed 24 by 36 inches. One set of the graphics shall be reduced to fit on eight and one-half by 11-inch sheets of paper. Graphics and related names/numbers must be legible on this sheet size. When necessary, an overall plan with additional detail sheets may be submitted.
   B.   Graphics. A tentative    shall include the following information where applicable:
      1.   Public notice map;
      2.   Existing land map. Typically an aerial photo that extends at least 500 feet beyond the boundaries shall be submitted unless the   a different map type and/or extent. This map includes footprints and makes a distinction between residential, commercial and industrial land uses, as well as noting other significant features such as roads, drainageways, parks, transit stops and ;
      3.   Tentative   and other graphics drawn to scale and containing sheet titles, date, north arrow and legend placed in the same location on each sheet and containing the following:
         a.   Name and address of owner(s) of record, and registered land surveyor who prepared the ;
         b.   Sufficient description to define location and boundaries of the ;
         c.   Location and use of adjacent within 150 feet of the ;
         d.   Number of and their dimensions including , depths and area in square feet;
         e.   General locations of existing and proposed including types and gross per and proposed restrictions. An indication of approximate may be required where necessary to evaluate relationships;
         f.   General location and size of areas to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved as common , public parks, recreational areas,   and similar public and semipublic uses;
         g.   Existing and proposed general circulation system including , off- parking areas, service areas, and major points of to public rights-of-way. Notations of proposed ownership (public or private) should be included where appropriate;
         h.   Existing and proposed general pedestrian circulation system, including its interrelationship with the vehicular circulation system and indicating proposed treatments of points of conflict;
         i.   Existing and proposed utility systems including sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainageways and water;
         j.   Identification of significant natural features including heavily wooded areas and significant ;
         k.   Topographic contours at two-foot intervals for slopes under 20% and at five-foot intervals for slopes at or greater than 20%. Where the of any part of the exceeds 10% or where the abuts existing developed , a conceptual grading plan may be required to show features adjacent to or within a reasonable distance from the that would affect the and adjacent areas. If a grading plan is required, it shall show how runoff or surface water from individual will be managed and ultimate disposal of all surface waters;
         l.   Approximate location of proposed and/or for drainage, sewage or other public utilities;
         m.   Location of waterways and drainageways, showing top of existing banks and channel depth, and if requested, a separate sheet showing cross section at 50-foot intervals of all such watercourses; and
         n.   For residential , identification of which are intended to have solar protection.
      4.   The may waive any of the above requirements when determined the information required by this section is unnecessary to properly evaluate the proposed . The may also require additional information, if determined necessary, to adequately evaluate the proposal.
   C.   Narrative. A written statement shall include:
      1.   Proposed uses and objectives;
      2.   Statement of on- and to be constructed or installed, date of their anticipated completion, and availability of off- rights-of-way and/or to the to allow extension of to the . Improvements include:
         a.   Domestic water supply;
         b.   Sewage disposal, storm drainage and control;
         c.   Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular ;
         d.   Maintenance of common areas, if proposed; and
         e.   Landscaping.
      3.   General description of intentions concerning timing, installation and maintenance responsibilities, and assurances for all public and non-public improvements and facilities, such as irrigation, private roads and drives, landscape and , water quality and stormwater detention facilities and sensitive land buffers;
      4.   General data not included on the tentative such as:
         a.   Total number and type of units;
         b.    sizes;
         c.   Proposed of and where known;
         d.   Densities per net ;
         e.   Total amount of (lands not designated for or vehicle parking and maneuvering areas); and
         f.   Total amount of nonresidential construction.
      5.   Any proposed Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC & Rs); and
      6.   How the proposed project meets each of the approval criteria.
   D.   An for a within the must include a certification from the and Light and Power for electricity as follows:
      1.   Certification from the and Light and Power on forms provided by the that the following are available to the :
         a.   Municipal water with legal to the and sufficient volume and pressure to serve the proposed .
         b.   Sanitary sewer with legal to the and sufficient treatment plant capacity and line capacity to serve the proposed .
         c.   Storm sewer with legal to the and sufficient line capacity to adequately provide the necessary drainage.
         d.   Road with available public right-of-way and capacity to serve the proposed .
         e.   Electrical power with legal to the and sufficient capacity to serve the .
      2.   The or Light and Power may require such information from the as deemed necessary to make the determination whether to issue the certifications described in § 17.6.105D.1. above.
      3.   When any of the certifications described in § 17.6.105D.1. above cannot be made because the utilities lack sufficient capacity or line availability to the property boundary, the , or the Light and Power for electricity, shall state on the form, based on the information provided by the , whether the utilities could be provided by the extension or replacement of existing lines or construction of pumping stations, transformers or other facilities needed to provide capacity. If offsite improvements are required, the shall be responsible for constructing or installing any such improvements.
      4.   The shall include a written statement from the that the understands that of the will not be authorized until the utilities are available and that the cannot provide a time schedule for their availability.
      5.   The will not or review an when certification under § 17.6.105D.1. above cannot be given due to a lack of legal to extend the service to the through offsite or rights-of-way for any service identified in 17.6.105D.1. above.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2013-3, passed 5-22-2013)