§ 17.4.305 PROCEDURES.
   A Mixed Planned (MUPD) is reviewed through a two-step process.
   A.   Preliminary plan. The preliminary plan is reviewed under Type III procedures. The preliminary plan review examines the MUPD with respect to items such as the mix of uses; , including the number, type and location of units; the location and amount of non-residential uses; parking; impacts on surrounding areas; adequacy of services; and conceptual plan for service improvements. Preliminary plan approval will only be granted when there is a reasonable certainty that the MUPD will fulfill all applicable requirements of the City Codes.
   B.   Final plan. The final plan for the MUPD is reviewed under Type I administrative procedures. The must submit the detailed and technical information necessary to demonstrate that all applicable standards, requirements and conditions have been met. Approval will only be granted if the final plan is in substantial conformance with the preliminary plan.
   C.   Concurrent land division. A MUPD may be filed and processed concurrently with a or  ; however, no land division shall be approved unless it is found to be consistent with the applicable MUPD. All of the submittal requirements and review standards of Article 6 will apply to a concurrent MUPD/land division request. The tentative will be combined with the preliminary MUPD review and the final will be combined with the final MUPD review.
   D.      /design review. The MUPD approval shall remove the requirement for subsequent   or design review of individual , if the MUPD includes elevations and sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the applicable  /design review standards. The MUPD decision shall expressly state whether individual within the MUPD (such as commercial or multi- ) shall require subsequent   or design review approval.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2016-3, passed 3-28-2016)