§ 17.4.200 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Planned (PD) provisions is to provide greater flexibility in the of land for residential, commercial or industrial purposes than allowed by the conventional standards of the Development Code. For residential over two that have an average greater than 20%, is allowed only through approval of a planned .
   A PD is not intended to be simply a means of avoiding normal Development Code requirements. The PD provisions are intended to:
   A.   Promote flexibility and innovation in design and permit diversity in the location of in order to preserve natural features and view corridors;
   B.   Promote innovative and creative design by providing a variety and mixture of types and architectural styles;
   C.   Promote efficient of land and facilitate a more economical arrangement of , circulation systems, land uses and utilities when compared with conventional patterns;
   D.   Preserve to the greatest extent possible existing landscape features and such as , creeks, ponds, , hills and similar natural assets, and incorporate such features into the design of the PD;
   E.   To encourage the provision of and recreational facilities in a generally central location and within reasonable walking distance of all living units in residential planned ;
   F.   Combine and coordinate architectural styles, forms and relationships within the PD; and
   G.   Provide the with reasonable assurance of ultimate approval before requiring detailed design and engineering, while providing the with assurances that the project will retain the character envisioned at the time of approval.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2017-12, passed 11-27-2017; Ord. 2022-01, passed 5-9-2022)