Officials and Adopted Codes
   150.001   Building Official
   150.002   Board of Appeals
   150.003   Adoption of Building Code
   150.004   Adoption of Uniform Housing Code
   150.005   Amendments
   150.006   Adoption of rainwater harvesting systems
Dangerous Building Code
   150.020   Purpose
   150.021   Scope
   150.022   Definitions
   150.023   Alternations, additions, and repairs
   150.024   Administration
   150.025   Inspections
   150.026   Right of entry
   150.027   Dangerous buildings declared to be public nuisances; abatement
   150.028   Violations
   150.029   Inspections of work
   150.030   Commencement of proceedings
   150.031   Notice and order
   150.032   Service of notice and order
   150.033   Method of service
   150.034   Proof of service
   150.035   Repair, vacation, and demolition
   150.036   Notice to vacate; posting
   150.037   Compliance with notice to vacate
   150.038   Appeal
   150.039   Scheduling appeal for hearing
   150.040   Effect of failure to appeal
   150.041   Scope of appeal hearing; stay of order
   150.042   Form of notice of hearing to appellant
   150.043   Record
   150.044   Conduct of hearings
   150.045   Rights of parties at hearings
   150.046   Judicial notice
   150.047   Inspection of the premises
   150.048   Form of decision; judicial review
   150.049   Enforcement of orders
   150.050   Failure to commence work
   150.051   Interference with repair or demolition work prohibited
Moving Buildings
   150.065   Moving permit
   150.066   Obstructing intersections
   150.067   Clearance under wires
   150.068   Warning lights
Swimming Pools
   150.080   Compliance
   150.081   Definition
   150.082   Permit required
   150.083   Enclosure of swimming pool
House Numbering
   150.095   Definition
   150.096   Street names
   150.097   Street numbers
   150.098   House numbers; location and type
   150.999   Penalty
   See also Vertical Housing Development Program, Ch. 36