For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. Any source of light emanating from a manmade device, including but not limited to, incandescent mercury vapor, metal halide, or sodium lamps, flashlights, spotlights, street lights, vehicular lights, construction or security lights.
   BEACH. The area of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the mean low water line to the place where there is a marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation (usually the effective limit of storm waves).
   FLOODLIGHTS. Reflector type light fixture, attached directly to a building and is unshielded.
   LOW PROFILE LUMINARIES. Light fixtures set on a base which raises the source of the light no higher than 48 inches off the ground, and designed in such a way that light is directed downward from a hooded light source.
   NEW DEVELOPMENT. New construction and remodeling of existing structures when the remodeling includes alteration of exterior lighting.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, association, joint venture, partnership, estate, trust, syndicate, fiduciary, corporation, group or unit or federal, state, county or municipal government.
   POLE LIGHTING. Light fixture set on a base or pole which raises the source of the light higher than 48 inches off the ground.
   SOLAR SCREEN. Screens which are fixed installations and permanently project shade over the entire glass area of the window. The screens must be installed outside of the glass and must have:
      (1)   Visible light transmittance value of 45% or less (inside to outside;
      (2)   A minimum five-year warranty; and
      (3)   Performance claims supported by approved testing procedures and documentation.
   TINTED OR FILMED GLASS. Window glass which has been covered with window tint or film such that the material has:
      (1)   Visible light transmittance value of 45% or less (inside to outside);
      (2)   A minimum five-year warranty;
      (3)   Adhesive as an integral part; and
      (4)   Performance claims which are sup- ported by approved testing procedures and documen- tation.
   VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE. A measurement of the amount of light in the visible portion of the spectrum that passes through a glazing material.
(Ord. 8-92, passed 4-21-92; Am. Ord. 11-97, passed 7-1-97; Am. Ord. 18-99, passed 7-13-99; Am. Ord. 007-23, passed 4-11-23)