§ 153.01 DEFINITION.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   SPECIAL EVENT. Any activity on private or public property other than the normal use for which the property is zoned or ordinarily used. SPECIAL EVENTS include but are not limited to weddings, parties, festivals, cultural events, musical events, exhibitions, fairs, carnivals, circuses, communal camping, sporting events, parades, and demonstrations.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14; Am. Ord. 004-22, passed 3-8-22)
   (A)   Unless specifically waived by City Council, participants in special events on public or private property shall comply with all relevant city, state, and federal laws, including but not limited to:
      (1)   Alcohol possession or consumption (must be 21 years old, no open containers on public property, no alcohol on the beach);
      (2)   Parking and traffic laws;
      (3)   Noise prohibitions in residential, commercial, and recreational zones;
      (4)   Disorderly conduct;
      (5)   Unlawful assembly;
      (6)   Trespassing, malicious injury and the like; and
      (7)   Wildlife and environmental protection.
   (B)   If a special event does not comply with the rules set forth in this ordinance or other laws, the Director of Public Safety may terminate the event and take any other action that the Director deems appropriate.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14; Am. Ord. 004-22, passed 3-8-22)
Cross reference:
   Parking and traffic laws, Code of Ordinances, Title VII;
   Noise prohibitions in residential, commercial, and recreational zones, §§ 131.30 to 131.44;
   Disorderly conduct, § 131.21;
   Prohibited behavior; unlawful assembly, § 131.07;
   Trespassing, malicious injury and the like, § 132.02;
   Wildlife and environmental protection, Chapter 151
   (A)   All special events on public or private property:
      (1)   Shall not have substantia! adverse effects or noise impacts on nearby properties;
      (2)   Shall not have temporary signs larger than 12 square feet (e.g., three feet x four feet) and shall promptly remove the signs when the event is over or as specified in an event permit or rental agreement;
      (3)   Shall not violate any conditions of approval that apply to a principal use on the site;
      (4)   Shall not obstruct beach access paths or walkovers or disturb beach dunes or related vegetation;
      (5)   Shall not create an unreasonable risk of significant:
         (a)   Damage to public property, beyond normal wear and tear;
         (b)   Injury to persons;
         (c)   Unlawful disturbances or nuisances;
         (d)   Unsafe impediments or distractions to, or congestion of, vehicular or pedestrian travel;
         (e)   Additional and impracticable or unduly burdensome police, fire, trash removal, maintenance, or other public services demands; or
         (f)   Other adverse effects upon the public health, safety, or welfare;
      (6)   Shall not be of such a nature, size, or duration that the particular location requested cannot reasonably accommodate the event;
      (7)   Shall not be at a time and location that has already been permitted or reserved for other activities;
      (8)   Shall not leave any trash generated by the event on city property unless it is properly placed in appropriate trash or recycling containers; and
      (9)   Shall only use vendors that have City of Folly Beach business licenses.
   (B)   An applicant for permission to hold a special event on public property shall agree that, in the event that a special event is cancelled by the City of Folly Beach due to circumstances beyond the control of the city, including but not limited to acts of God or verifiable emergencies, the applicant’s only recourse is either to reschedule the event or to receive a refund of any funds paid to the city by the applicant, and the applicant shall further agree that the city shall not be liable to the applicant for any losses, damages, obligations, liabilities, or expenses that may directly or indirectly arise from the cancellation of the event.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14; Am. Ord. 004-22, passed 3-8-22; Am. Ord. 006-23, passed 4-11-23)
   (A)   Weddings and other events on the beach are subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Wedding receptions are prohibited on the beach.
      (2)   Any items that are put on the beach for a wedding or other event (such as tents pulpits, chairs, plants, arbors, or decorations) as well as any other items that were left on the beach after the event, must be removed before sunset, before the tide reaches them, or no later than two hours after the conclusion of the event, whichever is sooner.
      (3)   Fireworks and open fires, including tiki torches, sky lanterns, floating lanterns and similar devices, are prohibited on the beach. Gas grills are permitted.
      (4)   Only environmentally safe materials may be thrown on the beach, such as bird seed or real flowers or flower petals (no rice).
      (5)   Access to the beach must be made through a public walkover, unless the event has permission to use a house or vacant lot on the front beach.
      (6)   Weddings and other events on the beach shall not impede the passage of pedestrians or patrol vehicles on the beach or public walkways to the beach.
      (7)   Any application for a wedding on the beach with over 25 people in attendance must be approved by the Special Events Committee.
   (B)   Weddings and other events in the Community Center are subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Any items that are brought into the Community Center (such as pulpits, chairs, plants, arbors, decorations, and other items) must be removed within two hours of the end of the event.
      (2)   Special events in the Community Center shall not be for commercial purposes.
      (3)   The use of Community Center shall be free to community groups and shall include the use of the Community Center sign.
      (4)   The use of the Community Center shall be free to residents.
      (5)   Any application for a wedding in the Community Center with over 25 people in attendance must be approved by the Special Events Committee.
   (C)   Weddings and others events in the Folly River Park are subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   Any items that are brought into the park (such as pulpits, chairs, plants, arbors, decorations, or other items) must be removed within two hours of the end of the event.
      (2)   Special events in the Folly River Park shall not be for commercial purposes.
      (3)   The use of Folly River Park shall be free to community groups.
      (4)   The use of the Folly River Park shall be free to residents.
      (5)   The use of tents for special events in the Folly River Park is prohibited.
      (6)   Special events in the Folly River Park shall not have exclusive use of the park and shall not impede access to and use of the park by the general public.
      (7)   Any application for a wedding in the Folly River Park with over 25 people in attendance must be approved by the Special Events Committee.
(Ord. 26-13, passed 2-25-14; Am. Ord. 001-22, passed 2-8-22; Am. Ord. 004-22, passed 3-8-22; Am. Ord. 006-23, passed 4-11-23) Penalty, see § 10.99