   95.01   Possession or use of bodies for study
   95.02   Burial
   95.03   Records required
   95.04   Exceptions
   95.99   Penalty
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, institution, or other legal entity, other than those listed hereafter, to possess or use for anatomical studies in the city the dead body, or any part thereof, of any person who died outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
   (B)   Dead bodies or any part thereof may be possessed or used for anatomical studies by:
      (1)   Any hospital licensed, accredited, or approved under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky or a hospital operated by the United States Government, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, or any political subdivision thereof.
      (2)   Any college provided, operated, and supported by federal, state or county government or any of their political subdivisions, any nursing school accredited under KRS 314.111, or any college as defined in KRS 164.945 which conducts anatomical studies and which is licensed under the provisions of KRS 164.945 through 164.947 to conduct the studies.
      (3)   Any non-profit research institution which is not a college under (B) (2) above and which conducts anatomical studies for the advancement of medical or dental science, which studies are accredited or approved by the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the American Society of Anatomy, the American College of Pathology, or which has a bona fide affiliation or contract with a teaching institution or hospital which itself is accredited or approved by one of the organizations or whose research program is funded by a state or federal grant.
   (C)   Any person, firm, corporation, institution, or other legal entity which possesses or uses for anatomical studies any dead body or any part thereof under (B)(2) or (B)(3) above shall maintain the body in an embalmed condition, shall at all times ensure its proper and safe custody upon their premises, shall permit only its physicians, teachers, students, research workers, and technicians to have access to the body, shall comply with all applicable regulations of the Boone County Health Department or any other governmental agency, and shall identify all parts dissected free from the body in such manner that it can be determined from which body the parts were dissected.
(Ord. O-9-79, passed 4-10-79)
§ 95.02 BURIAL.
   Any person, firm, corporation, institution, or other legal entity which possesses or uses for anatomical studies any dead body or part thereof under (B)(2) or (B)(3) above shall, upon completion of the study thereof, deliver the body then constituted to the Boone County Coroner for burial or cremation, and shall pay the expenses of the burial or cremation and of the preparation of the body at the rates provided by law or which are usual and customary therefor.
(Ord. O-9-79, passed 4-10-79)
Statutory reference:
   Burial after dissection, see KRS 311.340