   94.01   Connection to Public Safety Communications Center
   94.02   False alarms
   94.99   Penalty
   (A)   The connection of alarms to the central alarm monitoring panel in the Public Safety Communications Center shall be on a first-come first-served basis. The number shall be limited by the space available in the existing panel. Application for a connection shall be in letter form addressed to the Director of Public Safety Communications Center. Upon approval of the application and payment of the fees, connection will be permitted providing space is available.
   (B)   The following fees shall be charged for each connection:
      (1)   An initial connection fee of $150 payable after approval of an application and prior to a connection to the panel.
      (2)   A monitoring fee of $120 per year, payable annually in advance with no part of the fee refundable if service is terminated during the year.
   (C)   Failure of the subscriber to pay any fee set out in § 94.02 (B) when due or within ten days thereafter may result in a termination of service to that subscriber.
   (D)   All alarm equipment to be installed must be compatible with the panel and must be installed, maintained, and interconnected to the panel by a reputable alarm company at the expense of the subscriber. Responsibility for proper operation, maintenance, and functioning of all equipment, including leased lines, is to be assumed by the subscriber or the alarm company providing the detecting and receiving equipment and maintenance service.
   (E)   The Public Safety Communications Center will provide only monitoring service of the alarm panel and shall not be responsible for maintenance or defective alarm equipment, or subscriber's negligence.
   (F)   (1)   For the purpose of this section, "ALARM DEVICE" shall mean a device which when activated by an occurrence at the premises in which it is located either automatically places a telephone call to the emergency numbers at the Public Safety Communications Center and transmits a recorded message to the effect that an emergency is in progress at the address of the premises to which police, fire, EMS or other emergency personnel need to respond; or automatically emits an audible alarm signal outside the premises which directs public attention to the premises as a place where an emergency situation exists; or automatically notifies some person or device, other than the central alarm monitoring panel in the Public Safety Communications Center of an emergency situation on the premises. This term "ALARM DEVICE" also applies to medical alarms worn by persons who monitor their individual medical health conditions.
      (2)   Any person, firm, or corporation which owns or maintains an alarm device within the city, shall register same in the office of the Director of the Public Safety Communications Center on forms provided by the Public Safety Communications Center containing the following information:
         (a)   The name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the premises in which the alarm device is located.
         (b)   A general description of the premises including the use thereof; the type of construction; location of exits; whether there are hazardous materials contained therein and, if so, the location thereof; whether there are pets, guard dogs, or other animals usually kept therein; any other information which the owner believes would be necessary or helpful to emergency personnel responding to a call to the premises.
         (c)   The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least two persons other than owner who would be available to meet at the premises with emergency personnel responding to a call there and assist such personnel in gaining entrance to the premises and with information necessary for handling the emergency.
         (d)   Upon such registration, the Director of the Public Safety Communications Center shall forward copies of the registration to the City Clerk, the Chief of Police, and the Chief of the Fire Department.
      (3)   All such alarm devices shall be so registered within 30 days of the effective date of this section or within 30 days of the installation of any such device installed after the effective date of this section.
      (4)   Alarm devices which are not connected to the monitoring panel of the Public Safety Communications Center but which are designed to automatically emit an audible alarm signal outside the premises to direct public attention to that premises shall be installed so as to limit the audible signal outside the premises to 30 minutes, except as to fire alarm for which there is no limit. This time limitation does not apply to alarm devices worn by individuals to emit an audible alarm regarding that person's medical health.
      (5)   All fees collected hereunder shall be deposited in the general fund of the city and used for all purposes for which funds therein are used.
(Ord. O-27-79, passed 9-11-79; Am. Ord. O-1-83, passed 1-25-83; Am. Ord. O-17-91, passed 9-10-91)
   (A)   (1)   For purposes of this chapter, a "FALSE ALARM" is defined as an alarm or signal emitting from an alarm device through error of a person, error in installation or operation error, maintenance, upkeep, or testing non-notification, at the premises served by the alarm device, which results in an emergency response from the police, fire, EMS, or other emergency personnel to the premises. A fee for each false alarm run or response, in the amount set forth below, shall be and is hereby imposed or levied to be paid by the owner of the premises to which the false alarm run was made. However, there shall be no fee for the first false alarm per month at any premises.
      (2)   False alarm fees are:
         (a)   For ten or less false alarms in any calendar year      $25 each
         (b)   For false alarms in excess of ten in any calendar year   $100 each
   (B)   The appropriate public official of the city is hereby authorized and directed to send a bill or invoice on behalf of the city to the property owner of the particular premises, this billing to occur at least annually.
(Ord. O-17-91, passed 9-10-91; Am. Ord. O-04-00, passed 3-14-00; Am. Ord. O-5-12, passed 3-27-12)
§ 94.99 PENALTY.
   Any person, firm, corporation or other entity found to have violated the provisions of this chapter is deemed to have committed a civil offense which shall be enforce by the imposition of a civil fine not to exceed $75 for each offense, and each day for such violation shall constitute a separate offense. The city Code Enforcement Board shall have the power to issue remedial orders and impose civil fines to enforce this chapter.
(Ord.O-1-83, passed 1-25-83; Am. Ord.O-17-91, passed 9-10-91)