§ 95.02 BURIAL.
   Any person, firm, corporation, institution, or other legal entity which possesses or uses for anatomical studies any dead body or part thereof under (B)(2) or (B)(3) above shall, upon completion of the study thereof, deliver the body then constituted to the Boone County Coroner for burial or cremation, and shall pay the expenses of the burial or cremation and of the preparation of the body at the rates provided by law or which are usual and customary therefor.
(Ord. O-9-79, passed 4-10-79)
Statutory reference:
   Burial after dissection, see KRS 311.340
   Any person, firm, corporation, institution, or other legal entity which possesses or uses for anatomical studies any dead body or part thereof under § 95.01 shall keep a record in a book to be kept by them for that purpose, of all such bodies in their possession. The book shall at all times be subject to inspection by any officer of the city, state, or county or relative or friend of any deceased person whose body shall be in their possession. The record shall show the name, if known, the age, sex, date and cause of death, the date when the body came into their possession, the date of interment, and the final place of interment, together with any distinguishing marks by which the body may be identified.
(Ord. O-9-79, passed 4-10-79)
   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any medical laboratories or their employees as defined in KRS 333, funeral directors or embalmers or their employees operating under KRS 316, coroners or medical examiners, physicians, osteopaths, dentists, podiatrists, dental laboratories or technicians, pharmacists, nurses, or their employees engaged in treatment, therapy, or transplantation, any individual for therapy or transplantation needed by him, nor to the transportation of dead bodies or parts thereof directly through the city without unreasonable delay.
(Ord. O-9-79, passed 4-10-79)
§ 95.99 PENALTY.
   Any person, firm, corporation, institution, or other legal entity who violates any of the the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $500, or imprisoned for not more than twelve months, or both. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. O-9-79, passed 4-10-79)