Editor's Note: The following is a policy statement only and has not been adopted as an ordinance.
The Administrative Committee recommends that the city assume the duty to make emergency repairs to sidewalks according to the following policy:
(A) The city would budget approximately $5,000 per year for emergency sidewalk repair.
(B) The city would repair sidewalks which have become genuinely hazardous to pedestrians by reason of their disrepair.
(C) The repair or replacement of sidewalks which are not in a hazardous condition would be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, but such repair or reconstruction would have to be done according to city specifications.
(D) This policy would apply only to sidewalks within the boundaries of city rights-of-way and the repair or replacement of all sidewalks on private property would be the responsibility of the property owner.
(Policy statement of 7-23-85)
It shall be the duty of the owner or occupants of lots abutting on sidewalks to keep the sidewalks in front of the property or lots clean and free from rubbish and dirt, whether they are washed by water flooding the sidewalks or from any other source. Should filth accumulate on the sidewalks of the city and the owner or occupant of the lot abutting the sidewalk at such place or places fail to remove the filth, it shall be the duty of the city to notify the owner in writing, setting forth the objectionable condition of the sidewalk. If the owner or occupants fail to remove the dirt or filth within three days from the date of notice, he or they shall be fined as provided in § 90.99.
(Ord. O-38-12, passed 8-5-12) Penalty, see § 90.99
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"PERSON." Any natural person, partnership, corporation, joint venture, unincorporated association of natural persons, or any combination thereof.
“SCOOTER.” Any low vehicle to which two wheels are attached one in front of the other, and a trad or footboard between them which is propelled by pushing against the ground. A scooter may include a saddle or seat and may or may not be motorized.
"SKATEBOARD." Any board or platform to which there is attached wheels for movement thereof by either gravity or the muscular power of someone standing upon the board or platform and which has no mechanism or other device with which to steer or control the movement or direction of the board or platform.
(Ord. O-12-90, passed 6-12-90; Am. Ord. O-12-04, passed 4-27-04)
No person shall cause, permit, allow, encourage or engage in any of the following operations of a skateboard or scooter within the city.
(A) The operation of a skateboard or scooter upon, into or within the following streets or highways:
Dream Street
Ewing Boulevard
Hopeful Church Road
Hopeful Road
Houston Road
Kentucky 18
Main Street
Mall Road
Tanners Lane
Turfway Road
U.S. 25
U.S. 42
Weaver Road
(B) The operation of a skateboard or scooter upon any sidewalk without yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians thereon.
(C) The construction of any skateboard or scooter ramp upon a street, highway or sidewalk.
(D) (1) No person shall operate a skateboard or scooter on any private property within the city unless the person has obtained the written consent of the owner or owners of the private property; and unless the person operating the skateboard or the scooter has in his or her possession at the time of operation the written consent of the owner or owners of the private property on which he or she is operating the skateboard or the scooter.
(2) The written consent described in division (D)(1) above shall grant to the person named therein permission to operate a skateboard or the scooter on the property described in the consent. No more than one person shall be named as the permittee on a written consent. A written consent shall be invalid unless the name of the permittee is written therein. A written consent shall not be transferable.
(3) A person who is the owner of private property in the city, his or her spouse, dependent children, or tenants and their dependent children who reside upon the property shall, without procuring the written consent described in division (D)(1) above, have the right to operate a skateboard or scooter on private property of which they are bona fide owners, or the spouse or dependent children of the owners, or tenants or dependent children of tenants who reside upon the property.
(Ord. O-12-90, passed 6-12-90; Am. Ord. O-12-04, passed 4-27-04) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) Any peace officer who issues a citation for violation of this subchapter shall confiscate the skateboard or scooter used in the violation and place it in the police property room.
(B) The skateboard or scooter may be returned to the violator or to a parent or guardian of the violator, if the violator is a minor, after the following periods of time:
(1) After 30 days for a first violator of this subchapter.
(2) If any person commits a subsequent violation of this subchapter, the skateboard used by such person in the violation shall be forfeited to the city and disposed of in the manner prescribed by law for forfeited property.
(C) Nothing contained in this subchapter shall be construed as prohibiting the lawful use of any device, whether skateboard or scooter, which has been recommended or prescribed for a person by a licensed physician to enable or assist in the ambulation of that person.
(Ord. 0-12-90, passed 6-12-90; Am. Ord. O-12-04, passed 4-27-04)
All violations of this chapter are designated as civil offenses and shall be enforced by the imposition of a civil fine not to exceed $500 for each violation. The city Code Enforcement Board shall have the power to issue remedial orders and impose civil fines to enforce this chapter.
(Ord. O-12-04, passed 4-27-04