(a)   Funding. The cost of implementing this division and the City’s storm water management program shall be funded from the city water pollution control fund, as established in § 46-73.
   (b)   Cost reimbursement and fees. The City Director is empowered to recover all costs of implementing, administering and enforcing this division to the greatest extent practicable from persons regulated under individual use permits and persons found in violation of this division.
      (1)   Annual fees. The City Director may assess an annual storm sewer use fee of $200.00 for each connection to the storm sewer system to persons permitted to discharge to the storm sewer system under § 46-131.
      (2)   Use permit fees. Persons regulated under individual use permits, pursuant to § 46-131(c), shall pay a use permit application or re-application fee of $100.00, a use permit renewal fee of $100.00, and a use permit transfer fee (in the event of a transfer of the use permit) of $100.00 to the City. In addition to these fees, persons shall reimburse the City for any and all other expenses the City incurs arising from: (i) processing incomplete, incorrect or otherwise unacceptable use permit applications; (ii) establishing case-specific restrictions on discharges to the storm sewer system; (iii) sampling and analyzing discharges to the storm sewer system and inspecting permittee’s facilities; (iv) enforcing use permits; (v) producing and mailing copies of use permits; and (vi) other activities in connection with issuing, administering, enforcing and transferring use permits.
      (3)   Other fees. The City Director may establish other fees by use permit or order, as required for recovering the cost of implementing, administering and enforcing this division.
(Ord. 3489, passed 2-25-2002; Ord. 3630, passed 12-13-2004)