The city may in writing suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy under the provisions of this subchapter whenever the certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or when it is determined that the structure or portion thereof is in violation of any regulations or provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 90.04, passed 2-25-98)
All references herein to “City Manager” shall refer to the presently serving statutory “City Administrative Officer” if the city does not have a City Manager; and to the “Mayor” should the city have neither a City Manager nor a City Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 90.04, passed 2-25-98)
Any person desiring a building permit, as provided in this chapter, as well as in ordinance 90.03, shall file with the Council of the city through the City Clerk’s office a written and signed application, accurately describing the nature of the improvements contemplated, the material to be used therein, the particular location and the time work will commence and the probable duration thereof.
Additionally, the person desiring the permit must participate in a pre-construction conference established to review the manufactured home siting process, and finnish a plot map showing the actual placement of the manufactured home site, as well as other significant features such as the placement of accessory building or a garage.
The Council or its designate may require any such application to be amended or made more definite and certain, or may direct the filing of a new application. Upon the filing of a proper application the Council may grant a permit in whole or in part, as applied for, and may impose such reasonable conditions and terms as may be deemed proper or the City Council may refuse to grant the permit.
Prior to approving any such application for a building permit the City Manager and or designee, shall review the application, the proposed construction plan, and if necessary visit the affected site. The City Manager or designee may consider such application in the context of items impacting upon the public health, welfare, and safety, including the ability of the city to provide utility services occasioned by the improvement or construction. The recommendations of the City Manager or designee shall be considered by the Council at a properly convened special or regular meeting.
Plot plan, on 8½ X 11 paper. Please indicate:
· Scale used and marker showing the direction of North.
· Location and dimension of all property lines.
· Location, dimensions, and type of easements (i.e., drainage, access, utilities).
· Location, dimension and use of all existing buildings and structures on the site, showing distances from property lines.
· Existing buildings scheduled for demolition or removal must be indicated. For all proposed buildings show porches, walks, decks, overhangs, etc.
· If the project is located within the flood zone, indicate the elevation.
· Location of proposed or existing sewage disposal system(s), well(s), sewer line(s), and water line(s).