1331.01 Requirements.
1331.02 Location.
1331.03 Equipment.
1331.04 Installation.
1331.05 Certification.
1331.06 Electrical permit.
1331.07 Supplemental standards.
1331.08 Enforcement.
1331.99 Penalty.
Required in high-rise apartments and condominiums - see Ohio R.C. 3781.104; OAC Ch. 4101:2-89
Ohio Fire Code - see FIRE PREV. Ch. 1501
The installation of a minimum of one smoke and fire detector per dwelling unit is hereby required for all new single and multiple occupancy residential dwellings constructed subsequent to the effective date of this section. Such smoke and fire detectors shall be capable of sensing visible or invisible particles of combustion and providing a suitable audible alarm, thereof; further, they shall be installed in the manner hereinafter provided. As an alternative to a smoke and fire detector, an approved fire detection system may be installed. Each such fire detection system shall be individually approved and a permit issued therefor by the Fire Department.
All existing multiple occupancy residential structures with three or more dwelling units, within one year of the effective date of this section and/or when any structural change or repair is made in excess of one thousand dollars ($1000), whichever occurs first, shall have installed therein a minimum of one smoke and fire detector per dwelling unit or an acceptable alternative approved as provided above.
(Ord. 80-95. Passed 1-5-81.)
At least one smoke and fire detector shall be installed to protect each sleeping area. The smoke and fire detector shall be mounted on the ceiling or wall not more than twelve inches from the ceiling, at a point centrally located in a corridor or area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. Where bedrooms or rooms ordinarily used for sleeping are separated by other used areas, such as kitchens or living rooms, but not bathrooms or closets, they shall be considered as separated sleeping areas for the purposes of this chapter. In an efficiency dwelling unit the detector shall be centrally located on the ceiling in the main room. Where sleeping rooms are on the upper level, the detector shall be placed at the head or top of each stairway leading up to an occupied area in such manner as to assure that rising smoke is not obstructed in reaching the detector and intercepts smoke before it reaches the sleeping area. Smoke and fire detectors or an approved fire detection system shall be installed in public areas in such number and location as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau in accordance with Section 4101:2-89-05 of the Ohio Administrative Code. (Ord. 80-95. Passed 1-5-81.)