(A) Intent. This district is to provide for the community’s needs for wholesale trade, storage and warehousing, trucking and transportation terminals, manufacturing, outdoor advertising businesses and similar activities. Such uses should be related to the town’s major transportation facilities and be so organized that they can be efficiently operated and yet create a minimum of traffic or other adverse effects to the residential neighborhoods of the town.
(B) Permitted uses. The following structures and uses are allowed within the GCI District:
(1) All uses permitted in the R-A, R-B and CBD Districts;
(2) Automotive and boat sales and sales areas, parts sales and automotive service establishments, excluding junkyards and wrecking yards;
(3) Building and plumbing contractor establishments;
(4) Building materials sales;
(5) Data processing service activities;
(6) Dry cleaning plants and large-scale laundry services;
(7) Enclosed warehouses;
(8) Outdoor advertising businesses;
(9) Paint shops;
(10) Sexually-oriented businesses;
(11) Beverage manufacturing;
(12) Cabinet shops;
(13) Dairies and dairy products processing plants;
(14) Manufacture, service or repair of light consumer goods such as appliances, batteries, garments or furniture coverings or draperies;
(15) Machine or blacksmith shops;
(16) Medical marijuana establishments;
(17) Petroleum service companies;
(18) Sign shops; and
(19) Open storage, if accessory to other permitted uses and where screened from view from the street and surrounding properties by a solid fence of at least six feet in height.
(C) Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed as special exceptions in the GCI District through conditional use review and approval by the Board of Adjustment according to § 155.075 of this chapter:
(1) Truck and rail terminal facilities;
(2) Acid manufacture or wholesale storage of acids;
(3) Asphalt or concrete batch plants;
(4) Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of Paris manufacture;
(5) Fat rendering, fertilizer, gas or glue manufacture;
(6) Manufacture of explosives or storage of explosives, including gases;
(7) Petroleum or petroleum products refining;
(8) Slaughterhouses, stockyards and feedlots;
(9) Smelting or reduction of ore or metallurgical products;
(10) All other manufacturing and industrial uses not otherwise prohibited by law; and
(11) Junkyards, automobile wrecking yards, scrap iron, scrap paper or rag storage, sorting or baling; provided:
(a) An eight-foot sight-obscuring fence must be constructed and inspected prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for use of the goods. The fence shall be of a solid, single neutral color;
(b) No automobile wreckage or parts thereof, junk or salvage material or parts thereof shall be visible from any public right-of-way. Materials or parts shall be located within a fenced area; and
(c) The permit shall be granted for a period not to exceed two years and at the end of such period, an inspection shall be made of the premises to determine the advisability of renewing such permit.
(D) Specification standards. Subject to all other applicable requirements, the specification standards for the GCI District are listed in the following Table 5:
Table 5: GCID Specification Standards | |
Standards | Specifications |
Table 5: GCID Specification Standards | |
Standards | Specifications |
Minimum lot size* | 12,000 square feet* |
Maximum lot coverage | 80% |
Minimum lot width at front property line | 70 feet |
Minimum front yard setback | Along highway 200: 30 feet |
Along other streets: 20 feet | |
Minimum side yard setback | Along residential properties and vacant properties zoned residential: 20 feet |
Along all other side yards: 10 feet | |
Minimum rear yard setback | Along residential properties and vacant properties zoned residential: 20 feet |
Along non-residential properties and vacant properties zoned for commercial: 10 feet | |
Minimum setback from NWI wetlands and Main Canal (top of bank) | 30 feet |
Maximum building height | 50 feet |
NOTES TO TABLE: *Minimum lot sizes and densities for residential development and mobile home parks are subject to the specification standards of the Residential ‘B’ District | |
(E) Landscaped buffers. Landscaped buffers shall be provided and properly maintained in the GCID as follows:
(1) Where a lot proposed for new or expanded commercial or industrial use adjoins (including across public rights-of-way for highways, streets, roads and alleys): a public street, road, highway or park; a vacant lot in a residential zoning district; or a residential property, the applicant shall provide a landscaping plan to effectively screen the property to be buffered. The landscaped buffer shall be designed along all property lines adjoining the property to be buffered.
(2) The landscaping plan shall include trees and shrubs of sufficient height and density to effectively screen the property to be buffered, including a planting strip a minimum of ten feet wide. Existing healthy vegetation may be incorporated into the plan.
(3) The landscaping plan shall address long-term maintenance of living vegetation, including watering needs. If plants require more water than non-irrigated conditions provide due to the vegetation types proposed or other conditions on-site, an irrigation system may be required.
(4) Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all elements of the landscaping plan shall be installed.
(F) Screening. To prevent the headlights of vehicles from having a negative impact on residential property owners, all commercial or industrial parking lots bordering a residential zoning district or property, or across the alley or street from a residential zoning district or property, shall provide a four-foot high masonry wall or a solid wood fence along the lineal extent of the adjacent property line or around that side of the parking lot.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
(A) Intent. This overlay district is established in an area inside and outside the municipal boundaries of the town where historic coal mining activities are presumed to have compromised the stability of the ground to an unknown extent. The intent of the overlay district is to allow most uses as permitted by the underlying zoning district, subject to additional requirements to ensure potential for subsidence and other development challenges resulting from the unknown geologic conditions associated with past mining activities are addressed prior to development of the land with structures and to prohibit uses that may cause dangers to public health and safety. The other requirements of the underlying district apply to the overlay district. The overlay district extends outside the jurisdiction of the town, but is shown on the zoning map to inform the landowners that upon annexation into the town, the overlay district would likely apply to the mapped overlay area and surrounding areas where subterranean coal shafts have been developed.
(B) Electrical utility stations and substations prohibited. To avoid potential ignition of gas emissions, electrical utility stations and substations are prohibited in this overlay district.
(C) Geotechnical analysis.
(1) Along with any zoning conformance permit application for structural development in this overlay district, the applicant shall submit a geotechnical analysis that addresses the past coal mining activities and potential subsidence, and demonstrates any dangers to public health and safety will be overcome with site-specific construction techniques.
(2) Such geotechnical analyses shall be prepared by a licensed engineer or other qualified professional.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
Except as specifically provided by these regulations, the requirements in the following sections shall be the minimum regulations and shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure or land, and no building, structure or land shall be used or occupied and no building, structure or part thereof shall hereafter be placed, constructed or altered unless the action fully complies with all of the regulations specified for the district in which it is located.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
Accessory buildings are allowed in all zoning districts subject to permitting requirements except as exempted under § 155.071 of this chapter and the following standards.
(A) No accessory building shall be located or within ten feet of any principal residential building.
(B) No accessory building shall be located in any required side yard.
(C) Recreational vehicles (RVs) may be kept on lots, but no RV parks are permitted, and RVs may not be occupied as residences or on a basis exceeding 14 days consecutively or for more than 30 days per calendar year.
(D) No accessory building shall be located in any required front yard in the residential districts, with the following exception: storm shelters, fallout shelters and similar shelters to protect human life during periods of danger may be constructed in the required front yard, but no part of the building may protrude above the average grade of the lot. In addition, such buildings with impervious surfaces shall be calculated against the lot’s permitted lot coverage.
(E) For those uses listed as a conditional use, the addition of accessory buildings that expand a conditional use beyond what may have been reviewed under a conditional use permit process require review as a conditional use.
(F) For non-conforming uses, the addition of accessory buildings that expand the non-conformity shall not be permitted without approval of a variance. For purposes of this requirement, non-conformity is increased if any portion of a required yard would be diminished by the proposed activity.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)
(A) All building sites shall have vehicular access to a public right-of-way and shall have rights-of- way or easements so as to allow for the provision of utilities and town services.
(B) All buildings shall have adequate water supply, sewage and solid waste disposal facilities to serve the intended use of the building.
(C) All buildings shall be provided adequate emergency medical, fire protection, and law enforcement services.
(D) All development may be required to demonstrate compliance with applicable floodplain requirements.
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)