(A)   Purpose. These standards are intended to prevent traffic congestion by requiring adequate off-street parking and loading areas.
   (B)   Off-street parking required. Except in the Central Business District, where reliance on on-street parking may be permitted, all uses and buildings shall provide at least the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 6. Off-street parking for different land uses on the same lot shall be calculated separately.
      (1)   Sizes/standards. Off-street parking spaces shall be located outside any public right-of-way. Each space must be at least nine feet by 20 feet in size with vertical clearance of seven feet and be designed for parking of typical passenger vehicles with room to get out on either side of the vehicle, with adequate maneuvering space and accessible to public streets or alleys.
      (2)   Garages. Garages and similar accessory buildings may be used to provide off-street parking spaces.
      (3)   Surfacing. All outdoor parking lots and other outdoor parking areas, including access ways and isles, which provide five or more parking spaces, shall be hard surfaced to minimize dust. Parking areas providing four or fewer parking spaces, and their access ways and isles, may be gravel surfaced but shall be well compacted and of material that minimizes dust.
      (4)   Grading/drainage. Parking areas shall have properly graded and drained surfaces.
      (5)   Snow storage. Snow storage shall be provided on parking lots providing more than ten parking spaces, and snow storage areas shall not be allowed to reduce the size of required off-street parking or loading areas.
      (6)   ADA compliance. Parking must adhere to Americans with Disabilities Act standards as applicable.
      (7)   Landscaping/screening in GCID. Parking areas in the General Commercial Industrial District must comply with the landscaped buffer and screening standards of § 155.034(E) and (F) of this chapter.
      (8)   Off-street parking requirements for uses not listed.
         (a)   Parking requirements for uses not listed in Table 6 shall be reasonably determined by the Zoning Administrator based on:
            1.   The most similar land use listed in Table 6; and
            2.   Published sources of parking information including, but not limited to:
               a.   Institute of Transportation Engineers Parking Generation Report; or
               b.   American Planning Association Planning Advisory Service.
         (b)   Any person who disputes a decision of the Zoning Administrator may request a review of that decision using the appeals procedure of § 155.077 of this chapter.
   (C)   Location of off-street parking. Required off-street parking spaces shall be within 400 feet of a main entrance of the use or building served, except for spaces serving a dwelling, which shall be within 150 feet of an entrance of the dwelling unit served.
   (D)   Access to off-street parking and loading areas. Properly graded and drained driveways shall be provided for safe access to off-street parking and loading areas, including the off-street parking for single family dwellings.
      (1)   No parking or loading area shall create a situation in which vehicles are required to back onto a public street. Parking areas for single family dwellings with access to local and collector streets are exempt from this requirement.
      (2)   Continuous curb cuts shall be prohibited. All access to public streets shall be via driveways that comply with these performance standards.
      (3)   Driveways accessing an arterial shall be at least 200 feet from any other point of access (other driveways or intersections). Driveways to roads intersecting an arterial shall be located at least 150 feet from the arterial or, where that distance cannot be attained, at the property line most distant from the arterial.
   (E)   Circulation in off-street parking areas. The pattern of circulation within parking areas shall be designed to provide safe and efficient access to individual parking spaces, protect pedestrians moving through the parking area and facilitate safe access to public streets.
      (1)   Minimum aisle widths shall be:
         (a)   For two-way circulation: 24 feet;
         (b)   For one-way circulation and 60-degree to 90-degree angle parking: 18 feet; and
         (c)   For one-way circulation and 45-degree angle parking: 15 feet.
      (2)   Where one-way circulation is used, directional signs shall be installed at all access points to the parking area.
      (3)   No parking area shall be designed so that circulation from one portion of the area to another relies on a public street.
      (4)   There shall be safe pedestrian access from building entrances to parking areas which may include striping or different colored or textured surfaces.
   (F)   Shared parking. Two or more uses may share parking where:
      (1)   The total number of spaces provided meets the minimum standards for the number of spaces required for all buildings or uses served; and
      (2)   A contract providing for shared parking for a period of at least 20 years is executed before approval of a permit and recorded before issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
   (G)   Exceptions.
      (1)   Reduction in shared off-street parking spaces. Up to a 30% reduction in the number of parking spaces required for shared off-street parking may occur under the following circumstances:
         (a)   When at least 50% of the parking spaces required by this section are for primarily “night-time” uses such as theaters, bowling alleys, bars and related uses, and the parking spaces to serve those uses are provided by “day-time” uses such as banks, offices, furniture stores, manufacturing, large-scale retail, wholesale and related uses;
         (b)   When at least 50% of the parking spaces required by this section for primarily “day-time” uses may be supplied primarily by parking for “night-time” uses;
         (c)   When at least 60% of the parking spaces required by this section for a religious institution, an auditorium incidental to a school, or a similar use, may be supplied by the off-street parking facilities provided by uses primarily of a “day-time” or complimentary nature;
         (d)   The joint parking facility shall be located within 400 of a main entrance of the use or building served, except for spaces serving a dwelling, which shall be within 150 feet of the main entrance of the dwelling unit served;
         (e)   The applicant for the joint use parking facility shall show there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the buildings or uses for which joint use of the off-street parking facilities is proposed; and
         (f)   A contract providing for shared parking for a period of at least 20 years is executed before approval of a permit and recorded before issuance of a certificate of compliance.
      (2)   Reduction for bicycle parking. Bicycle parking facilities (bike racks) may be substituted for no more than 5% of the total parking spaces required for non-residential land uses.
      (3)   Documented case studies. Case studies or other evidence from similar land uses and locations may be used to permit the reduction of the minimum parking space standards in Table 6 by up to 15%.
   (H)   Passenger loading areas. Day care centers, schools, group care facilities and places for public assembly located on arterial roads shall provide at least one safe, properly signed off-street passenger loading area.
   (I)   Freight loading areas. Commercial and industrial buildings and uses shall provide one safe, properly signed off-street freight loading area for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor and/or outdoor storage area. Off-street freight loading areas shall be on the same lot or parcel and under the same ownership as the building or use they serve, be designed to accommodate the largest vehicle that may reasonably be anticipated, and have the following minimum dimensions:
      (1)   Vertical clearance: 14 feet;
      (2)   Width: 12 feet;
      (3)   Depth or length: 35 feet; and
      (4)   No vehicle parked in an off-street freight loading area shall extend into a public right-of-way.
Table 6: Parking Requirements for Uses
Land Use
Minimum Number of Parking Spaces
Table 6: Parking Requirements for Uses
Land Use
Minimum Number of Parking Spaces
2 per dwelling unit
   Mobile homes
   Mobile home parks
   Community residential facilities
1 per 4 beds + 1 per employee on shift
   Bed and breakfasts
1 per guest room + 2 for owner dwelling unit
   Hotels and motels
1.25 per rental room
   Boarding and lodging houses fraternities and sororities
1 per room
   Religious institutions, libraries, fire and police stations and other public buildings and recreational facilities
1 per 5 people (building capacity)
1.25 per classroom for schools with students only under 16 years of age; schools with students over 16 years of age must add 1 per 2 such students
   Hospitals and other medical services
1 per 4 beds+ 1 per employee on shift during peak hours
   Public utility buildings and electrical substations
1 per employee on shift
   Eating and drinking establishments
10 per 1,000 square feet of customer seating area
   Breweries and wineries, sexually-oriented businesses and similar establishments
1 per employee on shift + 8 per 1,000 square feet of customer seating area
1 per 5 seats + 1 per employee on shift
   Professional offices, banks and financial institutions, large item stores, such as furniture, appliance and carpet stores, auto accessory stores, hair salons, barber shops and other similar personal care establishments
3 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
   General retail stores, clothing and department stores, hardware stores, repair service for small appliances, watches, clocks and similar items, school and art supply stores, gift shops, jewelry stores, leather goods and luggage stores, newspaper, magazine and tobacco stores, candy and ice cream stores, ticket sales agencies, veterans’ organizations, veterinary clinics, laundromats
4 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
   Convenience stores and gas stations
5 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
   Storage facilities
1 per 10 storage units
   Automotive and boat sales and sales areas, parts sales and automotive service establishments
2 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area + 1 per each vehicle (inventory)
   Automotive vehicle sales areas only
1 per vehicle (inventory)
   Building and plumbing contractor establishments
1 per employee
   Building materials sales
2 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area + 1 per each employee on shift
   Data processing service activities, dry cleaning plants and large-scale laundry services, enclosed warehouses, outdoor advertising businesses, paint shops, vehicle repair garages, and other commercial uses with infrequent customer visits
1 per employee on shift
   Industrial and manufacturing uses with infrequent customer visits
1 per employee on shift
(Ord. 329, passed 1-11-2016)