Article I: Emergency Homeless Shelters
17.138.010 Emergency homeless shelter standards
Article II: Small Residential Rooftop Solar
and Renewable Energy Systems
and Renewable Energy Systems
17.138.200 Purpose
17.138.210 Definitions
17.138.220 Applicability
17.138.230 Small residential rooftop solar energy system requirements
17.138.240 Applicant obligations
17.138.250 Processing of small residential rooftop solar energy system applications
17.138.260 Application review
17.138.270 Inspections
Article III: Standards for Protected Residential Uses
17.138.310 Purpose
17.138.320 Low-barrier navigation centers
17.138.330 Residential care
17.138.340 Supportive housing
17.138.350 Transitional housing
Article IV: Design Standards for Multi-Family Housing Developments
17.138.410 Purpose
17.138.420 Required side and rear setbacks for dwelling units
17.138.430 Building mass and scale
17.138.440 Building materials and lighting
17.138.450 Pedestrian orientation and accessible pedestrian facilities on designated streets
17.138.460 Parking
17.138.470 Landscaping
17.138.480 Buffering and screening
Article V: Development Standards for Manufactured
Housing and Tiny Houses
Housing and Tiny Houses
17.138.500 Purpose
17.138.510 Manufactured housing
17.138.520 Tiny houses
Article VI: Vegetation Management in the Wildland
Urban Fire Hazard Interface Zone
Urban Fire Hazard Interface Zone
17.138.600 Purpose
17.138.610 Vegetation management plan required
17.138.620 Guidelines and checklists