§ 17.138.470 LANDSCAPING.
   (A)   Landscaping may consist of a combination of ground cover materials, shrubs, and trees. Ground cover may include grasses, shrubs, perennials, vines, or other herbaceous or non-herbaceous plants. Ground cover also includes mulch, such as gravel, rock, cinder, bark, or other permeable materials, provided that such materials are fire-resistant. Landscaping may also include incidental features, such as stepping-stones, site furniture, water features, art, or other ornamental features placed within a landscaped setting.
   (B)   A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped, consisting of ground cover plant materials, shrubs, and trees.
      (1)   In order to conserve water, not more than 50 percent of the landscaped area may be turf.
      (2)   One tree is required for every 1,000 square feet of lot area.
      (3)   Waivers of these standards may be requested under Chapter 17.044.
   (C)   Any plant that is not specifically prohibited may be selected for landscaping. Criteria for selection of plants shall include:
      (1)   Protection and preservation of native species and natural vegetation;
      (2)   Fire-resistance;
      (3)   Drought-tolerance;
      (4)   Local climate suitability, disease and pest resistance; and
      (5)   Selection of trees based on size at maturity as appropriate for the planting area.
   (D)   A landscape documentation package shall be provided with the development application that complies with the standards of the “Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance” (MWELO) adopted by the Cal. Dept. of Water Resources in Chapter 2.7 of Div. 2 of Title 23 of the Cal. Code of Regulations, which is hereby adopted by reference and shall apply the MWELO to all new residential development projects with 500 square feet or more of landscape area. If the total landscaped area is 2,500 square feet or less, an applicant may use the prescriptive compliance option provided in Appendix D of the MWELO to streamline the review process. Under this option, turf shall not exceed 25 percent of the landscape area.
   (E)   To conserve water, the town has set a performance requirement that estimated total water use for landscape plans subject to the MWELO shall be at least ten percent lower than the maximum applied water allowance established by the MWELO unless a waiver is granted under Chapter 17.044.
   (F)   A signed certificate of compliance, in the form required by the Planning Director, shall be submitted to the town upon completion of a landscape installation. The Director shall approve or deny the certificate within ten days of receipt. If the certificate is denied, the Director shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the appeal procedures. A landscape irrigation audit conducted by a third party certified by the town also may be required to be submitted with the certificate of compliance.
   (G)   Along street frontages, at least 50 percent of the required setback shall be landscaped.
   (H)   All landscaping shall comply with the water conservation and dry year water use use reduction program and related water conservation measures of the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) in Chapter 13.02 of the MMWD Code.
   (I)   Within the Wildland-Urban Interface zone, all landscaping is subject to vegetation management; see Article VI (§§ 17.138.600 through 17.138.620) of this chapter for details.
   (J)   Street trees shall be included along all street frontages with multi-family housing development. Trees shall be selected shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to installation. Trees selected shall not include trees listed in the Town of Fairfax Municipal Code, Chapter 8.36 Trees that are “Undesirable Trees Species”.
   (K)   Where pedestrian paths or walkways cross parking areas or driveways, the paths shall incorporate landscaping and decorative paving to define the pedestrian space. Walkways shall be hard-surfaced and at least four feet wide.
(Ord. 885, passed 11-1-2023)