505.01 Dogs and other animals running at large.
505.02 Impounding and disposition; records.
505.03 Annual registration of dogs; tags required.
505.04 Abandoning animals.
505.05 Killing or injuring animals.
505.06 Poisoning animals.
505.07 Cruelty to animals generally.
505.071 Cruelty to companion animals.
505.08 Nuisance conditions prohibited.
505.09 Barking or howling dogs.
505.11 Hunting prohibited.
505.12 Coloring rabbits or baby poultry; sale or display of poultry.
505.13 Report of escape of exotic or dangerous animal.
505.14 Dangerous and vicious dogs.
505.15 Animal defecation.
505.16 Kennel location.
505.17 Keeping wild or exotic animals.
505.99 Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Owner or keeper liable for damages - see Ohio R.C 951.10
Dog registration - see Ohio R.C. 955.01
(a) No person being the owner or having charge of cattle, horses, swine, sheep, geese, ducks, goats, turkeys, chickens or other fowl or animals shall permit them to run at large upon any public place, or upon any unenclosed lands or upon the premises of another.
(ORC 951.02)
(b) No owner, keeper or harborer of any female dog shall permit it to go beyond the premises of the owner, keeper or harborer at any time the dog is in heat, unless the dog is properly in leash.
(c) No owner, keeper or harborer of any dog shall fail at any time to keep it either physically confined or restrained upon the premises of the owner, keeper or harborer by a leash, tether, adequate fence, supervision or secure enclosure to prevent escape, or under reasonable control of some person.
(ORC 955.22)
(ORC 955.22)
(d) The running at large of any such animal in or upon any of the places mentioned in this section is prima-facie evidence that it is running at large in violation of this section.
(ORC 951.02)
(e) Whoever violates this section is guilty of failure to confine animals, a minor misdemeanor. However, if the animal running at large is a dog or cat and such dog or cat has either a current tag issued by the Greene County Auditor’s Office or any authorized agent in the State of Ohio or an identification tag affixed to such animal giving the name, address and telephone number of the animal’s owner, then the maximum fine shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). If the offender has previously been convicted of this section then violation of this section is aggravated failure to keep an animal confined, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)
(a) A police officer or animal warden may impound every animal or dog found in violation of Section 505.01. If the dog is not wearing a valid registration tag and the owner is not otherwise reasonably determined, notice shall be posted in the pound or animal shelter both describing the dog and place where seized and advising the unknown owner that unless the dog is redeemed within three days, it may thereafter be sold or destroyed according to law. If the dog is wearing a valid registration tag or the identity of the owner, keeper or harborer is otherwise reasonably determined, notice shall be given by certified mail to such owner, keeper or harborer that the dog has been impounded and unless redeemed within fourteen days of the date of notice, it may thereafter be sold or destroyed according to law. Any dog seized and impounded may be redeemed by its owner, keeper or harborer at any time prior to the applicable redemption period upon payment of all lawful costs and housing charges assessed against the animal and upon providing the dog with a valid registration tag if it has none.
(b) A record of all dogs impounded, the disposition of the same, the owner's name and address where known, and a statement of any costs and housing charges assessed against the dog shall be kept by any poundkeeper.
(c) The payment of charges for redeeming an animal from the animal shelter shall not be construed to exempt the owner of such animal from prosecution.
(d) The charges for services provided by the animal shelter shall be as follows:
Service | Charge | |
(1) |
Disposal of animal brought to animal shelter
$ 5.00
(2) |
Disposal of animal picked up on owner's request
| 10.00
(3) |
Acceptance of nonresident animals
| 5.00
(4) |
Sale of animal:
| |
To institutions listed under Ohio R.C. 955.16
| 3.00
| |
All other sales | 4.00
| |
(5) |
Seizing animal and delivering to animal shelter
| 10.00
(6) |
Housing and feeding animal per day
| 2.00
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)
(a) Except for guide dogs registered under Ohio R.C. 955.011 and dogs kept by an institution or organization for teaching and research purposes under Ohio R.C. 955.16, no person shall own, keep or harbor a dog more than three months of age without annually registering such dog with the County Auditor. Failure of any dog at any time to wear a valid registration tag shall be prima-facie evidence of lack of registration and subject such dog to impounding and disposition as provided by Ohio R.C. 955.16.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor for a first offense and a misdemeanor of the fourth degree for each subsequent offense.
(ORC 955.99(D)).
(ORC 955.99(D)).