503.01 Advertising on private property.
503.02 Advertising on public property.
503.03 Placing signs in public places.
503.04 Destroying notifications.
503.05 Fraudulent advertising.
503.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate advertising - see Ohio R.C. 715.65
Defacing traffic control signs - see TRAF. 319.04
(a) No person shall stick or post any advertisement, poster, sign, handbill or placard of any description upon any private building, or upon any tree, post, fence, billboard or any other structure or thing whatever, the property of another, without permission of the occupant or owner of the same, nor shall any person paint, mark, write, print or impress, or in any manner attach any notice or advertisement, or the name of any commodity or thing, or any trademark, symbol or figure of any kind, upon anything whatever, the property of another, without first obtaining permission of the owner of such thing on which it is desired to place such notice, advertisement, name, mark or figure.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of advertising on private property, a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)
(a) No person shall stick, post, or attach any advertisement, poster, sign, handbill or placard of any kind or description upon any telegraph, telephone, railway or electric light pole within the limits of the City, or upon any public building, voting booth, flagging, curbstone, walk, step, stone or sidewalk, or write, print or impress or in any manner attach any notice of advertisement of any kind upon any public building, voting booth, flagging, curbstone, step, stone or sidewalk which is the property of the City or within the street lines of the City or over which the City or Council has the care, custody or control, except as may be required by the laws of the State or the ordinances of the City.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of advertising on public property, a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)
(a) No person shall:
(1) Erect, string, stretch or spread advertising or political signs and banners or any other devices across any street or other public place, except with the written permission of the City Manager.
(2) Paint any sign of any kind upon the sidewalks, streets or curbs of the City or attach any signs to any utility poles or City property, except with the written permission of the City Manager.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of placing signs in public places, a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)
(a) No person shall intentionally deface, obliterate, tear down or destroy, in whole or in part, a copy or transcript of a law of the United States or of this State, or a proclamation, publication, advertisement or notification set up in a public place by authority of law for the public information of any citizen, or a private poster, sign, notice, card or table of rules or rates or other notice affixed or posted upon a bridge by an owner or keeper thereof for the information of the public.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of destroying notifications, a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)
(a) No person shall:
(1) Directly or indirectly make, publish, disseminate, circulate or place before the public, in a newspaper, magazine or other publication, or in the form of a book, notice, handbill, poster, circular, pamphlet, letter, sign, placard, card, label or over any radio station, or in any other way, an advertisement or announcement of any sort regarding merchandise, securities, service, employment, real estate or anything of value offered by him for use, purchase or sale, and which advertisement or announcement contains any assertion, representation or statement which is untrue or fraudulent.
(2) In any manner or by any means of advertisement or other means of communication, offer for sale any merchandise, commodity or service, as part of a plan or scheme with the intent, design or purpose not to sell the merchandise, commodity or service so advertised at the price stated therein, or with the intent, design or purpose not to sell the merchandise, commodity or service so advertised.
(b) Nothing in this section shall apply to any visual or sound radio broadcasting station, to a telephone company offering announcement service according to tariffs filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, or to any publisher or printer of a newspaper, magazine or other form of printed advertising, who broadcasts, publishes or prints such advertisement in good faith without knowledge of its false, deceptive or misleading character.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of fraudulent advertising, a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 34-96. Passed 7-1-96.)