The following are the permanent signs allowed in C, SR, UER, MDR, and MHP zoning districts or for a residential uses within a PUD, along with all applicable standards:
   (a)   Signs for Individual Dwellings.
      (1)   One wall sign is permitted on each individual lot used for residential purposes provided the sign is mounted flush to the façade of the principal dwelling and does not exceed two square feet for dwellings with up to four dwelling units or six feet for dwellings that contain five or more dwellings.
      (2)   Such sign shall not be directly illuminated.
      (3)   The wall sign shall not protrude more than six inches from the wall or face of the building to which it is attached.
      (4)   The wall sign may be painted or mounted directly on the building façade.
   (b)   Signs at Entrances. Two wall signs or one permanent monument sign may be permitted for any subdivision or multi-family dwelling development that is 10 acres or larger provided that the sign meets the following requirements:
      (1)   General Standards.
         A.   Each sign may have a maximum sign area of 36 square feet.
         B.   No such sign or any portion of the structure shall exceed six feet in height.
         C.   The sign may only be illuminated through an external light source.
         D.   The sign shall be an on-premise sign.
      (2)   Monument Sign.
         A.   A maximum of one monument sign may be permitted for each entrance to the subdivision or development on a collector or arterial street, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
         B.   The monument sign shall be set back from the right-of-way so as to comply with the clear vision triangle requirements.
         C.   If an applicant proposes to use a monument sign, no wall signs, as allowed in Section 1131.08(b)(3), below shall be permitted.
      (3)   Wall Signs on Entry Fences or Entry Walls.
         A.   A maximum of two wall signs may be permitted for each entrance to the subdivision or development on a collector or arterial street, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
         B.   If two signs are utilized, the signs shall be separated by a minimum of 50 feet.
         C.   The signs shall be mounted to a decorative wall or fence that generally runs parallel with the street.
         D.   If an applicant proposes to use wall signs, no monument sign, as allowed in Section 1131.08(b)(2), above shall be permitted.
   (c)   Signs for Nonresidential Uses in Residential Zoning Districts.
      (1)   One permanent monument sign may be permitted on a lot containing a nonresidential use in a residential zoning district provided the sign meets the following requirements:
         A.   The sign shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from any adjacent lot lines.
         B.   The monument sign shall be set back 10 feet from the right-of-way so as to comply with the clear vision triangle requirements.
         C.   The maximum sign area shall be 36 square feet.
         D.   No such sign or any portion of the structure shall exceed eight feet in height.
         E.   The sign may include manual changeable copy or electronic message centers provided that the total area of changeable copy signage does not exceed 50 percent of the total sign area and complies with the applicable requirements of Section 1131.06(i): Changeable Copy.
         F.   On additional permanent monument sign may be allowed in accordance with this section if the lot has more than 750 feet of frontage along a public way that does not include an alley. Where two signs are installed, such signs shall be separated by a minimum of 250 feet.
      (2)   Building signs shall be permitted for all nonresidential uses in a residential district in the same manner as permitted for nonresidential uses in the NCTR District. This shall not apply to signs located on lots used exclusively for residential dwellings where signage is controlled by Section 1131.08(a): Signs for Individual Dwellings.
         (Ord. 34-17. Effective 12-7-17.)