Fire Department
EDITOR'S NOTE: Rules and regulations for the Fire Department were adopted by Ordinance 9-70, passed January 8, 1970. Being primarily an internal matter, they are not codified herein. Interested persons may obtain copies of Ordinance 9-70 and all amendments thereof from the Fire Chief.
242.01   Personnel.
242.02   Mandatory retirement age. (Repealed)
242.03   Background investigation of applicants.
242.04   Cooperative purchasing of equipment and supplies.
   Fire protection - see CHTR. Art. IV, § 6
   Fire protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 307.05, 505.44, 717.02
   Schooling, buildings and equipment - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.23 et seq.
   Bond - see ADM. 258.070
   Benefits - see ADM. 258.03 et seq.
   Traffic direction in emergencies - see TRAF. 404.01
   Resisting an enforcing official - see TRAF. 404.02
   Public safety vehicles at stop signals or signs - see TRAF. 432.18 
   Right of way of public safety vehicle - see TRAF. 432.19
   Following and parking near public safety vehicles - see TRAF. 432.25 
   Driving over fire hose - see TRAF. 432.26 
   Vehicle obstructing after collision - see TRAF. 436.14 
   Gathering at scene of accident - see TRAF. 436.15
   Number of lights permitted; red and flashing lights - see TRAF. 438.16
   Horn, siren and theft alarm signal - see TRAF. 438.19
   Vehicles transporting explosives - see TRAF. 440.04
   Parking on undedicated streets - see TRAF. 452.13
   Resisting or abusing an official - see GEN. OFF. 606.14
   False fire alarm - see GEN. OFF. 648.08
   False reports to law officers, emergency vehicles or schools - see GEN. OFF. 606.10, 648.07, 648.08
   Police or fire communications - see GEN. OFF. 606.25
   Crowd control at fires, emergencies and disasters - see GEN. OFF. 648.06
   Attack dogs - see GEN. OFF. 618.15 
   Emergencies and disasters - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 626
   Abandoned refrigerators and airtight containers - see GEN. OFF. 626.06
   Establishment and duties of Bureau of Fire Prevention - see F.P. 1610.03