No owner, operator or agent shall rent, lease or offer for rental or lease any dwelling unit, dwelling structure or any part thereof which does not hold a Rental License In order to obtain an annual rental license, a Rental Application needs to be completed, paid in full and pass inspection. An initial inspection will be completed upon payment. If the property is deemed violation free per the Code Official or his/her designee, the rental license will be issued. Should violations exist, one follow-up inspection will be conducted according to the due dates on the violation notice. Any existing violations at that final inspection will result in a transfer of the property to the Prosecutor's Office for compliance. Should the owner of the property request a third inspection, a re-inspection fee of $50.00 must be paid first.
(Ord. 226-97. Passed 11-17-97; Ord. 26-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)