In an ASF District land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following area regulations:
(a) Development area: Two acres minimum.
(b) Density: Ten dwelling units per acre maximum. (See subsection (c) hereof for requirements for density increase up to twelve dwelling units per acre maximum.)
(c) Requirements for density increase: The Planning and Zoning Commission may permit on development areas greater than ten acres an increase in the density of dwelling units permitted for each of the following amenities provided. The total density increase permitted in any development shall be no more than twenty percent, with a maximum density of twelve dwelling units per acre.
(1) Construction materials. Increase in density of five percent if all exterior walls of main and accessory buildings are faced with masonry material such as brick or stone as approved by the Architectural Review Board;
(2) Underground or attached garages. Increase in density of 5% if required enclosed parking is provided underground or below each unit and does not add to the total building coverage;
(3) Additional enclosed parking and storage. Increase in density of 5% if one additional enclosed garage space and 40 square feet of additional private storage space are provided for each unit;
(4) Not adjacent to U1 District. Increase in density of 5% if no portion of the development abuts land zoned U1 within the City.
(d) Lot width at:
(1) Building line: One hundred feet minimum.
(2) Street line: Sixty feet minimum.
(e) Building coverage: Twenty-five percent maximum, including all main and accessory buildings and structures.
(Ord. 9-1983. Passed 1-4-83.)