All lots on the plat of any subdivision shall have a minimum street frontage of seventy-five feet and a minimum area of 7,500 square feet, except that smaller frontages may be approved for individual lot fronts on curved streets where the width of any such lot increases going from front to rear and where the width of the lot at the probable location of the dwelling house to be built thereon is not less than seventy-five feet. However, the Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to the confirmation and approval of Council, may approve the plat of a subdivision in an old established neighborhood of the City not involving any new streets, containing lots of less width than seventy-five feet, if the lots conform generally to the other lots in the neighborhood. If it appears that any subdivision will not be served within a reasonable time by a public sanitary sewer system, then all lots shall have a minimum frontage of 100 feet and a minimum area of 18,000 square feet unless the subdivision is served by a public water system, in which case the minimum frontage shall be eighty feet and the minimum area 14,400 square feet. However, these requirements with reference to the size of lots not to be served by a public sanitary sewer system may be varied by the Commission upward or downward in individual cases when, in the opinion of the Commission, such action is justified by a written report of the City or County Health Commissioner (whoever has jurisdiction) on the soil characteristics, topography and other conditions of the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 260-1979. Passed 9-17-79.)
All plats must bear the certificate of a licensed engineer or surveyor that the plat was prepared by him or her or under his or her supervision, that dimensions and angles are correct and that the permanent monuments have been set as indicated.
(Ord. 5158. Passed 8-2-26.)
A fee policy of title insurance issued by a responsible title company in an amount to be determined by the City Planning and Zoning Commission, covering all streets to be dedicated and insuring good title to such streets or any portions thereof in the City, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances whatsoever, except taxes for the current year, shall accompany every plat submitted for approval.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)
All subdivision, dedication or vacation plats presented to either Council or the City Planning and Zoning Commission for approval must be originally signed copies accompanied by the exact transparent linen cloth duplicated for filing with the Clerk of Council. The plats must show all sublots, numbered consecutively, together with all dimensions of width and depth and all angles at intersections of lines.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)
(a) Before final approval by the City Planning and Zoning Commission, all plats shall first be approved, in writing, by the City Engineer, the Planning and Development Director and the Service Director of the City. The Commission may approve plats contingent upon the subsequent approval of such plats by the City Engineer and/or the Planning and Development Director and the Service Director.
(b) The developer shall submit to the City Engineer, the Planning and Development Director and the Service Director a preliminary layout together with a topographical map of the land involved which shall be certified by a registered engineer of the State.
(c) The Planning and Development Director and the Service Director shall also require plans and specifications for the installation of storm and sanitary sewers and a water main. Such plans shall meet with their approval. The developer shall then prepare a permanent plat plan for final submission, which plan shall include the profile of streets and monuments. Before the City Engineer and the Service Director endorse their approval on the plat, the City Engineer shall be of the opinion, under the plans and specifications submitted, that adequate and proper provision has been made for storm and other drainage of the land involved when improved for sanitary improvements of the proposed subdivision and for water facilities, which sewers and water main are to be connected to the existing sewage and water system. In giving his or her final approval, the City Engineer shall confirm that all standards and requirements of Section 1311.14 et seq. shall be met and shall take into consideration the existing facilities and abutting property and the impact, if any, of any new development thereon, especially the drainage of storm water from the land when improved in accordance with the standards established by Chapter 921, 922, and 923 of the Codified Ordinances.
The City Engineer and Service Director may require changes of design or installation of additional facilities as may be necessary to conform with the above indicated standards and requirements and for protection of the health and safety of the City and its citizens. The applicant shall pay for the cost of such review.
In the event that professional consulting services are rendered by the City Engineer or any other outside consultants to make any determinations by the City Engineer or other consultant as the same shall be required, determined, and approved by the Service Director, City Engineer, or Planning and Development Director, such services shall be rendered and charged at the prevailing contractual hourly rates for such services.
(d) The Service Director, the Planning and Development Director or the Commission may require the developer to enter into an agreement with the City, in a form approved by the Director of Law, to perform any covenants with respect to grades, storm drainage, paving, sanitary improvements, grading, water mains and other required facilities and improvements. A copy of the agreement shall be filed with the Commissioner of Buildings and it shall be his or her duty to withhold the issuance of building permits, or to cancel those already issued, unless the conditions and covenants in the agreement are complied with. When the City Engineer, the Planning and Development Director and the Service Director have endorsed their approval on the plat, it shall be filed by them with the City Planning and Zoning Commission, except as provided herein.
(Ord. 121-1996. Passed 6-3-96; Ord. 66-2001. Passed 4-2-01.)
In the event that either the Service Director, the Planning and Development Director, the City Engineer or the Service Director refuses to give his or her approval of a plat, any party aggrieved thereby shall have the right to appeal such decision to the City Planning and Zoning Commission by filing a notice of such appeal, containing the reasons therefor, with the Commission, the City Engineer, the Planning and Development Director and the Service Director. The Commission shall notify the Planning and Development Director, the Service Director, the City Engineer and the party bringing the appeal of the time, date and place at which such appeal will be heard by the Commission. The Commission shall have the power, after hearing the appeal, to give its final approval to such plat or subdivision without the approval of the Planning and Development Director, the Service Director and/or the City Engineer. Such approval shall then be referred to Council for confirmation and approval and no plat shall be recorded until the approval of Council has been endorsed thereon.
(Ord. 121-1996. Passed 6-3-96; Ord. 66-2001. Passed 4-2-01.)
The street pattern of all subdivisions shall provide for ease of circulation of traffic within the subdivision, as well as convenient access to adjoining streets, thoroughfares or unsubdivided land. Reserve strips at the edge of subdivisions controlling access to the streets thereof from land adjoining the subdivision shall be prohibited. In any case where a street will eventually be extended beyond the plat but is temporarily dead-ended, an interim turn-around will be required. Dead-end streets will be permitted in cases where the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that such a street will be in the best interests of the City considering the topography of the area and all other relevant factors, and if a circular roadway is provided at the end thereof so that vehicles may be easily turned around without backing.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)
All new streets on the plat of any subdivision shall have a minimum width of 50 feet, but if, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the prospective traffic load of any such street justifies a greater width, the Commission may at its discretion require a greater width for the street.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)