A. A Redevelopment Overlay District may be requested as set forth in Chapter 1133 of the Codified Ordinance.
B. Redevelopment Overlay District considerations shall comply with all procedural requirements set forth in Chapter 1133 of this Code.
C. In determining whether to establish a RDOD, Council and the Planning Commission shall consider whether the purpose and standards set forth in Section 1176.01 of this Code are met.
(Ord. 2021-32. Passed 2-22-21.)
Uses listed as permitted uses in the Base District and uses listed as permitted uses in the Overlying Zone are permitted uses in a RDOD, except that automotive repair and service, printing and publishing, and public utility yards in an RDOD shall be a conditionally permitted use, provided, however, where applicable, such conditionally permitted uses shall be screened from view by a wall of material similar to and compatible with that of the building or buildings on the site and neighboring properties, or be suitably screened by a fence or dense landscaping so that such storage areas are not visible from neighboring sites, lots, common areas or public roads, streets or rights-of-way.
(Ord. 2021-32. Passed 2-22-21.)
Additional regulations concerning signage, lot size, setbacks, height, parking, screening, buffering, land use intensity, and any additional required conditions shall be as specified in either the Design Review Guidelines, or, if not specifically addressed in the Design Review Guidelines, then in the relevant Base Zone regulation or in the relevant regulation of the Overlying Zone; provided, however that where a RDOD abuts a residential district, the stricter regulations shall apply to those portions of the RDOD that abut a residential district.
(Ord. 2021-32. Passed 2-22-21.)