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Elyria Overview
Elyria, OH Code of Ordinances
CHAPTER 501 General Provisions and Penalty
CHAPTER 505 Animals and Fowl
CHAPTER 509 Disorderly Conduct and Peace Disturbance
CHAPTER 513 Drug Abuse Control
CHAPTER 517 Gambling
CHAPTER 521 Health, Safety and Sanitation
CHAPTER 525 Law Enforcement and Public Office
CHAPTER 529 Liquor Control
CHAPTER 533 Obscenity and Sex Offenses
CHAPTER 537 Offenses Against Persons
CHAPTER 541 Property Offenses
CHAPTER 545 Theft and Fraud
CHAPTER 549 Weapons and Explosives
CHAPTER 553 Trees, Weeds and Grasses
   (a)   As used in this section, “drug paraphernalia” means any equipment, product, or material of any kind that is used by the offender, intended by the offender for use, or designed for use, in propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introduced into the human body, a controlled substance in violation of this chapter. “Drug paraphernalia” includes, but is not limited to, any of the following equipment, products, or materials that are used by the offender, intended by the offender for use, or designed by the offender for use, in any of the following manners:
      (1)   A kit for propagating, cultivating, growing, or harvesting any species of a plant that is a controlled substance or from which a controlled substance can be derived.
      (2)   A kit for manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, or preparing a controlled substance.
      (3)   Any object, instrument, or device for manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, or preparing methamphetamine.
      (4)   An isomerization device for increasing the potency of any species of a plant that is a controlled substance.
      (5)   Testing equipment for identifying, or analyzing the strength, effectiveness, or purity of, a controlled substance, except for those exempted in division (d)(4) of this section;
      (6)   A scale or balance for weighing or measuring a controlled substance.
      (7)   A diluent or adulterant, such as quinine hydrochloride, mannitol, mannite, dextrose, or lactose, for cutting a controlled substance.
      (8)   A separation gin or sifter for removing twigs and seeds from, or otherwise cleaning or refining, marihuana.
      (9)   A blender, bowl, container, spoon, or mixing device for compounding a controlled substance.
      (10)   A capsule, balloon, envelope, or container for packaging small quantities of a controlled substance.
      (11)   A container or device for storing or concealing a controlled substance.
      (12)   A hypodermic syringe, needle, or instrument for parenterally injecting a controlled substance into the human body.
      (13)   An object, instrument, or device for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body, marihuana, cocaine, hashish, or hashish oil, such as a metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic pipe, with or without a screen, permanent screen, hashish head, or punctured metal bowl; water pipe; carburetion tube or device; smoking or carburetion mask; roach clip or similar object used to hold burning material, such as a marihuana cigarette, that has become too small or too short to be held in the hand; miniature cocaine spoon, or cocaine vial; chamber pipe; carburetor pipe; electric pipe; air driver pipe; chillum; bong; or ice pipe or chiller.
   (b)   In determining if any equipment, product, or material is drug paraphernalia, a court or law enforcement officer shall consider, in addition to other relevant factors, the following:
      (1)   Any statement by the owner or by anyone in control of the equipment, product, or material, concerning its use.
      (2)   The proximity in time or space of the equipment, product, or material, or of the act relating to the equipment, product, or material, to a violation of any provision of this chapter or Ohio R.C. Chapter 2925.
      (3)   The proximity of the equipment, product, or material to any controlled substance.
      (4)   The existence of any residue of a controlled substance on the equipment, product, or material.
      (5)   Direct or circumstantial evidence of the intent of the owner, or of anyone in control, of the equipment, product, or material, to deliver it to any person whom he or she knows intends to use the equipment, product, or material to facilitate a violation of any provision of this chapter or Ohio R.C. Chapter 2925. A finding that the owner or anyone in control of the equipment, product, or material is not guilty of a violation of any other provision of this chapter or Ohio R.C. Chapter 2925 does not prevent a finding that the equipment, product, or material was intended or designed by the offender for use as drug paraphernalia.
      (6)   Any oral or written instruction provided with the equipment, product, or material concerning its use.
      (7)   Any descriptive material accompanying the equipment, product, or material and explaining or depicting its use.
      (8)   National or local advertising concerning the use of the equipment, product, or material.
      (9)   The manner and circumstances in which the equipment, product, or material is displayed for sale.
      (10)   Direct or circumstantial evidence of the ratio of the sales of the equipment, product, or material to the total sales of the business enterprise.
      (11)   The existence and scope of legitimate uses of the equipment, product, or material in the community.
      (12)   Expert testimony concerning the use of the equipment, product, or material.
   (c)   (1)   Subject to divisions (d)(2), (d)(3), and (d)(4) of this section, no person shall knowingly use, or possess with purpose to use, drug paraphernalia.
      (2)   No person shall knowingly sell, or possess or manufacture with purpose to sell, drug paraphernalia, if he or she knows or reasonably should know that the equipment, product, or material will be used as drug paraphernalia.
      (3)   No person shall place an advertisement in any newspaper, magazine, handbill, or other publication that is published and printed and circulates primarily within this State, if he or she knows that the purpose of the advertisement is to promote the illegal sale in this Municipality or in this State of the equipment, product, or material that the offender intended or designed for use as drug paraphernalia.
   (d)   (1)   This section does not apply to manufacturers, licensed health professionals authorized to prescribe drugs, pharmacists, owners of pharmacies, and other persons whose conduct is in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapters 3719, 4715, 4723, 4729, 4730, 4731, and 4741. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the possession or use of a hypodermic as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3719.172.
      (2)   Division (c)(1) of this section does not apply to a person’s use, or possession with purpose to use, any drug paraphernalia that is equipment, a product, or material of any kind that is used by the person, intended by the person for use, or designed for use in storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body marihuana.
      (3)   Division (B)(2) of R.C. § 2925.11 applies with respect to a violation of division (c)(1) of this section when a person seeks or obtains medical assistance for another person who is experiencing a drug overdose, a person experiences a drug overdose and seeks medical assistance for that overdose, or a person is the subject of another person seeking or obtaining medical assistance for that overdose.
      (4)   Division (c)(1) of this section does not apply to a person’s use, or possession with purpose to use, any drug testing strips to determine the presence of fentanyl or a fentanyl-related compound.
   (e)   Notwithstanding Ohio R.C. Chapter 2981, any drug paraphernalia that was used, possessed, sold, or manufactured in violation of this section shall be seized, after a conviction for that violation, shall be forfeited, and upon forfeiture shall be disposed of pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2981.12(B).
   (f)   (1)   Whoever violates division (c)(1) of this section is guilty of illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
      (2)   Except as provided in division (f)(3) of this section, whoever violates division (c)(2) of this section is guilty of dealing in drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor of the second degree.
      (3)   Whoever violates division (c)(2) of this section by selling drug paraphernalia to a juvenile is guilty of selling drug paraphernalia to juveniles, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
      (4)   Whoever violates division (c)(3) of this section is guilty of illegal advertising of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor of the second degree.
   (g)   (1)   In addition to any other sanction imposed upon an offender for a violation of this section, the court may suspend for not more than five years the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit. However, if the offender pleaded guilty to or was convicted of a violation of Ohio R.C. 4511.19 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance or the law of another state or the United States arising out of the same set of circumstances as the violation, the court shall suspend the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit for not more than five years. If the offender is a professionally licensed person, in addition to any other sanction imposed for a violation of this section, the court immediately shall comply with Ohio R.C. 2925.38.
      (2)   A.   Any offender who received a mandatory suspension of the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit under this section prior to September 13, 2016 may file a motion with the sentencing court requesting the termination of the suspension. However, an offender who pleaded guilty to or was convicted of a violation of Ohio R.C. 4511.19 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance or law of another state or the United States that arose out of the same set of circumstances as the violation for which the offender’s license or permit was suspended under this section shall not file such a motion.
         B.   Upon the filing of a motion under division (g)(2) of this section, the sentencing court, in its discretion, may terminate the suspension.
(ORC 2925.14)
   (h)   Illegal Use or Possession of Marihuana Drug Paraphernalia.
      (1)   As used in this division (h), “drug paraphernalia” has the same meaning as in division (a) of this section.
      (2)   In determining if any equipment, product, or material is drug paraphernalia, a court or law enforcement officer shall consider, in addition to other relevant factors, all factors identified in division (b) of this section.
      (3)   No person shall knowingly use, or possess with purpose to use, any drug paraphernalia that is equipment, a product, or material of any kind that is used by the person, intended by the person for use, or designed for use in storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body marihuana.
      (4)   This division (h) does not apply to any person identified in division (d)(1) of this section, and it shall not be construed to prohibit the possession or use of a hypodermic as authorized by Ohio R.C. 3719.172.
      (5)   A.   Division (e) of this section applies with respect to any drug paraphernalia that was used or possessed in violation of division (h) of this section.
         B.   Division (B)(2) of R.C. § 2925.11 applies with respect to a violation of this division (h) when a person seeks or obtains medical assistance for another person who is experiencing a drug overdose, a person experiences a drug overdose and seeks medical assistance for that overdose, or a person is the subject of another person seeking or obtaining medical assistance for that overdose.
      (6)   A.   Whoever violates division (h)(3) of this section is guilty of illegal use or possession of marihuana drug paraphernalia, a minor misdemeanor.
         B.   Arrest or conviction for a violation of division (h)(3) of this section does not constitute a criminal record and need not be reported by the person so arrested or convicted in response to any inquiries about the person’s criminal record, including any inquiries contained in any application for employment, license, or other right or privilege, or made in connection with the person’s appearance as a witness.
      (7)   A.   In addition to any other sanction imposed upon an offender for a violation of division (h) of this section, the court shall do the following, if applicable:
            1.   If the offender pleaded guilty to or was convicted of a violation of R.C. § 4511.19 or a substantially similar municipal ordinance or the law of another state or the United States arising out of the same set of circumstances as the violation, the court shall suspend the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit for not more than five years.
            2.   If the offender is a professionally licensed person, the court immediately shall comply with R.C. § 2925.38.
         B.   1.   Any offender who received a mandatory suspension of the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit under division (h) of this section prior to September 13, 2016 may file a motion with the sentencing court requesting the termination of the suspension. However, an offender who pleaded guilty to or was convicted of a violation of Ohio R.C. 4511.19 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance or law of another state or the United States that arose out of the same set of circumstances as the violation for which the offender’s license or permit was suspended under division (h) of this section shall not file such a motion.
            2.   Upon the filing of a motion under division (h)(7)B. of this section, the sentencing court, in its discretion, may terminate the suspension.
(ORC 2925.141)
   (a)   No person shall knowingly possess any counterfeit controlled substance.
   (b)   Whoever violates division (a) of this section shall be guilty of possession of counterfeit controlled substances, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(R.C. § 2925.37(A), (G))
Statutory reference:
   Trafficking, other felony counterfeit controlled substance offenses, see Ohio R.C. 2925.37 (H) - (M)
   (a)   Unlawful Purchases.
      (1)   As used in divisions (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section:
         A.   “Consumer product.” Any food or drink that is consumed or used by humans and any drug, including a drug that may be provided legally only pursuant to a prescription, that is intended to be consumed or used by humans.
         B.   “Ephedrine.” Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains any quantity of ephedrine, any of its salts, optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers.
         C.   “Ephedrine product.” A consumer product that contains ephedrine.
         D.   “Pseudoephedrine.” Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains any quantity of pseudoephedrine, any of its salts, optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers.
         E.   “Pseudoephedrine product.” A consumer product consisting that contains pseudoephedrine.
         F.   “Retailer.” A place of business that offers consumer products for sale to the general public.
         G.   “Single-ingredient preparation.” A compound, mixture, preparation, or substance that contains a single active ingredient.
         H.   “Terminal distributor of dangerous drugs.” Has the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 4729.01.
      (2)   A.   1.   No individual shall knowingly purchase, receive, or otherwise acquire an amount of pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product that is greater than either of the following unless the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product is dispensed by a pharmacist pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs and the conduct of the pharmacist and the licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs is in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 3719, 4715, 4723, 4729, 4730, 4731, or 4741:
               a.   Three and six tenths grams within a period of a single day;
               b.   Nine grams within a period of 30 consecutive days.
            2.   The limits specified in divisions (a)(2)A.1.a. and (a)(2)A.1.b. of this section apply to the total amount of base pseudoephedrine or base ephedrine in the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, respectively. The limits do not apply to the product’s overall weight.
         B.   It is not a violation of division (b)(1) of this section for an individual to receive or accept more than an amount of pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product specified in division (a)(2)A.1.a. or (a)(2)A.1.b. of this section if the individual is an employee of a retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, and the employee receives or accepts from the retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product in a sealed container in connection with manufacturing, warehousing, placement, stocking, bagging, loading, or unloading of the product.
      (3)   A.   No individual under 18 years of age shall knowingly purchase, receive, or otherwise acquire a pseudoephedrine product, or ephedrine product unless the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product is dispensed by a pharmacist pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs and the conduct of the pharmacist and the licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs is in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 3719, 4715, 4723, 4729, 4730, 4731, or 4741.
         B.   Division (a)(3)A. of this section does not apply to an individual under 18 years of age who purchases, receives, or otherwise acquires a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product from any of the following:
            1.   A licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs or pharmacist who dispenses, sells, or otherwise provides the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to that individual and whose conduct is in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 3719, 4715, 4723, 4729, 4730, 4731, or 4741;
            2.   A parent or guardian of that individual who provides the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to the individual;
            3.   A person, as authorized by that individual’s parent or guardian, who dispenses, sells, or otherwise provides the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to the individual;
            4.   A retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs who provides the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to that individual if the individual is an employee of the retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and the individual receives or accepts from the retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product in a sealed container in connection with manufacturing, warehousing, placement, stocking, bagging, loading, or unloading of the product.
      (4)   No individual under 18 years of age shall knowingly show or give false information concerning the individual’s name, age, or other identification for the purpose of purchasing, receiving, or otherwise acquiring a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product.
      (5)   No individual shall knowingly fail to comply with the requirements of Ohio R.C. 3715.051(B).
      (6)   Whoever violates division (a)(2)A. of this section is guilty of unlawful purchase of a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
      (7)   Whoever violates division (a)(3)A. of this section is guilty of underage purchase of a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, a delinquent act that would be a misdemeanor of the fourth degree if it could be committed by an adult.
      (8)   Whoever violates division (a)(4) of this section is guilty of using false information to purchase a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, a delinquent act that would be a misdemeanor of the first degree if it could be committed by an adult.
      (9)   Whoever violates division (a)(5) of this section is guilty of improper purchase of a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(ORC 2925.55)
   (b)   Unlawful Retail Sales.
      (1)   A.   1.   Except as provided in division (b)(1)B. of this section, no retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs or an employee of a retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs shall knowingly sell, offer to sell, hold for sale, deliver, or otherwise provide to any individual an amount of pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product that is greater than either of the following:
               a.   Three and six tenths grams within a period of a single day;
               b.   Nine grams within a period of 30 consecutive days.
            2.   The maximum amounts specified in divisions (b)(1)A.1.a. and (b)(1)A.1.b. of this section apply to the total amount of base pseudoephedrine or base ephedrine in the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, respectively. The maximum amounts do not apply to the product’s overall weight.
         B.   1.   Division (b)(1)A. of this section does not apply to any quantity of pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product dispensed by a pharmacist pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs if the conduct of the pharmacist and the licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs is in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 3719, 4715, 4723, 4729, 4730, 4731, or 4741.
            2.   It is not a violation of division (b)(1)A. of this section for a retailer, terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, or employee of either to provide to an individual more than an amount of pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product specified in division (b)(1)A.1.a. or (b)(1)A.1.b. of this section under either of the following circumstances:
               a.   The individual is an employee of the retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, and the employee receives or accepts from the retailer, terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, or employee the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product in a sealed container in connection with manufacturing, warehousing, placement, stocking, bagging, loading, or unloading of the product;
               b.   A stop-sale alert is generated after the submission of information to the national precursor log exchange under the conditions described in Ohio R.C. 3715.052(A)(2).
      (2)   A.   Except as provided in division (b)(2)B. of this section, no retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs or an employee of a retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs shall sell, offer to sell, hold for sale, deliver, or otherwise provide a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to an individual who is under 18 years of age.
         B.   Division (b)(2)A. of this section does not apply to any of the following:
            1.   A licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs or pharmacist who dispenses, sells, or otherwise provides a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to an individual under 18 years of age and whose conduct is in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 3719, 4715, 4723, 4729, 4730, 4731, or 4741;
            2.   A parent or guardian of an individual under 18 years of age who provides a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to the individual;
            3.   A person who, as authorized by the individual’s parent or guardian, dispenses, sells, or otherwise provides a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to an individual under 18 years of age;
            4.   The provision by a retailer, terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, or employee of either of a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product in a sealed container to an employee of the retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs who is under 18 years of age in connection with manufacturing, warehousing, placement, stocking, bagging, loading, or unloading of the product.
      (3)   No retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs shall fail to comply with the requirements of Ohio R.C. 3715.051(A) or Ohio R.C. 3715.052(A)(2).
      (4)   No retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs shall fail to comply with the requirements of Ohio R.C. 3715.052(A)(1).
      (5)   Whoever violates division (b)(1)A. of this section is guilty of unlawfully selling a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
      (6)   Whoever violates division (b)(2)A. of this section is guilty of unlawfully selling a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to a minor, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
      (7)   Whoever violates division (b)(3) of this section is guilty of improper sale of a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, a misdemeanor of the second degree.
      (8)   Whoever violates division (b)(4) of this section is guilty of failing to submit information to the national precursor log exchange, a misdemeanor for which the offender shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation.
(ORC 2925.56)
   (c)   Transaction Scans.
      (1)   As used in this division and division (d) of this section:
         A.   “Card holder” means any person who presents a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card to a seller, or an agent or employee of a seller, to purchase or receive any pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product from the seller, agent, or employee.
         B.   Identification card” and “transaction scan device” have the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 2927.021.
         C.   “Seller” means a retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs.
         D.   “Transaction scan” means the process by which a seller or an agent or employee of a seller checks by means of a transaction scan device the validity of a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card that is presented as a condition for purchasing or receiving any pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product.
      (2)   A.   A seller or an agent or employee of a seller may perform a transaction scan by means of a transaction scan device to check the validity of a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or identification card presented by a card holder as a condition for selling, giving away, or otherwise distributing to the card holder a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product.
         B.   If the information deciphered by the transaction scan performed under division (c)(2)A. of this section fails to match the information printed on the driver’s or commercial driver’s license or identification card presented by the card holder, or if the transaction scan indicates that the information so printed is false or fraudulent, neither the seller nor any agent or employee of the seller shall sell, give away, or otherwise distribute any pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to the card holder.
         C.   Division (c)(2)A. of this section does not preclude a seller or an agent or employee of a seller as a condition for selling, giving away, or otherwise distributing a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to the person presenting the document from using a transaction scan device to check the validity of a document other than a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card if the document includes a bar code or magnetic strip that may be scanned by the device.
      (3)   Rules adopted by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles under Ohio R.C. 4301.61(C) apply to the use of transaction scan devices for purposes of this division (c) and division (d) of this section.
      (4)   A.   No seller or agent or employee of a seller shall electronically or mechanically record or maintain any information derived from a transaction scan, except the following:
            1.   The name, address, and date of birth of the person listed on the driver’s or commercial driver’s license or identification card presented by a card holder;
            2.   The expiration date, identification number, and issuing agency of the driver’s or commercial driver’s license or identification card presented by a card holder.
         B.   No seller or agent or employee of a seller shall use the information that is derived from a transaction scan or that is permitted to be recorded and maintained under division (c)(4)A. of this section except for purposes of division (d) of this section, Ohio R.C. 2925.58, or Ohio R.C. 3715.052(A)(1).
         C.   No seller or agent or employee of a seller shall use a transaction scan device for a purpose other than the purpose specified in division (c)(2)A. of this section.
         D.   No seller or agent or employee of a seller shall sell or otherwise disseminate the information derived from a transaction scan to any third party, including, but not limited to, selling or otherwise disseminating that information for any marketing, advertising, or promotional activities, but a seller or agent or employee of a seller may release that information pursuant to a court order or as specifically authorized by division (d) of this section or any other section of the Ohio Revised Code.
      (5)   Nothing in this division (c) or division (d) of this section relieves a seller or an agent or employee of a seller of any responsibility to comply with any other applicable state or federal laws or rules governing the sale, giving away, or other distribution of pseudoephedrine products or ephedrine products.
      (6)   Whoever violates division (c)(2)B. or (c)(4) of this section is guilty of engaging in an illegal pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product transaction scan, and the court may impose upon the offender a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation. The Clerk of the Court shall pay each collected civil penalty to the County Treasurer for deposit into the County Treasury.
(ORC 2925.57)
   (d)   Affirmative Defenses.
      (1)   A seller or an agent or employee of a seller may not be found guilty of a charge of a violation of division (b) of this section in which the age of the purchaser or other recipient of a pseudoephedrine product is an element of the alleged violation if the seller, agent, or employee raises and proves as an affirmative defense that all of the following occurred:
         A.   A card holder attempting to purchase or receive a pseudoephedrine product presented a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card.
         B.   A transaction scan of the driver’s or commercial driver’s license or identification card that the card holder presented indicated that the license or card was valid.
         C.   The pseudoephedrine product was sold, given away, or otherwise distributed to the card holder in reasonable reliance upon the identification presented and the completed transaction scan.
      (2)   In determining whether a seller or an agent or employee of a seller has proven the affirmative defense provided by division (d)(1) of this section, the trier of fact in the action for the alleged violation of division (b) of this section shall consider any written policy that the seller has adopted and implemented and that is intended to prevent violations of division (b) of this section. For purposes of division (d)(1)C. of this section, the trier of fact shall consider that reasonable reliance upon the identification presented and the completed transaction scan may require a seller or an agent or employee of a seller to exercise reasonable diligence to determine, and that the use of a transaction scan device does not excuse a seller or an agent or employee of a seller from exercising reasonable diligence to determine, the following:
         A.   Whether a person to whom the seller or agent or employee of a seller sells, gives away, or otherwise distributes a pseudoephedrine product is 18 years of age or older;
         B.   Whether the description and picture appearing on the driver’s or commercial driver’s license or identification card presented by a card holder is that of the card holder.
      (3)   In any criminal action in which the affirmative defense provided by division (d)(1) of this section is raised, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles or a deputy registrar who issued an identification card under Ohio R.C. 4507.50 through 4507.52 shall be permitted to submit certified copies of the records of that issuance in lieu of the testimony of the personnel of or contractors with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles in the action.
(ORC 2925.58)
   (e)   Retailer’s Duties.
      (1)   As used in divisions (e) and (f) of this section:
         A.   “Consumer product.” Any food or drink that is consumed or used by humans and any drug, including a drug that may be provided legally only pursuant to a prescription, that is intended to be consumed or used by humans.
         B.   “Drug.” Has the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 4729.01.
         C.   “Ephedrine.” Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains any quantity of ephedrine, any of its salts, optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers.
         D.   “Ephedrine product.” A consumer product that contains ephedrine.
         E.   “Law enforcement official.” An officer or employee of any agency or authority of the United States, a state, a territory, a political subdivision of a state or territory, or an Indian tribe, who is empowered by the law to investigate or conduct an official inquiry into a potential violation of law or prosecute or otherwise conduct a criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding arising from an alleged violation of law.
         F.   “Licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs.” Has the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 4729.01.
         G.   “National Precursor Log Exchange or “Exchange.” The electronic system for tracking sales of pseudoephedrine products and ephedrine products on a national basis that is administered by the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators or a successor organization.
         H.   “Pharmacist.” A person licensed under Ohio R.C. Chapter 4729 to engage in the practice of pharmacy.
         I.   “Pharmacy.” Has the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 4729.01.
         J.   “Prescriber.” Has the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 4729.01.
         K.   “Prescription.” Has the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 4729.01.
         L.   “Proof of age.” A driver’s license, a commercial driver’s license, a military identification card, a passport, or an identification card issued under sections Ohio R.C. 4507.50 to 4507.52 that shows a person is 18 years of age or older.
         M.   “Pseudoephedrine.” Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains any quantity of pseudoephedrine, any of its salts, optical isomers, or salts of optical isomers.
         N.   “Pseudoephedrine product.” A consumer product that contains pseudoephedrine.
         O.   “Retailer.” A place of business that offers consumer products for sale to the general public.
         P.   “Single-ingredient preparation.” A compound, mixture, preparation, or substance that contains a single active ingredient.
         Q.   “Stop-sale alert.” A notification sent from the national precursor log exchange to a retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs indicating that the completion of a sale of a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product would result in a violation of Ohio R.C. 2925.56(A)(1) or federal law.
         R.   “Terminal distributor of dangerous drugs.” Has the same meanings as in Ohio R.C. 4729.01.
         S.   “Wholesaler.” Has the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 3719.01.
      (2)   A retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs that sells, offers to sell, holds for sale, delivers, or otherwise provides a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product to the public shall do all of the following:
         A.   Segregate pseudoephedrine products or ephedrine products from other merchandise so that no member of the public may procure or purchase such products without the direct assistance of a pharmacist or other authorized employee of the retailer or terminal distributor of dangerous drugs;
         B.   With regard to each time a pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product is sold or otherwise provided without a valid prescription:
            1.   Determine, by examination of a valid proof of age, that the purchaser or recipient is at least 18 years of age;
            2.   a.   Using any information available, including information from the national precursor log exchange if the information is accessible, make a reasonable attempt to ensure that no individual purchases or receives an amount of pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product that is greater than either of the following:
                  i.   Three and six tenths grams within a period of a single day;
                  ii.   Nine grams within a period of 30 consecutive days.
               b.   The maximum amounts specified in divisions (e)(2)B.2.a.i. and (e)(2)B.2.a.ii. of this section apply to the total amount of base pseudoephedrine or base ephedrine in the pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product, respectively. The maximum amounts do not apply to the product’s overall weight.
         C.   Maintain a log book of pseudoephedrine product or ephedrine product purchases, in accordance with Ohio R.C. 3715.051;
         D.   If required to comply with section Ohio R.C. 3715.052, submit the information specified in divisions (A)(1)(a) to (A)(1)(d) of that section to the national precursor log exchange.
      (3)   Prescriptions, orders, and records maintained pursuant to this section and stocks of pseudoephedrine products and ephedrine products shall be open for inspection to federal, state, county, and municipal officers, and employees of the State Board of Pharmacy whose duty it is to enforce the laws of this state or of the United States relating to controlled substances. Such prescriptions, orders, records, and stocks shall be open for inspection by the State Medical Board and its employees for purposes of enforcing Ohio R.C. Chapter 4731.
(ORC 3715.05)
   (f)   Theft or Loss; Reporting Requirements.
      (1)   Each retailer, terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, pharmacy, prescriber, or wholesaler that sells, offers to sell, holds for sale, delivers, or otherwise provides any pseudoephedrine product and that discovers the theft or loss of any pseudoephedrine product in an amount of more than nine grams per incident of theft or loss shall notify all of the following upon discovery of the theft or loss:
         A.   The State Board of Pharmacy, by telephone immediately upon discovery of the theft or loss;
         B.   Law enforcement authorities. If the incident is a theft and the theft constitutes a felony, the retailer, terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, pharmacy, prescriber, or wholesaler shall report the theft to the law enforcement authorities in accordance with Ohio R.C. 2921.22.
      (2)   Within 30 days after making a report by telephone to the State Board of Pharmacy pursuant to division (f)(1)A. of this section, a retailer, terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, pharmacy, prescriber, or wholesaler shall send a written report to the State Board of Pharmacy.
      (3)   The reports required under this section shall identify the product that was stolen or lost, the amount of the product stolen or lost, and the date and time of discovery of the theft or loss.
(ORC 3715.06)
   (a)   As used in this section, “pure caffeine product” means:
      (1)   Subject to division (a)(2) of this section, a product that consists solely or primarily of caffeine and is manufactured into a crystalline, liquid, or powdered form.
      (2)   The phrase does not include any of the following that contains caffeine and is formulated, manufactured, and labeled in accordance with the laws and regulations enforced by the United States Food and Drug Administration:
         A.   Coffee, tea, any soft drink, any energy drink, or any other caffeine-containing beverage;
         B.   Any energy product.
   (b)   Except as provided in division (c) of this section, no person shall knowingly sell or offer for sale a pure caffeine product.
   (c)   Division (b) of this section does not prohibit a person from selling or offering for sale any product manufactured in a unit-dose form such as a pill, tablet, or caplet, but only if each unit dose of the product contains not more than 250 milligrams of caffeine.
   (d)   Nothing in this section prohibits either of the following:
      (1)   Possession of a product described in division (c) of this section;
      (2)   Possession of a pure caffeine product by any of the following:
         A.   A food processing establishment, as defined in R.C. § 3715.021;
         B.   A manufacturer of a drug that is available without a prescription;
         C.   A laboratory that holds a current, valid category III terminal distributor of dangerous drugs license issued by the state board of pharmacy under R.C. § 4729.54;
         D.   A laboratory of any agency or department of this state that performs testing, analysis, and other laboratory services on behalf of the state;
         E.   A postal or delivery service that transports or delivers a pure caffeine product to an entity specified in divisions (d)(2)A. to (d)(2)D. of this section.
   (e)   Whoever violates division (b) of this section is guilty of illegal sale of pure caffeine, a minor misdemeanor on a first offense and a misdemeanor of the third degree on each subsequent offense.
(R.C. § 2925.34)
   (a)   As used in this section:
      (1)   “Dextromethorphan.” Means the dextrorotatory isomer of 3-methoxy-N-methylmorphinan, including its salts, but not including its racemic or levorotatory forms.
      (2)   “Evidence of majority and identity.” Means a document issued by the federal government or a state, county, or municipal government, or a subdivision or agency of any of the foregoing, including a driver’s or commercial driver’s license, an identification card issued under R.C. §§ 4507.50 to 4507.52, a military identification card, or any other form of identification that bears the name, date of birth, description, and picture of the person identified.
      (3)   “Retailer.” Means a place of business that offers consumer products for sale to the general public, including a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs that is licensed under R.C. Chapter 4729 and operated as a pharmacy.
   (b)   No retailer or employee of a retailer shall knowingly supply, deliver, give, or otherwise provide a drug, material, compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing any quantity of dextromethorphan through the sale of any product to a person under 18 years of age, unless the person has been issued a prescription for the product being purchased.
   (c)   For purposes of division (b) of this section, the person making the sale of a product containing dextromethorphan shall require and obtain evidence of majority and identity from the purchaser, unless from the purchaser’s outward appearance the person making the sale would reasonably presume the purchaser to be 25 years of age or older. Proof that the person making the sale demanded, was shown, and acted in reasonable reliance on the purchaser’s evidence of majority and identity is a defense to any charge of a violation of division (b) of this section.
   (d)   A retailer or employee of a retailer is not liable for damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property that allegedly arises from an act or omission associated with a failure to prevent the sale of a product containing dextromethorphan to a person under 18 years of age, unless the act or omission constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.
   (e)   Whoever violates division (b) of this section is guilty of illegally selling dextromethorphan, a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 2925.62)
   (a)   Except as otherwise provided in R.C. Chapter 3780 and notwithstanding any conflicting provision of this code or the Ohio Revised Code, an adult use consumer, may do the following:
      (1)   Use adult use cannabis;
      (2)   Possess, transfer without remuneration to another adult consumer, or transport adult use cannabis, subject to division (b) of this section; and
      (3)   Purchase adult use cannabis from an adult use dispensary per day in amounts that do not exceed the possession limits set forth in division (b)(1) of this section.
   (b)   Except as otherwise provided in R.C. Chapter 3796:
      (1)   The amount of cannabis that may be possessed by an adult use consumer shall not exceed:
         A.   Two and one-half ounces of adult use cannabis in any form except adult use extract; and
         B.   Fifteen grams of adult use cannabis in the form of adult use extract.
      (2)   The amount of cannabis that may be transferred by an adult use consumer without remuneration and not advertised or promoted to the public shall not exceed:
         A.   Two and one-half ounces of adult use cannabis in any form except adult use extract; and
         B.   Fifteen grams of adult use cannabis in the form of adult use extract.
      (3)   The amount of cannabis that may be transported by an adult use consumer shall not exceed:
         A.   Two and one-half ounces of adult use cannabis in any form except adult use extract; and
         B.   Fifteen grams of adult use cannabis in the form of adult use extract.
   (c)   Except as otherwise provided in R.C. Chapter 3780, an adult use consumer shall not be subject to arrest, criminal prosecution, or civil penalty for engaging in any of the activities authorized under R.C. Chapter 3780, including:
      (1)   Obtaining, using, possessing, or transporting adult use cannabis;
      (2)   Performing conduct authorized under R.C. § 3780.29;
      (3)   Acquiring, possessing, using, purchasing, manufacturing, selling, or transporting paraphernalia; and
      (4)   Assisting another adult use consumer, or allowing property to be used, in any of the acts authorized by R.C. Chapter 3780.
   (d)   (1)   An individual is prohibited from operating a vehicle, motor vehicle, streetcar, trackless trolley, bike, watercraft, or aircraft while using adult use cannabis or while under the influence of adult use cannabis and is subject to R.C. § 4511.19 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance for any violation of this division.
      (2)   An individual is prohibited from smoking, vaporizing, or using any other combustible adult use cannabis product while in a vehicle, motor vehicle, streetcar, trackless trolley, bike, watercraft, or aircraft and is subject to R.C. § 4511.19 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance for any violation of this division.
   (e)   Except as otherwise provided in R.C. Chapter 3780, no individual under 21 years of age shall knowingly show or give false information concerning the individual’s name, age, or other identification for the purpose of purchasing adult use cannabis from an adult use dispensary licensed under R.C. Chapter 3780.
   (f)   Nothing in R.C. Chapter 3780 is intended to permit the transfer or sale of adult use cannabis, with or without remuneration, to an individual under 21 years of age, or to allow an individual under 21 years of age to purchase, possess, use, process, transport, or cultivate cannabis except where authorized by R.C. Chapter 3796.
   (g)   It is unlawful for any parent or guardian to knowingly permit their residence, any other private property under their control, or any vehicle, conveyance, or watercraft under their control to be used by an invitee of the parent’s child or the guardian’s ward, if the invitee is under 21 years of age, in a manner that constitutes a violation of R.C. Chapter 3780.
      (1)   A parent or guardian is deemed to have knowingly permitted their residence, any other private property under their control, or any vehicle, conveyance, or watercraft under their control to be used in violation of R.C. Chapter 3780 if they knowingly authorize or permit consumption of cannabis by underage invitees.
      (2)   Where the residence or other property has an owner and a tenant or lessee, the trier of fact may infer that the residence or other property is occupied only by the tenant or lessee.
(R.C. § 3780.36)
   (h)   Penalties.
      (1)   Except as otherwise provided in R.C. Chapter 3796, R.C. § 2925.11 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance shall apply when an adult use consumer possesses an amount of cannabis greater than the limits set forth in division (b)(1) of this section.
      (2)   Except as otherwise provided in R.C. Chapter 3780, an adult use consumer who uses adult use cannabis in public areas, or who violates division (d)(2) of this section as a passenger, is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
      (3)   A.   An individual under 21 years of age who knowingly shows or gives false information concerning the individual’s name, age, or other identification for the purpose of purchasing or otherwise obtaining adult use cannabis from an adult use dispensary licensed under R.C. Chapter 3780 is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. If, in committing a first violation, the offender presented to an adult use dispensary licensed under R.C. Chapter 3780 a false, fictitious, or altered identification card, a false or fictitious driver’s license purportedly issued by any state, or a driver’s license issued by any state that has been altered, the offender is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not less than $250 and not more than $1,000, and may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than six months.
         B.   On a second violation in which, for the second time, the offender presented to an adult use dispensary licensed under R.C. Chapter 3780 a false, fictitious, or altered identification card, a false or fictitious driver’s license purportedly issued by any state, or a driver’s license issued by any state that has been altered, the offender is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, and may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than six months. The court also may impose a class seven suspension of the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in R.C. § 4510.02(A)(7). The court, in lieu of suspending the offender’s temporary instruction permit, probationary driver’s license, or driver’s license, instead may order the offender to perform a determinate number of hours of community service, with the court determining the actual number of hours and the nature of the community service the offender shall perform.
         C.   On a third or subsequent violation in which, for the third or subsequent time, the offender presented to an adult use dispensary licensed under R.C. Chapter 3780 a false, fictitious, or altered identification card, a false or fictitious driver’s license purportedly issued by any state, or a driver’s license issued by any state that has been altered, the offender is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, and may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than six months. Except as provided in this division, the court also may impose a class six suspension of the offender’s driver’s or commercial driver’s license or permit or nonresident operating privilege from the range specified in R.C. § 4510.02(A)(6), and the court may order that the suspension or denial remain in effect until the offender attains the age of 21 years. The court, in lieu of suspending the offender’s temporary instruction permit, probationary driver’s license, or driver’s license, instead may order the offender to perform a determinate number of hours of community service, with the court determining the actual number of hours and the nature of the community service the offender shall perform.
      (4)   An individual who is under 21 years of age and who solicits another individual to purchase adult use cannabis from an adult use dispensary licensed under R.C. Chapter 3780 is guilty of:
         A.   For a first violation, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree; and
         B.   For a second or subsequent violation, a misdemeanor of the second degree.
      (5)   An employee or agent of an adult use dispensary licensed under R.C. Chapter 3780 who knowingly sells cannabis to an individual under 21 years of age is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
      (6)   Any individual who violates R.C. § 3780.10(A), or R.C. § 3780.29(F), is guilty of the illegal trafficking in drugs under R.C. § 2925.03 and the illegal manufacture of drugs under R.C. § 2925.04.
      (7)   Any individual who violates division (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section guilty of the illegal trafficking in drugs under R.C. § 2925.03.
      (8)   Any individual who violates R.C. § 3780.20(B) is guilty of illegal dispensing of drug samples under R.C. § 2925.36 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance.
      (9)   A.   An individual who violates division (g) of this section is guilty of:
            1.   For a first violation, a misdemeanor of the third degree; and
            2.   For a second or subsequent violation, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
         B.   If a violation of division (g) of this section directly or indirectly results in great bodily harm or death to any individual, the individual violating division (g) is guilty of a felony to be prosecuted under appropriate state law.
(R.C. § 3780.99)
513.99 PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 501.99 for penalties applicable to any misdemeanor classification.)