(a)   All full-time employees shall be granted the following vacation leave with full pay based upon their length of service as follows:
Length of Service (yrs.)
Vacation Leave (calendar wks.) 
One but less than seven
Seven but less than thirteen
Thirteen but less than twenty
Twenty but less than twenty-five
Twenty-five years or more
   (b)   An employee becomes eligible for vacation leave on his or her first employment anniversary date, and vacation leave shall be taken by the employee only up to the amount he or she has accrued as of the date he or she begins such vacation. An employee may accrue vacation leave only up to the amount he or she could accrue in two years. If vacation leave has not been taken, accrual shall cease until previous accrued time is used.
   (c)   If an employee is terminated (voluntarily or involuntarily) prior to taking his or her vacation, he or she shall be paid the accrued balance of any fully earned but unused vacation leave at the time of separation. In case of the death of an employee, the unused vacation leave shall be paid to such employee's estate.
   (d)   If a holiday set forth in Section 165.04(a) falls within an employee's vacation leave, the employee shall receive an additional day off in lieu of the holiday. Such additional day may be taken either at the beginning or end of the vacation leave.
   (e)   An employee may take his or her vacation during the calendar year at the convenience of the City. In January, each employee will be given an opportunity to indicate, on a form provided by the City, his or her vacation leave preferences. Promptly thereafter, a written vacation schedule will be prepared by the City with preference given to employees according to their seniority, to the extent consistent with the needs of their departments.
(Ord. 89-6. Passed 1-3-89; Ord. 2006-156. Passed 11-6-06; Ord. 2019-69. Passed 5-20-19.)