137.13 SICK LEAVE.
   (a)    Each employee who has completed sixty days employment shall be granted sick leave with pay for personal illness or injury as follows:
      (1)   Paid sick leave is earned and accumulated at the rate of one and one fourth days for each month worked until a total of 120 days have been earned and accumulated.
         A.   Except that a new employee at the end of sixty days of employment shall be credited with a total of six days sick leave.
      (2)   As long as an employee has 120 days of accumulated and unused sick leave, he cannot earn and accumulate additional sick leave.
      (3)   If any accumulated sick leave is used, then the employee accumulates sick leave at the rate previously specified until he has again reached the maximum accumulated credit of 120 days.
      (4)   Pay for sick leave shall be at the employee's regular straight time hourly rate, or portion thereof, if absent for less than a full day.
      (5)   To be eligible for paid sick leave, an employee must report, prior to his scheduled starting time, the reason for his absence to his Superintendent on the day involved and the length of the absence.
      (6)   A member of the Fire Division who is absent on sick leave may be required to present a doctor's certificate stating the cause of his absence for any illness of more than two consecutive scheduled work days. At the discretion of the responsible administrative officer of the City, a member of the Fire Division may be required to submit to and pass a physical examination by a doctor satisfactory to the City before being permitted to return to work. If the doctor is designated by the City, the City shall bear the expense of the examination.
   (b)   An employee may use sick leave upon approval of the responsible administrative officer of the City for absence due to illness, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees and for illness or death in the employee's immediate family.
      (1)   Illness in immediate family is defined to include the following: spouse, children, parents and spouse's parents.
      (2)   Death in immediate family is defined to include the following: spouse, children, parents, brothers, sister, grandparents and grandchildren.
      (3)   The responsible administrative officer may require the employee to furnish a satisfactory affidavit to the effect that his absence was caused by illness or death due to any of the foregoing causes.
   (c)   Sick leave may be extended at the discretion of the responsible administrative officer of the City for good cause shown.
   (d)   Sick pay up to 105 days shall be paid to employees upon termination of employment under the following conditions:
      (1)   Death;
      (2)   Permanent disability;
      (3)   Retirement:
         A.   At age 65 after 10 years service;
         B.   At age 60 after 15 years service;
         C.   At age 55 after 20 years service;
         D.   At age 50 after 25 years service;
   (e)   Sick leave shall be chargeable to Fire Division employees as follows:
      (1)   Employees working an eight hour day, forty hour week shall be charged at the rate of one day sick leave for each day of absence.
      (2)   Employees working a twenty-four hour platoon schedule shall be charged as follows:
         A.   For the first day of absence from work, the individual fireman shall be charged one-half day of sick leave for each six hours absence from work. For each consecutive scheduled work day thereafter, the individual fireman shall be charged one-quarter day for each six hours absence from work.
   (f)   Members of the Fire Department shall be granted a leave of absence with pay in the event of the death of his or her spouse, mother, father, child, brother, sister, grandparents, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law and son-in-law. A member of the Fire Division may absent himself for this purpose for a period not to exceed three working days for each death, whether within or without the State of Ohio, which would include travel time, except that members of the Fire Division working an eight-hour day, forty-hour week shall receive a period not to exceed three days for each death, including travel within the State of Ohio, and five work days for each death, including travel outside of the State of Ohio.
(Ord. 74-287. Passed 12-2-74.)